Browse Namesakes

Ed FlandersmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Jason FlemyngmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jerome FlynnmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Peter FondamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Malcolm ForbesmNotable Businesspeople
Henry FordmNotable Businesspeople, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Diego ForlánmNotable Athletes
Eric FormanmFictional Characters from Television
Robert ForstermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Pim FortuynmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
James FoxmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Laurence FoxmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Matthew FoxmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Megan FoxfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jonathan FrakesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Charlie FrancismFictional Characters from Television
Don FrancksmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
James FrancomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Aretha FranklinfNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Sam FranklinmFictional Characters from Television
Isaäc Dignus Fransen van de PuttemDutch Prime Ministers
Dennis FranzmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Brendan FrasermNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Frederik XmDanish Kings and Queens
Fredrik ImSwedish Kings and Queens
Martin FreemanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Brenda FrickerfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Fridolin of SäckingenmSaints
William FriedkinmNotable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners
Friedrich Heinrich of PrussiamOther Royalty
Friedrich IIImOther Royalty
Rupert FriendmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gus FringmFictional Characters from Television
Josef FritzlmNotable Evildoers
Nick FrostmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Stephen FrymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Nelly FurtadofNotable Musicians
Lionel FuscomFictional Characters from Television
Tulsi GabbardfNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Clark GablemNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Gabriel of SwedenmOther Royalty
Gabriel VIIImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Joe GaetjensmNotable Athletes
DiocletianmRoman and Byzantine Emperors
Giorgi GakhariamGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Johnny GaleckimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Zach GalifianakismNotable Actors and Entertainers
France GallfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Peter GallaghermNotable Actors and Entertainers
John GalsworthymNobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers
Isa GambarmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Bruno GanzmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Romola GaraifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Victor GarbermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mario García MenocalmOther Leaders
Ava GardnerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rulon GardnermOlympic Medalists
Andrew GarfieldmNotable Actors and Entertainers
James GarnermEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Teri GarrfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Leif GarrettmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Jennie GarthfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bill GatesmNotable Businesspeople
Natalia GavrilițafOther Leaders
Marvin GayemNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Mitzi GaynorfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gedun DrupamOther Religious Leaders
Gedun GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Ruud GeelsmNotable Athletes
GelanormCharacters in Greek Mythology
Monica GellerfFictional Characters from Television
Ross GellermFictional Characters from Television
George A. RomeromNotable Filmmakers
George of WalesmOther Royalty
Georgios ImOther Royalty
Pieter Sjoerds GerbrandymDutch Prime Ministers
Ognyan GerdzhikovmBulgarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Einar GerhardsenmNorwegian Prime Ministers
George GershwinmNotable Musicians
Gertrude van OostenfSaints
Vaughan GethingmOther Leaders
Balthazar GettymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Irakli GharibashvilimGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Paul GiamattimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Thomas GibsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tyrese GibsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
John GielgudmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners, Tony Award Winners
Kathie Lee GiffordfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Melissa GilbertfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sara GilbertfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Julia GillardfAustralian Prime Ministers
Aidan GillenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
John "Dizzy" GillespiemNotable Musicians
Aden GillettmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hans GillhausmNotable Athletes
Terry GilliammNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Valéry Giscard d'EstaingmFrench Presidents and Prime Ministers
Gisela of AustriafOther Royalty
Lillian GishfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Paul Michael GlasermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Susan GlaspellfNotable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners
Summer GlaufNotable Actors and Entertainers
Christoph Willibald GluckmNotable Musicians
Glycerius of AntiochmSaints
Glycerius of MilanmSaints
Glycerius of NicomediamSaints
Marissa GoldfFictional Characters from Television
Whoopi GoldbergfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners, Tony Award Winners
Jeff GoldblummNotable Actors and Entertainers
Harry GoldenblattmFictional Characters from Television
William GoldingmNobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers
GoldmundmFictional Characters from Books
Miguel Mariano GómezmOther Leaders
Árpád GönczmHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Julie GonzalofNotable Actors and Entertainers
Matthew GoodemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Cuba Gooding, Jr.mNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Mikhail GorbachevmNobel Prize Winners, Other Leaders
Joseph Gordon-LevittmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Al GoremNobel Prize Winners, Notable Politicians and Statespeople
Henryk GóreckimNotable Musicians
Marius GoringmNotable Actors and Entertainers
François-Joseph GossecmNotable Musicians
Mark-Paul GosselaarmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Louis Gossett, Jr.mNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Gilbert GottfriedmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Charles GounodmNotable Musicians
Topher GracemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sue GraftonfNotable Writers
Ariana GrandefNotable Musicians
Cary GrantmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Richard E. GrantmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Peter GravesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rupert GravesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Linda GrayfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rachel GreenfFictional Characters from Television
Seth GreenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Shecky GreenemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Adrian GreniermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael GreyeyesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dale GribblemFictional Characters from Television
Edvard GriegmNotable Musicians
Lois GriffinfFictional Characters from Television
Hugh GriffithmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Melanie GriffithfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Richard GriffithsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Scott GrimesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rupert GrintmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Charles GrodinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dalia GrybauskaitėfLithuanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Daniel GuggenheimmNotable Businesspeople
Besarion GugushvilimGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Sienna GuilloryfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alec GuinnessmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Fuad GuliyevmOther Leaders
Ruud GullitmNotable Athletes
Gurias of EdessamSaints
Gustaf VI AdolfmSwedish Kings and Queens
Gustav II AdolfmNotable Military Figures, Swedish Kings and Queens
Gustav IIImSwedish Kings and Queens
Gustav IV AdolfmSwedish Kings and Queens
Gustav VmSwedish Kings and Queens
António GuterresmOther Leaders, Portuguese Presidents and Prime Ministers
Guðni T. JóhannessonmIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Steve GuttenbergmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Edmund GwennmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Haakon Magnus, Crown Prince of NorwaymOther Royalty
Haakon VIImNorwegian Kings and Queens
Arie HaanmNotable Athletes
Gene HackmanmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Larry HagmanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kathryn HahnfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Deidre HallfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rebecca HallfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Phoebe HalliwellfFictional Characters from Television
Piper HalliwellfFictional Characters from Television
Prue HalliwellfFictional Characters from Television
Johnny HallydaymNotable Musicians
Otto B. HalvorsenmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Mark HamillmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Linda HamiltonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jon HammmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Hjalmar HammarskjöldmSwedish Prime Ministers
Armie HammermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Susan HampshirefEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Georg Friedrich HändelmNotable Musicians
Tom HanksmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
John HannahmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Harald VmNorwegian Kings and Queens
Tom HardymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Johann HarimNotable Journalists
Edward HarlandmNotable Businesspeople
Mark HarmonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Edna HarperfFictional Characters from Television
Stephen HarpermCanadian Prime Ministers
Valerie HarperfEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Woody HarrelsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ed HarrismNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jared HarrismNotable Actors and Entertainers
Richard HarrismNotable Actors and Entertainers
Simon HarrismIrish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Harry, Duke of SussexmOther Royalty
Josh HartnettmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hasan HasanovmOther Leaders
Adrian HaslermOther Leaders
Jimmy Floyd HasselbainkmNotable Athletes
Anne HathawayfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Shawn HatosymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rutger HauermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Stephen HawkingmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Nigel HawthornemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joseph HaydnmNotable Musicians
Salma HayekfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sean HayesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Susan HaywardfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Murray HeadmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Lena HeadeyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Amber HeardfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Anne HechefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Theo HeemskerkmDutch Prime Ministers
Van HeflinmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Hugh HefnermNotable Businesspeople
Eduard HegermOther Leaders
Katherine HeiglfNotable Actors and Entertainers
John HeitingamNotable Athletes
Simon HelbergmNotable Actors and Entertainers
James HellermFictional Characters from Television
Mariel HemingwayfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Isaac Hempstead-WrightmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jimi HendrixmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Jill HennessyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Henrik of MonpezatmOther Royalty
Natasha HenstridgefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Audrey HepburnfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners, Tony Award Winners
Heraclas ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria, Saints
Jean HerlymOther Leaders
Toon HermansmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Hermippus of NicomediamSaints
Hermocrates of NicomediamSaints
Hermolaus of NicomediamSaints
HerostratusmNotable Evildoers
Edward HerrmannmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Barbara HersheyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Victor Francis HessmNobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Charlton HestonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Paul "Bono" HewsonmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Thor HeyerdahlmNotable Explorers and Adventurers
Corneille HeymansmNobel Prize Winners
Tom HiddlestonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jarad "Juice Wrld" HigginsmNotable Musicians
Hilarion the GreatmSaints
Hildegard of BingenfNotable Musicians, Saints
Bernard HillmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jonah HillmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Elsemieke HillenfOlympic Medalists
Wendy HillerfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Conrad HiltonmNotable Businesspeople
Paul HindemithmNotable Musicians
Marin HinklefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Chris HipkinsmNew Zealand Prime Ministers
Adolf HitlermGerman Chancellors and Presidents, Notable Evildoers
Miranda HobbesfFictional Characters from Television
Tyler HoechlinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Peter HoekstramNotable Athletes
Dustin HoffmanmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Linda HoganfNotable Writers
Hal HolbrookmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Laurie HoldenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
William HoldenmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Billie HolidayfNotable Musicians
François HollandemFrench Presidents and Prime Ministers
Josh HollowaymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Buddy HollymNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Celeste HolmfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Ian HolmmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Katie HolmesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Andrew HolnessmOther Leaders
Gustav HolstmNotable Musicians
Pieter Corneliszoon HooftmNotable Writers
Anthony HopkinsmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Josh HopkinsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dennis HoppermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gyula HornmHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
James HornermNotable Musicians
Bruce HornsbymGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians
Christopher HornsrudmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Michael HorsemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Addie HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Alice HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Bill HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Jennifer HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Laura HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Maggie HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Marie HortonfFictional Characters from Television
Mickey HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Mike HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Tom HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Tommy HortonmFictional Characters from Television
Gregory HousemFictional Characters from Television
Hugo HovenkampmNotable Athletes
Terrence HowardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
L. Ron HubbardmNotable Writers, Other Religious Leaders
Christy HuddlestonfFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Vanessa HudgensfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Engelbert HumperdinckmNotable Musicians
Jens HundseidmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Klaas-Jan HuntelaarmNotable Athletes
Jack HuntermFictional Characters from Television
Shawn HuntermFictional Characters from Television
John HurtmNotable Actors and Entertainers
William HurtmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Panah HuseynmOther Leaders
Rahim HuseynovmOther Leaders
Surat HuseynovmOther Leaders
Anjelica HustonfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Walter HustonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Josh HutchersonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Timothy HuttonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Andrew HuxleymNobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Clair HuxtablefFictional Characters from Television
Cliff HuxtablemFictional Characters from Television
Rudy HuxtablefFictional Characters from Television
Theo HuxtablemFictional Characters from Television
Vanessa HuxtablefFictional Characters from Television
Christiaan HuygensmNotable Philosophers and Thinkers, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Jonathan HydemNotable Actors and Entertainers
HyperenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
HyperenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
HyperenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
HyperenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
HyperenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
HypnosmCharacters in Greek Mythology
HypsenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
HypsenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
Paolo IashvilimNotable Writers
Rhys IfansmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Julio IglesiasmNotable Musicians
Ingrid Alexandra of NorwayfOther Royalty
Ingrid of SwedenfOther Royalty
Laura InnesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mikhail Ippolitov-IvanovmNotable Musicians
Irene of ThessalonicafSaints
Monte IrvinmHall-of-Famers
Jeremy IrvinemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Isabella of DenmarkfOther Royalty
IsandermCharacters in Greek Mythology
Thomas IsmaymNotable Businesspeople
Rinus IsraëlmNotable Athletes
IulusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Gjorge IvanovmOther Leaders
Burl IvesmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Artis "Coolio" IveymNotable Musicians
Jonathan JacksonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joshua JacksonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kate JacksonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael JacksonmGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Niecy JacksonfFictional Characters from Television
Tito JacksonmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Devery JacobsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Élisabeth-Claude JacquetfNotable Musicians
Sam JaegermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dean JaggermNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Mick JaggermNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Kew JaliensmNotable Athletes
JamalafEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Kevin JamesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Theo JamesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jamphel GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Thomas JanemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Allison JanneyfEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Janez JanšamOther Leaders
Wim JansenmNotable Athletes
Nicasius Janssen of HeezemSaints
Jay-ZmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Dorothy JenningsfFictional Characters from Television
Ken JeongmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Norman JewisonmNotable Filmmakers
Joachim of DenmarkmOther Royalty
João GilbertomGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians
Steve JobsmNotable Businesspeople
Johann Strauss ImNotable Musicians
John the IberianmSaints
John XmCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Elton JohnmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Andre "Junior" Johnson Jr.mFictional Characters from Television
Ben JohnsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Boris JohnsonmBritish Prime Ministers
Diane JohnsonfFictional Characters from Television
Dre JohnsonmFictional Characters from Television
Earl "Pops" JohnsonmFictional Characters from Television
Jack JohnsonmFictional Characters from Television
Joey JohnsonmFictional Characters from Television
Rainbow "Bow" JohnsonfFictional Characters from Television
Timothy JohnsonmFictional Characters from Television
Zoey JohnsonfFictional Characters from Television
Angelina JoliefNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Gerard JolingmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Joe JonasmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Kevin JonasmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Nick JonasmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
James Earl JonesmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
January JonesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Samantha JonesfFictional Characters from Television
Samuel J. JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Shirley JonesfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Toby JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tommy Lee JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Vinnie JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Athletes
Jan JongbloedmNotable Athletes
Wim JonkmNotable Athletes
Janis JoplinfNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Scott JoplinmNotable Musicians
Josephine of DenmarkfOther Royalty
Milla JovovichfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ashley JuddfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Raul JuliamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Juliana of the NetherlandsfOther Royalty
Udo JürgensmEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Jane KaczmarekfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Maria Restituta KafkafSaints
Daan KagchellandmOlympic Medalists
Madeline KahnfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kersti KaljulaidfEstonian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Kaja KallasfEstonian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Kyösti KalliomFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Antonie KamerlingmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Melina KanakaredesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Carol KanefEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Jan Kappeyne van de CoppellomDutch Prime Ministers
Konstantinos KaramanlismGreek Prime Ministers, Other Leaders
Karen KarapetyanmOther Leaders
Islam KarimovmOther Leaders
Krišjānis KariņšmLatvian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Karl IXmSwedish Kings and Queens
Karl X GustavmSwedish Kings and Queens
Karl XImSwedish Kings and Queens
Karl XIImSwedish Kings and Queens
Karl XIIImNorwegian Kings and Queens, Swedish Kings and Queens
Karl XIV JohanmNorwegian Kings and Queens, Swedish Kings and Queens
Karl XVmNorwegian Kings and Queens, Swedish Kings and Queens
Richard KarnmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Vincent KartheisermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Pierre KartnermNotable Musicians
Lavrenti KartvelishvilimNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Garry KasparovmNotable Athletes
Katrín JakobsdóttirfIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Gorden KayemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alex P. KeatonmFictional Characters from Television
Buster KeatonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Diane KeatonfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Arielle KebbelfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Catherine KeenerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Piet KeizermNotable Athletes
Urho KekkonenmFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Kelzang GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Martin KendallmFictional Characters from Television
Olivia KendallfFictional Characters from Television
Anna KendrickfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jamie KennedymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Enda KennymIrish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Joanna KernsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Skandar KeynesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Aram KhachaturianmNotable Musicians
Khedrup GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Wim KieftmNotable Athletes
Udo KiermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Val KilmermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lemmy KilmistermNotable Musicians
Lil' KimfNotable Musicians
Kim Jong-ilmOther Leaders
Kim Jong-unmOther Leaders
Sandra KimfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Jimmy KimmelmNotable Actors and Entertainers
B.B. KingmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Billie Jean KingfNotable Athletes
Larry KingmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ben KingsleymNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Alex KingstonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Marjorie Kinnan RawlingsfNotable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners
Sophie KinsellafNotable Writers
Vanessa KirbyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Victor KiriakismFictional Characters from Television
Henry KissingermNobel Prize Winners, Notable Politicians and Statespeople
Kees KistmNotable Athletes
Tawny KitaenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael KitchenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jürgen KlinsmannmNotable Athletes
Patrick KluivertmNotable Athletes
Wayne KnightmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Terence KnoxmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gunnar KnudsenmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Erwin KoemanmNotable Athletes
Ronald KoemanmNotable Athletes
Horst KöhlermGerman Chancellors and Presidents
Helmut KoiniggmNotable Athletes
Mauno KoivistomFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Ada KokfOlympic Medalists
Wim KokmDutch Prime Ministers
Emilija KokićfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Adolph KolpingmSaints
Peder KolstadmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Konstantinos IImOlympic Medalists, Other Royalty
Frits Korthals AltesmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Dimitar KovačevskimOther Leaders
Jeroen KrabbémNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Jane KrakowskifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jana KramerfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Stepfanie KramerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sven KramermNotable Athletes, Olympic Medalists
John KrasinskimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Peter KrausemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hans Adolf KrebsmNobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Kristin KreukfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sylvia KristelfNotable Actors and Entertainers
KristinafSwedish Kings and Queens
Kris KristoffersonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Zdravko KrivokapićmOther Leaders
Ursula K. Le GuinfNotable Writers
Ruud KrolmNotable Athletes
Jan KruismNotable Artists
Māris KučinskismLatvian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Lisa KudrowfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lenny KuhrfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Dirk KuijtmNotable Athletes
Mila KunisfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alwyn KurtsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sebastian KurzmAustrian Chancellors and Presidents
Ashton KutchermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Giorgi KvirikashvilimGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Ryan KwantenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Shia LaBeoufmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tyler LabinemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Marius LăcătușmNotable Athletes
Diane LaddfNotable Actors and Entertainers
James LaffertymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tineke LagerbergfOlympic Medalists
Karl LagerfeldmNotable Artists
Zlatko LagumdžijamOther Leaders
Christine LahtifEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Ricki LakefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lambert of MaastrichtmSaints
Frank LambertmFictional Characters from Television
Miranda LambertfNotable Musicians
Burt LancastermNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Juliet LandaufNotable Actors and Entertainers
Martin LandaumNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Joe LandomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael LandonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Denny LandzaatmNotable Athletes
Diane LanefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lauren LanefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Nathan LanemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sasha LanefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Katherine Kelly LangfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Angela LansburyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Anthony LaPagliamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Frank LapidusmFictional Characters from Television
Alexandra Maria LarafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ali LarterfNotable Actors and Entertainers
George LassfFictional Characters from Movies, Fictional Characters from Television
LassiefFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies, Fictional Characters from Television
Charles LaughtonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Duncan LaurencemEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Taylor LautnermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lucille La VernefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Phyllida LawfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lucy LawlessfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joey LawrencemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Martin LawrencemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Topanga LawrencefFictional Characters from Television
Hank LawsonmFictional Characters from Television
Mylène LazarefOlympic Medalists
Cloris LeachmanfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Vicky LeandrosfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Matt LeBlancmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Christopher LeemNotable Actors and Entertainers
David LeemFictional Characters from Television
Jason LeemNotable Actors and Entertainers
John LeguizamomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Vivien LeighfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
LenafEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
John LennonmGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Jay LenomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Melissa LeofNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Robert Sean LeonardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ruggero LeoncavallomNotable Musicians
Téa LeonifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Leopold ImOther Royalty
Leopold IImOther Royalty
Leopold IIImOther Royalty
Leopold of BelgiummOther Royalty
Jean-Marie Le PenmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Rose LesliefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Letizia of SpainfOther Royalty
Leucius of BrindisimSaints
LeVar BurtonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Egils LevitsmLatvian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Jerry Lee LewismNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Jerry LewismNotable Actors and Entertainers
Parker LewismFictional Characters from Television
LexanormCharacters in Greek Mythology
Judith LightfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Matthew LillardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Andrew LincolnmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Arvid LindmanmSwedish Prime Ministers
Art LinklettermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ray LiottamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Franz LisztmNotable Musicians
Lucy LiufNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ron LivingstonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Andrew Lloyd WebbermNotable Musicians
Christopher LloydmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Roger Lloyd-PackmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jürgen LocadiamNotable Athletes
Sondra LockefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Stefan LöfvenmSwedish Prime Ministers
Johnny LoganmEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Lindsay LohanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Carole LombardfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Karina LombardfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jason LondonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jeremy LondonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Justin LongmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jennifer LopezfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Santana LopezfFictional Characters from Television
LoreenfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Sophia LorenfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Peter LorremNotable Actors and Entertainers
Louis of WalesmOther Royalty
Jon LovitzmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jørgen LøvlandmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Kyle LowdermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rob LowemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ruud LubbersmDutch Prime Ministers
Josh LucasmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lucidus of AquaramSaints
Bela LugosimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Luise of PrussiafOther Royalty
Alexander LukashenkomOther Leaders
Igor LukšićmOther Leaders
Joanna LumleyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lungtok GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Lupus of NovaemSaints
Kellan LutzmNotable Actors and Entertainers
David LynchmNotable Filmmakers
Jane LynchfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kelly LynchfNotable Actors and Entertainers
John LyngmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Anni-Frid LyngstadfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Luke MablymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ralph MacchiomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Trey MacDougalmFictional Characters from Television
Edward MacDowellmNotable Musicians
Matthew MacfadyenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Shane MacGowanmNotable Musicians
Gerardo MachadomOther Leaders
Alex MackfFictional Characters from Television
Anthony MackiemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Simmone Jade MackinnonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kyle MacLachlanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Shirley MacLainefNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Patrick MacneemNotable Actors and Entertainers
William H. MacymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Madeleine of SwedenfOther Royalty
Amy MadiganfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ferenc MádlmHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
MadonnafNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Michael MadsenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Virginia MadsenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hedwiges MaduromNotable Athletes
Anna MagnanifNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Tobey MaguiremNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gustav MahlermNotable Musicians
John MahoneymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Roy MakaaymNotable Athletes
MakomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dorothy MalonefNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Jena MalonefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Yagub MammadovmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Leslie MannfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Carly ManningfFictional Characters from Television
Randolph MantoothmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Diego MaradonamNotable Athletes
Margaretha of SwedenfOther Royalty
Margarethe of PrussiafOther Royalty
Mark MargolismNotable Actors and Entertainers
Margrethe IIfDanish Kings and Queens
Giorgi MargvelashvilimGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Maria Annunziata of AustriafOther Royalty
Marianne of the NetherlandsfOther Royalty
Marie Valerie of AustriafOther Royalty
Marie, Princess of LiechtensteinfOther Royalty
Victor MarijnenmDutch Prime Ministers
Sanna MarinfFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Mark IVmCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Mark the EvangelistmCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria, Saints
Bob MarleymNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Veronica MarsfFictional Characters from Television
James MarsdenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
E. G. MarshallmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
James MarstersmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Märtha Louise of NorwayfOther Royalty
Chris MartinmNotable Musicians
Helen MartinfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mícheál MartinmIrish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Steve MartinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mary, Queen of DenmarkfOther Royalty
Joseph MascolomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ali MasimlimNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Tatiana MaslanyfEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
James MasonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jules MassenetmNotable Musicians
Christopher MastersonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Danny MastersonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gaten MatarazzomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tim MathesonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joris MathijsenmNotable Athletes
Mathilde of BelgiumfOther Royalty
Božidar MatićmOther Leaders
Walter MatthaumNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Lothar MatthäusmNotable Athletes
Matthew IImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Alan MatthewsmFictional Characters from Television
Amy MatthewsfFictional Characters from Television
Cory MatthewsmFictional Characters from Television
Eric MatthewsmFictional Characters from Television
Josh MatthewsmFictional Characters from Television
Morgan MatthewsfFictional Characters from Television
Paige MatthewsfFictional Characters from Television
Máxima of the NetherlandsfOther Royalty
Maximilian Eugen of AustriamOther Royalty
Maximus ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria, Saints
Theresa MayfBritish Prime Ministers
Rik MayallmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jayma MaysfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ally McBealfFictional Characters from Television
David McCallummNotable Actors and Entertainers
Cormac McCarthymNotable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners
Paul McCartneymGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Peggy McCayfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rue McClanahanfEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Skye McCole BartusiakfNotable Actors and Entertainers
John McCookmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Will McCorklemFictional Characters from Television
Paul McCranemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Helen McCroryfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dylan McDermottmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Audra McDonaldfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Malcolm McDowellmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Natascha McElhonefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kelly McGillisfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rose McGowanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lizzie McGuirefFictional Characters from Television
Stephen McHattiemNotable Actors and Entertainers
David O. McKaymOther Religious Leaders
Victor McLaglenmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Julian McMahonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mercedes McNabfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kevin McNallymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Steve McQueenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Leighton MeesterfNotable Actors and Entertainers
MegistofCharacters in Greek Mythology
MelaniefNotable Musicians
Mario MelchiotmNotable Athletes
Menas of ConstantinoplemSaints
Menas of EgyptmSaints
Fanny MendelssohnfNotable Musicians
Felix MendelssohnmNotable Musicians
Mennas of AlexandriamSaints
Melina MercourifNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Politicians and Statespeople
Freddie MercurymNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Angela MerkelfGerman Chancellors and Presidents
Ryan MerrimanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Debra MessingfEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Ilir MetamAlbanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Laurie MetcalffNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jesse MetcalfemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mette-Marit of NorwayfOther Royalty
Wim MeutstegemNotable Athletes
Jason MewesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Michael IVmCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Lea MichelefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Vicki MichellefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Christian MichelsenmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Amber MidthunderfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michiya MihashimNotable Musicians
Najib MikatimOther Leaders
Dragan MikerevićmOther Leaders
Mads MikkelsenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alyssa MilanofNotable Actors and Entertainers
Edna St. Vincent MillayfNotable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners
Jonny Lee MillermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mac MillermNotable Musicians
Sienna MillerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wentworth MillermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mina IImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Marga MincofNotable Writers
Stuart MinkusmFictional Characters from Television
Dannii MinoguefNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Kylie MinoguefNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
David MiscavigemOther Religious Leaders
Hibari MisorafNotable Musicians
Dee MitchellfFictional Characters from Television
Frank MitchellmFictional Characters from Television
Moesha MitchellfFictional Characters from Television
Myles MitchellmFictional Characters from Television
Radha MitchellfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Thomas MitchellmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Rhona MitrafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mocius of AmphipolismSaints
Matthew ModinemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jovenel MoïsemHaitian Presidents
Alfred MolinamNotable Actors and Entertainers
N. Scott MomadaymNotable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners
Jason MomoamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michelle MonaghanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Walter MondalemNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Thelonious MonkmNotable Musicians
Yves MontandmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Maria MontessorifOther Notables
Claudio MonteverdimNotable Musicians
Lucy Maud MontgomeryfNotable Writers
Poppy MontgomeryfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Angela MoorefFictional Characters from Television
Demi MoorefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mary Tyler MoorefEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Roger MooremNotable Actors and Entertainers
Agnes MooreheadfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rick MoranismNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mateusz MorawieckimPolish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Dexter MorganmFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Johnny MorganmFictional Characters from Television
Kate MorganfFictional Characters from Television
Tracy MorganmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Pat MoritamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Aubrey MorrismNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jennifer MorrisonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jim MorrisonmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Matthew MorrisonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Viggo MortensenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
William MoseleymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Carrie-Anne MossfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ronn MossmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Nana MouskourifNotable Musicians
Stephen MoyermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartmNotable Musicians
Armin Mueller-StahlmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Arnold MührenmNotable Athletes
Teun MuldermOlympic Medalists
Youri MuldermNotable Athletes
Kate MulgrewfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Martin MullmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gerd MüllermNotable Athletes
Alice MunrofNobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers
Rupert MurdochmNotable Businesspeople
F. W. MurnaumNotable Filmmakers
Cillian MurphymNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Eddie MurphymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bill MurraymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sean MurraymNotable Actors and Entertainers
MusicafCharacters in Greek Mythology
Modest MussorgskymNotable Musicians
Firuz MustafayevmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Ayaz MutallibovmOther Leaders
Sophia MylesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Parminder NagrafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hiro NakamuramFictional Characters from Television
Dick NanningamNotable Athletes
NarzißmFictional Characters from Books
Alexei NavalnymNotable Activists and Revolutionaries
Nursultan NazarbayevmOther Leaders
Johan NeeskensmNotable Athletes
Liam NeesonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sam NeillmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alice NelsonfFictional Characters from Television
Craig T. NelsonmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Willie NelsonmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
James NesbittmNotable Actors and Entertainers
NettafEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
John NettlesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bebe NeuwirthfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bob NewhartmGrammy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Becki NewtonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Olivia Newton-JohnfGrammy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Thandiwe NewtonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ngawang Lobsang GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Nicasius of RheimsmSaints
Nicasius of RouenmSaints
Bárður á Steig NielsenmOther Leaders
Leslie NielsenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sauli NiinistömFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Nikolai IImRussian Grand Dukes and Tsars, Saints
Nikolai of DenmarkmOther Royalty
Tomislav NikolićmOther Leaders
Leonard NimoymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bujar NishanimAlbanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
David NivenmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Alfred NobelmNotable Businesspeople, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Christopher NolanmNotable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners
Nonna of NazianzusfSaints
Adolf Erik NordenskiöldmNotable Explorers and Adventurers
Jeffrey NordlingmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jeremy NorthammNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wayne NorthropmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Graham NortonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Chris NothmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Katalin NovákfHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Arthur NumanmNotable Athletes
Jef NysmNotable Artists, Notable Writers
Chloe O'BrianfFictional Characters from Television
Austin O'BrienmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Edmond O'BrienmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Carroll O'ConnormEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Donald O'ConnormEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Sinéad O'ConnorfNotable Musicians
Rosie O'DonnellfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Al OertermNotable Athletes, Olympic Medalists
Jacques OffenbachmNotable Musicians
Adolf OgimSwiss Presidents
Sandra OhfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ólafur Ragnar GrímssonmIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Olav VmNorwegian Kings and Queens, Olympic Medalists
Lena OlinfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ashley OlsenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mary-Kate OlsenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Julie Olson WilliamsfFictional Characters from Television
Timothy OlyphantmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kate O'MarafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ryan O'NealmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tatum O'NealfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Ed O'NeillmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Josh OppenholmFictional Characters from Television
Terry O'QuinnmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jerry OrbachmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Viktor OrbánmHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Roy OrbisonmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Julia OrmondfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Leland OrsermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Amancio OrtegamNotable Businesspeople
Oscar ImNorwegian Kings and Queens, Swedish Kings and Queens
Tinus OsendarpmNotable Athletes, Olympic Medalists
Oscar IImNorwegian Kings and Queens, Swedish Kings and Queens
Moya O'SullivanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Annette O'ToolefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Marc OvermarsmNotable Athletes
Clive OwenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rena OwenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
OzmFictional Characters from Television
Juho Kusti PaasikivimFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Lee PacemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Johann PachelbelmNotable Musicians
Al PacinomNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
James PackermNotable Businesspeople
Kerry PackermNotable Businesspeople
Pactobius of SebastemSaints
Jared PadaleckimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tanel PadarmEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Elliot PagemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jimmy PagemNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Borut PahormOther Leaders
Michael PalinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Palmatius of TriermSaints
Olof PalmemSwedish Prime Ministers
Connie PalmenfNotable Writers
Teresa PalmerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
PalthanormCharacters in Greek Mythology
Archie PanjabifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Pantaenus the PhilosophermSaints
Paola of BelgiumfOther Royalty
Helena PaparizoufEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Karolos PapouliasmOther Leaders
Anna PaquinfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Vanessa ParadisfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Matt ParkmanmFictional Characters from Television
Guy ParmelinmSwiss Presidents
Hubert ParrymNotable Musicians
Pascharius of NantesmSaints
Patricia of ConnaughtfOther Royalty
Robert PatrickmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Robert PattinsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Paula PattonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Aaron PaulmNotable Actors and Entertainers