Browse Surnames

This is a list of surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword entrance.
Gates English
Originally denoted a person who lived near the town gates.
Hamaguchi Japanese
From Japanese (hama) meaning "beach, seashore" and (kuchi) meaning "mouth, entrance".
Haraguchi Japanese
From Japanese (hara) meaning "field, plain" and (kuchi) meaning "mouth, entrance".
Hashiguchi Japanese
From Japanese (hashi) meaning "bridge" and (kuchi) meaning "mouth, entrance".
Kawaguchi Japanese
Means "mouth of the river", from Japanese (kawa) meaning "river, stream" and (kuchi) meaning "mouth, entrance".
Merritt English
From an English place name meaning "boundary gate".
Noguchi Japanese
From Japanese (no) meaning "field, wilderness" and (kuchi) meaning "mouth, entrance".
Portner Low German
Low German cognate of Porter.
Puerta Spanish
Means "door, gate", a topographic name for a person who lived near the gates of the town.
Southgate English
Name for a person who lived near the southern gate of a town or in a town named Southgate, from Old English suþ and gæt.
Taniguchi Japanese
From Japanese (tani) meaning "valley" and (kuchi) meaning "mouth, entrance".
Van der Stoep Dutch
Means "from the paved entrance", from Dutch stoep meaning "paved porch at the entrance to a house".
Yamaguchi Japanese
From Japanese (yama) meaning "mountain" and (kuchi) meaning "mouth, entrance". Olympic figure-skating champion Kristi Yamaguchi (1971-) bears this name.
Yates English
From Old English geat meaning "gate", a name for a gatekeeper or someone who lived near a gate.