Surnames with "bank" in Meaning

This is a list of surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword bank.
See Also
bank meaning
Banks English
Originally indicated someone who lived near a hillside or a bank of land.
Kishimoto Japanese
From Japanese (kishi) meaning "beach, shore, bank" and (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Riva Italian
Means "bank, shore" in Italian, from Latin ripa, denoting one who lived by a river or a lake.
Rivera Spanish
From Spanish ribera meaning "bank, shore", from Latin riparius.
Vera Spanish
Means "shore, bank" in Spanish. This was a name for a person who lived near such a feature, or who came from any of the various locations in Spain named Vera or La Vera.
Wallin Swedish
From Swedish vall meaning "wall, bank" (ultimately of Latin origin).
Yamagishi Japanese
From Japanese (yama) meaning "mountain" and (kishi) meaning "beach, shore, bank".