Browse Namesakes

Jerusha AbbottfFictional Characters from Books
Alexandra, Countess of FrederiksborgfOther Royalty
Alexandra FeodorovnafOther Royalty, Saints
Alexandra of DenmarkfOther Royalty
Alexia of the NetherlandsfOther Royalty
AmaryllisfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Jane AndrewsfFictional Characters from Books
Anne, Princess RoyalfOther Royalty
Ariane of the NetherlandsfOther Royalty
Athena of DenmarkfOther Royalty
Amalia BalashfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Diana BarryfFictional Characters from Books
Josephine BarryfFictional Characters from Books
Beatrice of YorkfOther Royalty
Beatrix of the NetherlandsfOther Royalty
Tirzah Ben-HurfFictional Characters from Books
Tuppence BeresfordfFictional Characters from Books
Julia BertramfFictional Characters from Books
Maria BertramfFictional Characters from Books
Louise BigelowfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Caroline BingleyfFictional Characters from Books
Anne BoleynfOther Royalty, Shakespearian Characters
Lise BolkonskayafFictional Characters from Books
Mariya BolkonskayafFictional Characters from Books
Madeline BrayfFictional Characters from Books
Meg BrockiefFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Kelci BryantfOlympic Medalists
Bonnie ButlerfFictional Characters from Books
Cecily CardewfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Ado Annie CarnesfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Caroline of MonacofOther Royalty
Catharina-Amalia, Princess of OrangefOther Royalty
Catherine, Princess of WalesfOther Royalty
Catherine of AragonfOther Royalty, Shakespearian Characters
Charlene, Princess of MonacofOther Royalty
Charlotte of WalesfOther Royalty
Nadia ComănecifNotable Athletes, Olympic Medalists
Mary CrawfordfFictional Characters from Books
Sophia CroftfFictional Characters from Books
Marilla CuthbertfFictional Characters from Books
Georgiana DarcyfFictional Characters from Books
Fanny DashwoodfFictional Characters from Books
Margaret DashwoodfFictional Characters from Books
Lady Catherine de BourghfFictional Characters from Books
Lorna DoonefFictional Characters from Books
Amy DorritfFictional Characters from Books
Gabby DouglasfOlympic Medalists
Nancy DrewfFictional Characters from Books
Eléonore of BelgiumfOther Royalty
Élisabeth, Duchess of BrabantfOther Royalty
Elisabeth of AustriafOther Royalty
Anne ElliotfFictional Characters from Books
Elizabeth ElliotfFictional Characters from Books
Augusta EltonfFictional Characters from Books
Estelle of SwedenfOther Royalty
Eugenie of YorkfOther Royalty
Eugénie of FrancefOther Royalty
Gwendolen FairfaxfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Jane FairfaxfFictional Characters from Books
Cosette FauchelevantfFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
George FaynefFictional Characters from Books
Princess Flavia of RuritaniafFictional Characters from Books
Nettie FowlerfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Romola GaraifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alexandra GiddensfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Ruby GillisfFictional Characters from Books
Melanie Hamilton WilkesfFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies
Gwendolen HarlethfFictional Characters from Books
Estella HavishamfFictional Characters from Books
He KexinfOlympic Medalists
Honoria, Lady DedlockfFictional Characters from Books
Lark IngoldsbyfFictional Characters from Movies
Ingrid Alexandra of NorwayfOther Royalty
Ingrid of SwedenfOther Royalty
Isabella of DenmarkfOther Royalty
Sandra IzbaşafOlympic Medalists
Abigail JohnstonfOlympic Medalists
Julie JordanfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Josephine of DenmarkfOther Royalty
Juliana of the NetherlandsfOther Royalty
Tacy KellyfFictional Characters from Books
Ella Lorena KennedyfFictional Characters from Books
Cecily KingfFictional Characters from Television
Felicity KingfFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Isabella KnightleyfFictional Characters from Books
Viktoria KomovafOlympic Medalists
Hélène KuraginafFictional Characters from Books
Lydia LanguishfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Mirah LapidothfFictional Characters from Books
Infanta Leonor of SpainfOther Royalty
Letizia of SpainfOther Royalty
Nastia LiukinfOlympic Medalists
Pippi LongstockingfFictional Characters from Books
Charlotte LucasfFictional Characters from Books
Rachel LyndefFictional Characters from Books
Eulalie Mackecknie ShinnfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Fiona MacLarenfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Jean MacLarenfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Madeleine of SwedenfOther Royalty
MadelinefFictional Characters from Books
Amy MarchfFictional Characters from Books
Beth MarchfFictional Characters from Books
Jo MarchfFictional Characters from Books
Meg MarchfFictional Characters from Books
Margaret of ConnaughtfOther Royalty
Margaret, Countess of SnowdonfOther Royalty
Marie of DenmarkfOther Royalty
McKayla MaroneyfOlympic Medalists
Miss Jane MarplefFictional Characters from Books
Märtha Louise of NorwayfOther Royalty
Bess MarvinfFictional Characters from Books
Mary, Queen of DenmarkfOther Royalty
Mathilde of BelgiumfOther Royalty
Máxima of the NetherlandsfOther Royalty
Rose MayliefFictional Characters from Books
Rūta MeilutytėfNotable Athletes, Olympic Medalists
Julia MelvillefFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Mette-Marit of NorwayfOther Royalty
Catherine MorlandfFictional Characters from Books
Tib MullerfFictional Characters from Books
Henrietta MusgrovefFictional Characters from Books
Louisa MusgrovefFictional Characters from Books
Mary MusgrovefFictional Characters from Books
Aliya MustafinafOlympic Medalists
NancyfFictional Characters from Books
Kate NicklebyfFictional Characters from Books
Carreen O'HarafFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies
Scarlett O'HarafFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies
Suellen O'HarafFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies
Paola of BelgiumfOther Royalty
Marian ParoofFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Henrietta PetowkerfFictional Characters from Books
Zara PhillipsfOlympic Medalists
Carrie PipperidgefFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Cătălina PonorfOlympic Medalists
Fanny PricefFictional Characters from Books
Matilda PricefFictional Characters from Books
Hester PrynnefFictional Characters from Books
Josie PyefFictional Characters from Books
Alexandra RaismanfOlympic Medalists
Betsy RayfFictional Characters from Books
Julia RayfFictional Characters from Books
Margaret RayfFictional Characters from Books
Ilona RitterfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Ellen Robillard O'HarafFictional Characters from Books
Kyla RossfOlympic Medalists
Natasha RostovafFictional Characters from Books
Sonya RostovafFictional Characters from Books
Romy SchneiderfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jane SeymourfOther Royalty
Zaneeta ShinnfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Anne ShirleyfFictional Characters from Books
Silvia of SwedenfOther Royalty
Wallis SimpsonfOther Notables
Peg SliderskewfFictional Characters from Books
Harriet SmithfFictional Characters from Books
Sofía of SpainfOther Royalty
Infanta Sofía of SpainfOther Royalty
Sonja of NorwayfOther Royalty
Fanny SqueersfFictional Characters from Books
Muriel StacyfFictional Characters from Books
Beryl StapletonfFictional Characters from Books
Anne SteelefFictional Characters from Books
Lucy SteelefFictional Characters from Books
Stéphanie of MonacofOther Royalty
Stéphanie, Hereditary Grand Duchess of LuxembourgfOther Royalty
Esther SummersonfFictional Characters from Books
Isabella ThorpefFictional Characters from Books
Thyra of DenmarkfOther Royalty
Eleanor TilneyfFictional Characters from Books
Victoria, Crown Princess of SwedenfOther Royalty
Victoria Eugenie of BattenbergfOther Royalty
Emily WebbfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Jordyn WieberfOlympic Medalists
Wilhelmina of the NetherlandsfOther Royalty
Laurey WilliamsfFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Caddie WoodlawnfFictional Characters from Books
Sir Anthony AbsolutemFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Captain Jack AbsolutemFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Bob AcresmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Albert II of BelgiummOther Royalty
Albert I of BelgiummOther Royalty
Albert II of MonacomOther Royalty
Albert I of MonacomOther Royalty
Albert of Saxe-Coburg and GothamOther Royalty
Tommy AlbrightmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Aleksey Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of RussiamOther Royalty, Saints
Andrew, Duke of YorkmOther Royalty
Baudouin of BelgiummOther Royalty
James BenwickmFictional Characters from Books
Tommy BeresfordmFictional Characters from Books
Edmund BertrammFictional Characters from Books
Tom BertrammFictional Characters from Books
Pierre BezukhovmFictional Characters from Books
Friedrich BhaermFictional Characters from Books
Billy BigelowmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Charles BingleymFictional Characters from Books
Gilbert BlythemFictional Characters from Books
Andrey BolkonskymFictional Characters from Books
David BoudiamOlympic Medalists
John BrookemFictional Characters from Books
John BrowdiemFictional Characters from Books
Rhett ButlermFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies
Carl Philip of SwedenmOther Royalty
Charles IIImEnglish and British Kings and Queens
Charles III, Prince of MonacomOther Royalty
Christian, Crown Prince of DenmarkmOther Royalty
Frank ChurchillmFictional Characters from Books
Noah ClaypolemFictional Characters from Books
Henry CrawfordmFictional Characters from Books
Matthew CuthbertmFictional Characters from Books
Charlie DalrymplemFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Daniel, Duke of VästergötlandmOther Royalty
John DashwoodmFictional Characters from Books
Jack DawkinsmFictional Characters from Books
Daniel DerondamFictional Characters from Books
Tommy DjilasmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Jeff DouglasmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Edward, Duke of EdinburghmOther Royalty
Walter ElliotmFictional Characters from Books
William ElliotmFictional Characters from Books
Philip EltonmFictional Characters from Books
Emmanuel of BelgiummOther Royalty
Freddy Eynsford-HillmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Felix of DenmarkmOther Royalty
Franz Joseph ImAustrian Dukes and Emperors, Bohemian Kings, Hungarian Kings and Queens
Robert FerrarsmFictional Characters from Books
Frederik XmDanish Kings and Queens
Gabriel of BelgiummOther Royalty
Arthur GridemFictional Characters from Books
Haakon Magnus, Crown Prince of NorwaymOther Royalty
Charles HamiltonmFictional Characters from Books
Wade Hampton HamiltonmFictional Characters from Books
Frank HardymFictional Characters from Books
Joe HardymFictional Characters from Books
Harry, Duke of SussexmOther Royalty
Sir Mulberry HawkmFictional Characters from Books
Prince Henrik of DenmarkmOther Royalty
Henrik of MonpezatmOther Royalty
Harold HillmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Sherlock HolmesmFictional Characters from Books
Joachim of DenmarkmOther Royalty
Frank KennedymFictional Characters from Books
Stephen KodalymFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Anatole KuraginmFictional Characters from Books
Arpad LaszlomFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Theodore LaurencemFictional Characters from Books
Leopold IIImOther Royalty
Leopold IImOther Royalty
Leopold ImOther Royalty
Louis II, Prince of MonacomOther Royalty
Curly McLainmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Algernon MoncrieffmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
James MoriartymFictional Characters from Books
James MorlandmFictional Characters from Books
Chet MortonmFictional Characters from Books
Charles MusgrovemFictional Characters from Books
Nicholas NicklebymFictional Characters from Books
Ralph NicklebymFictional Characters from Books
Nikolai of DenmarkmOther Royalty
Newman NoggsmFictional Characters from Books
Georg NowackmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Gerald O'HaramFictional Characters from Books
Sir Lucius O'TriggermFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Winthrop ParoomFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Philip, Duke of EdinburghmOther Royalty
PhilippemOther Royalty
Hercule PoirotmFictional Characters from Books
William PricemFictional Characters from Books
Rainier III, Prince of MonacomOther Royalty
Count Ilya RostovmFictional Characters from Books
Nikolai RostovmFictional Characters from Books
Petya RostovmFictional Characters from Books
Bill SikesmFictional Characters from Books
Ladislav SiposmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Enoch SnowmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Wackford SqueersmFictional Characters from Books
Sverre Magnus of NorwaymOther Royalty
ThéodredmTolkien's Characters
John ThorpemFictional Characters from Books
Frederick TilneymFictional Characters from Books
Henry TilneymFictional Characters from Books
Oliver TwistmFictional Characters from Books
Lord Frederick VerisophtmFictional Characters from Books
Vincent of DenmarkmOther Royalty
Marcellus WashburnmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Dr. John WatsonmFictional Characters from Books
Frederick WentworthmFictional Characters from Books
George WickhammFictional Characters from Books
Ashley WilkesmFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies
Beauregard WilkesmFictional Characters from Books
Willem-Alexander of the NetherlandsmOther Royalty
Willem III of the NetherlandsmOther Royalty
Willem II of the NetherlandsmOther Royalty
Willem I of the NetherlandsmOther Royalty
William, Prince of WalesmOther Royalty
Allan WoodcourtmFictional Characters from Books
Henry WoodhousemFictional Characters from Books
John WorthingmFictional Characters from Plays and Musicals