Browse Namesakes

Les PaulmNotable Musicians, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Sarah PaulsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Luciano PavarottimNotable Musicians
Prokopis PavlopoulosmOther Leaders
Bill PaxtonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Liam PaynemNotable Musicians
Simon PeggmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Peter PellegrinimOther Leaders
Émile PelletiermOther Leaders
Stevo PendarovskimOther Leaders
Tahmoh PenikettmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Chris PennmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kal PennmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rupert Penry-JonesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bram PepermNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Piper PerabofNotable Actors and Entertainers
Shimon PeresmIsraeli Presidents and Prime Ministers, Nobel Prize Winners
Perfectus of CórdobamSaints
Rhea PerlmanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ron PerlmanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Eva PerónfNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Charlotte PerrellifEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Luke PerrymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Matthew PerrymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jon PertweemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Peter ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria, Saints
Peter VmCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Peter VImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Peter VIImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Jan PetersmNotable Athletes
Amanda PetersonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Angela PetrellifFictional Characters from Television
Aleksandr PetrovskymFictional Characters from Television
Alex PettyfermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jean-Marie PfaffmNotable Athletes
PhidippusmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Regis PhilbinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Philip, Duke of EdinburghmOther Royalty
PhilippemOther Royalty
Michelle PhillipsfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Zara PhillipsfOlympic Medalists
Philogonius of AntiochmSaints
Philomenus of AncyramSaints
River PhoenixmNotable Actors and Entertainers
James Pickens, Jr.mNotable Actors and Entertainers
Nicolaas PiersonmDutch Prime Ministers
Rosamund PikefNotable Actors and Entertainers
PindarmNotable Writers
Chris PinemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jada Pinkett SmithfNotable Actors and Entertainers
PisenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
PisenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
PisenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
PisenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
PisenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
Brad PittmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Michael PittmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jeremy PivenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tony PlanamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Robert PlantmGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Joan PlowrightfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Christopher PlummermNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Olivia PodmorefNotable Athletes
Sidney PoitiermNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Ross PoldarkmFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Kevin PollakmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Teri PolofNotable Actors and Entertainers
Marius PontmercymFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Plays and Musicals
Jan PoortvlietmNotable Athletes
Anna PopplewellfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tyler PoseymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Pete PostlethwaitemNotable Actors and Entertainers
PotamonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Ezra PoundmNotable Writers
Colin PowellmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Stefanie PowersfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Chris PrattmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Laura PreponfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sidney PrescottfFictional Characters from Movies
Elvis PresleymNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
John James "Mr. Big" PrestonmFictional Characters from Television
Kelly PrestonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jason PriestleymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wolfgang PřiklopilmNotable Evildoers
Primus ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Freddie Prinze, Jr.mNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jocelerme PrivertmHaitian Presidents
Sergei ProkofievmNotable Musicians
ProthoenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
ProthoenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
Jonathan PrycemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Richard PryormNotable Actors and Entertainers
Giacomo PuccinimNotable Musicians
PudensmBiblical Characters, Saints
Bill PullmanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Henry PurcellmNotable Musicians
Noel PurcellmOlympic Medalists
James PurefoymNotable Actors and Entertainers
PylenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
PyrandermCharacters in Greek Mythology
PyrenefCharacters in Greek Mythology
Randy QuaidmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kathleen QuinlanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Anthony QuinnmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Michaela "Dr. Mike" QuinnfFictional Characters from Television
Zachary QuintomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Yitzhak RabinmIsraeli Presidents and Prime Ministers, Nobel Prize Winners
Gilda RadnerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Martin RagužmOther Leaders
Audrey RainesfFictional Characters from Television
Bonnie RaittfGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Tony RandallmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Da'Vine Joy RandolphfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Noomi RapacefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Phylicia RashadfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Artur RasizademOther Leaders
Jüri RatasmEstonian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Jackson RathbonemNotable Actors and Entertainers
John RatzenbergermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Maurice RavelmNotable Musicians
Raymond the PalmermSaints
Ethan RaynemFictional Characters from Television
James RebhornmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Peter ReckellmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lance ReddickmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Otis ReddingmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Lynn RedgravefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Vanessa RedgravefNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Donna ReedfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Lou ReedmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Norman ReedusmNotable Actors and Entertainers
John ReesemFictional Characters from Television
Christopher ReevemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Melissa ReevesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tara ReidfNotable Actors and Entertainers
John C. ReillymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael ReizigermNotable Athletes
Leah ReminifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jeremy RennermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rob RensenbrinkmNotable Athletes
Johnny RepmNotable Athletes
Paul ReubensmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Anne ReverefNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Burt ReynoldsmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Debbie ReynoldsfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Ryan ReynoldsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ving RhamesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Iwan RheonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
RhexenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
RhexenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
RhexenormCharacters in Greek Mythology
RhodopefCharacters in Greek Mythology
Jonathan Rhys MeyersmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Anne RicefNotable Writers
Little RichardmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Keith RichardsmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Joely RichardsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Miranda RichardsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Natasha RichardsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Patricia RichardsonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Don RicklesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alan RickmanmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Daisy RidleyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Zaid RifaimJordanian Prime Ministers
Ron RifkinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Diana RiggfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Frank RijkaardmNotable Athletes
Wim RijsbergenmNotable Athletes
Amber RileyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Nikolai Rimsky-KorsakovmNotable Musicians
Molly RingwaldfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lisa RinnafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kelly RipafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Joan RiversfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sam RobardsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Arjen RobbenmNotable Athletes
Tim RobbinsmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Robert E.mFictional Characters from Television
Roberto CarlosmNotable Musicians
Cliff RobertsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Robbie RobertsonmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Edward G. RobinsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Chris RockmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michelle RodriguezfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Robert RodriguezmNotable Filmmakers, Notable Musicians
Nicolas RoegmNotable Filmmakers
Rogatian of NantesmSaints
Seth RogenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Elisabeth RöhmfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rebecca RomijnfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Romulus AugustusmRoman and Byzantine Emperors
Mickey RooneymNotable Actors and Entertainers
RootfFictional Characters from Television
Willow RosenbergfFictional Characters from Television
Diana RossfNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Jonathan RossmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Isabella RossellinifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gioachino RossinimNotable Musicians
Philip RothmNotable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners
Tim RothmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mayer Amschel RothschildmNotable Businesspeople
Dilma RoussefffBrazilian Presidents
Patricia RoutledgefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gena RowlandsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bryan RoymNotable Athletes
Anton RubinsteinmNotable Musicians
Alan RuckmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kevin RuddmAustralian Prime Ministers
Paul RuddmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rudolf of AustriamOther Royalty
Mark RuffalomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Charles Ruijs de BeerenbrouckmDutch Prime Ministers
Friedlieb Ferdinand RungemNotable Scientists and Inventors
Stockton RushmNotable Businesspeople
Wim RuskamOlympic Medalists
RuslanafEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Tim RussmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Diebenkorn "D. B." RussellmFictional Characters from Television
Keri RussellfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Taylor RussellfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rene RussofNotable Actors and Entertainers
Graeme RutjesmNotable Athletes
Mark RuttemDutch Prime Ministers
Teddy RuxpinmFictional Characters from Television, Other Fictional Characters
Jeri RyanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mitchell RyanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alexander RybakmEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Winona RyderfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Risto RytimFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Mikheil SaakashvilimGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Sacerdos of LyonmSaints
William SadlermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Katey SagalfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Carl SaganmNotable Scientists and Inventors
Bakhytzhan SagintayevmOther Leaders
Camille Saint-SaënsmNotable Musicians
Zoë SaldañafNotable Actors and Entertainers
Antonio SalierimNotable Musicians
Benjamin SalisburymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Andy SambergmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Samonas of EdessamSaints
Micah SandersmFictional Characters from Television
Rupert SandersmNotable Filmmakers
Carlos SantanamGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Rodrigo SantoromNotable Actors and Entertainers
Juan Manuel SantosmNobel Prize Winners, Other Leaders
Lucélia SantosfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Nadia SantosfFictional Characters from Television
Susan SarandonfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Serzh SargsyanmOther Leaders
Armen SarkissianmOther Leaders
SaronmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Peter SarsgaardmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Erik SatiemNotable Musicians
Jennifer SaundersfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ben SavagemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Telly SavalasmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
ScaeafCharacters in Greek Mythology
ScamandermCharacters in Greek Mythology
ScamandermCharacters in Greek Mythology
Alessandro ScarlattimNotable Musicians
Domenico ScarlattimNotable Musicians
Alexander SchallenbergmAustrian Chancellors and Presidents
Roy ScheidermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wim SchermerhornmDutch Prime Ministers
Taylor SchillingfNotable Actors and Entertainers
John SchneidermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rob SchneidermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Romy SchneiderfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dick SchoenakermNotable Athletes
Arnold SchoenbergmNotable Musicians
Teddy ScholtenfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Liev SchreibermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Piet SchrijversmNotable Athletes
Franz SchubertmNotable Musicians
Clara SchumannfNotable Musicians
Robert SchumannmNotable Musicians
Heinrich SchützmNotable Musicians
Jason SchwartzmanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Arnold SchwarzeneggermNotable Actors and Entertainers
ScironmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Michael ScottmFictional Characters from Television
Walter ScottmNotable Writers
Ryan SeacrestmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Susan Seaforth HayesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Steven SeagalmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Clarence SeedorfmNotable Athletes
Jason SegelmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Adolf SegermOlympic Medalists
Jerry SeinfeldmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tom SelleckmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Larry SellersmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ivan SergeimNotable Actors and Entertainers
Marija ŠerifovićfEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Matthew SettlemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Chloë SevignyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rufus SewellmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Amanda SeyfriedfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tupac "2Pac" ShakurmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Tony ShalhoubmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Omar SharifmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Aidan ShawmFictional Characters from Television
Sameen ShawfFictional Characters from Television
Lin ShayefNotable Actors and Entertainers
John SheamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ally SheedyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael SheenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Claudia SheinbaumfOther Leaders
Blake SheltonmNotable Musicians
Ben ShenkmanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kristin ShepardfFictional Characters from Television
Sam ShepardmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners
Lisa SheridanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Taylor SheridanmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Eduard ShevardnadzemGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Naum ShopovmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dmitri ShostakovichmNotable Musicians
Harry Shum, Jr.mNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jean SibeliusmNotable Musicians
Sara SidlefFictional Characters from Television
Philip SidneymNotable Writers
Simone SignoretfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Sigurður Ingi JóhannssonmIcelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Haris SilajdžićmOther Leaders
Silvanus of PisidiamSaints
Silvia of SwedenfOther Royalty
Joseph "Run" SimmonsmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Paul SimonmGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Xavi SimonsmNotable Athletes
Ingrida ŠimonytėfLithuanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Ty SimpkinsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
O. J. SimpsonmHall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Athletes
Frank SinatramGrammy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians, Oscar Award Winners
Guy SinermNotable Actors and Entertainers
SinonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Juha SipilämFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Jeremy SistomNotable Actors and Entertainers
SithonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Sithon?Characters in Greek Mythology
Tom SizemoremNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alexander SkarsgårdmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Stellan SkarsgårdmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tom SkerrittmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Saulius SkvernelismLithuanian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Jake SlickermFictional Characters from Television
Carlos SlimmNotable Businesspeople
Arvin SloanemFictional Characters from Television
Amy SmartfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jean SmartfEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Bedřich SmetanamNotable Musicians
Anna Nicole SmithfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gregory SmithmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kerr SmithmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kevin SmithmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Kurtwood SmithmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lane SmithmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Maggie SmithfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Matt SmithmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Will SmithmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians, Oscar Award Winners
Jussie SmollettmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wesley SneijdermNotable Athletes
Wesley SnipesmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Leelee SobieskifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bohuslav SobotkamOther Leaders
Salvador SobralmEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Wibi SoerjadimNotable Musicians
Sofía of SpainfOther Royalty
Marla SokolofffNotable Actors and Entertainers
Erna SolbergfNorwegian Prime Ministers
László SólyommHungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Sonam GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Stephen SondheimmGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians
Sonja of NorwayfOther Royalty
Wim SonneveldmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Louise SorelfNotable Actors and Entertainers
David SoulmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Olan SoulemNotable Actors and Entertainers
John Philip SousamNotable Musicians
Renée SoutendijkfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sissy SpacekfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
David SpademNotable Actors and Entertainers
Timothy SpallmNotable Actors and Entertainers
SpartonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
SpartonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
SpartonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Oliver SpasovskimOther Leaders
Doris SpeedfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Scott SpeedmanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tori SpellingfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sabrina SpellmanfFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Fairlight SpencerfFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Jesse SpencermNotable Actors and Entertainers
SpikemFictional Characters from Television
Nikola ŠpirićmOther Leaders
Jerry SpringermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Bruce SpringsteenmGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Karl StaaffmSwedish Prime Ministers
Joseph StalinmNotable Evildoers, Other Leaders
Sylvester StallonemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jaap StammNotable Athletes
John StamosmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Terence StampmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alex StandallmFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
Stanisław II AugustmPolish High Dukes and Kings
Barbara StanwyckfEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Jean StapletonfEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Maarten StekelenburgmNotable Athletes
Howard SternmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Frances SternhagenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Charles StevensmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Huub StevensmNotable Athletes
Juliet StevensonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jon StewartmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kristen StewartfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Martha StewartfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Businesspeople
Rod StewartmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Julia StilesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
William Grant StillmNotable Musicians
Ben StillermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Barney StinsonmFictional Characters from Television
Eli StonemFictional Characters from Television
Emma StonefNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Madeleine StowefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Beatrice StraightfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Enos StratemFictional Characters from Television
StratobatesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
StratonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
StratonicefCharacters in Greek Mythology
StratonicefCharacters in Greek Mythology
StratonicefCharacters in Greek Mythology
StratonicefCharacters in Greek Mythology
Johann Strauss IImNotable Musicians
Richard StraussmNotable Musicians
Igor StravinskymNotable Musicians
Barbra StreisandfGrammy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians, Oscar Award Winners
Sherry StringfieldfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Laurie StrodefFictional Characters from Movies
Mark StrongmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rider StrongmNotable Actors and Entertainers
StrymonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
StrymonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
StrymonmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Gloria StuartfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alexander StubbmFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Nicola SturgeonfOther Leaders
Jim SturgessmNotable Actors and Entertainers
William StyronmNotable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners
Luis SuárezmNotable Athletes
Jason SudeikismEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Arthur SullivanmNotable Musicians
Byron SullymFictional Characters from Television
Cree SummerfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Buffy SummersfFictional Characters from Movies, Fictional Characters from Television
Tika SumpterfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rishi SunakmBritish Prime Ministers
Mohinder SureshmFictional Characters from Television
Donald SutherlandmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wim SuurbiermNotable Athletes
Mena SuvarifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wilbert SuvrijnmNotable Athletes
Sverre Magnus of NorwaymOther Royalty
Pehr Evind SvinhufvudmFinnish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Kristy SwansonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Carl SwartzmSwedish Prime Ministers
Patrick SwayzemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alison SweeneyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jodie SweetinfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tilda SwintonfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Wanda SykesfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rashid Tali'amJordanian Prime Ministers
Amber TamblynfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jessica TandyfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Gaston TaumentmNotable Athletes
Audrey TautoufNotable Actors and Entertainers
Aaron Taylor-JohnsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Renée TaylorfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Robert TaylormNotable Actors and Entertainers
Robert TaylormNotable Actors and Entertainers
Scout Taylor-ComptonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Pyotr Ilyich TchaikovskymNotable Musicians
Hans TeeuwenmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Georg Philipp TelemannmNotable Musicians
Charlie TelphymFictional Characters from Television
Michel TemermBrazilian Presidents
Shirley TemplefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tenzin GyatsomNobel Prize Winners, Other Religious Leaders
Teresa Benedicta of the CrossfSaints
Teresa of CalcuttafNobel Prize Winners, Saints
Erica TerpstrafNotable Politicians and Statespeople, Olympic Medalists
Adnan TerzićmOther Leaders
Wendy TestaburgerfFictional Characters from Television
Hashim ThaçimOther Leaders
John ThawmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Maria ThayerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Theodoret of AntiochmSaints
Theonas ImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria, Saints
Theonistus of PhilippimSaints
Theophilus IImCoptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria
Charlize TheronfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Alan ThickemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Frans ThijssenmNotable Athletes
Danny ThomasmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Jonathan Taylor ThomasmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sue ThomasfFictional Characters from Television
David ThompsonmOther Leaders
Fred ThompsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Politicians and Statespeople
Tracie ThomsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Courtney Thorne-SmithfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Billy Bob ThorntonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ian ThorpemNotable Athletes, Olympic Medalists
Jim ThorpemHall-of-Famers, Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists
ThrasyanormCharacters in Greek Mythology
Oliver ThredsonmFictional Characters from Television
ThrepsippasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ThrinaxmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ThroniafCharacters in Greek Mythology
Thubten GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Uma ThurmanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
ThyamismCharacters in Greek Mythology
ThyamismCharacters in Greek Mythology
ThyestesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ThyestesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Thyra of DenmarkfOther Royalty
Tiburtius of RomemSaints
Maura TierneyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Charles TiffanymNotable Businesspeople
Lucas TillmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jennifer TillyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Meg TillyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
TimagorasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
TimeasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
TiphysmCharacters in Greek Mythology
TiresiasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Ashley TisdalefNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
TitiasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
TitiasmCharacters in Greek Mythology
TlesimenesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Tony ToddmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kassym-Jomart TokayevmOther Leaders
Nicholle TomfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Louis TomlinsonmNotable Musicians
Dado TopićmNotable Musicians
Rip TornmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Oscar TorpmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Isabella ToscanofFictional Characters from Television
ToxaechmesmCharacters in Greek Mythology
ToxicratefCharacters in Greek Mythology
Michelle TrachtenbergfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Spencer TracymNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
TragasiafCharacters in Greek Mythology
Daniel J. TravantimEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Nancy TravisfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alex TrebekmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Claire TrevorfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Joey TribbianimFictional Characters from Television
Trinley GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Jeanne TripplehornfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Catootje TrompfFictional Characters from Books
Jan TrompmFictional Characters from Books
Jans TrompfFictional Characters from Books
Karlijn TrompfFictional Characters from Books
Verne TroyermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dalton TrumbomNotable Filmmakers, Notable Writers
Donald J. TrumpmAmerican Presidents, Notable Businesspeople
Melania TrumpfAmerican First Ladies
Liz TrussfBritish Prime Ministers
Lavrenti TsanavamNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Alexis TsiprasmGreek Prime Ministers
Liana TsotadzefOlympic Medalists
Tsultrim GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Alan TudykmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mark TuitertmOlympic Medalists
Janine TurnerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jonathan TurnermFictional Characters from Television
Sophie TurnerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tina TurnerfGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
John TurturromNotable Actors and Entertainers
Donald TuskmPolish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Desmond TutumNobel Prize Winners, Notable Activists and Revolutionaries
Michael TylomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Cicely TysonfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Tracey UllmanfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Skeet UlrichmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ulrika EleonorafSwedish Kings and Queens
Björn UlvaeusmEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Karl UrbanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael UriemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ursmar of LobbesmSaints
Stan ValckxmNotable Athletes
Wilmer ValderramamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Steve ValentinemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Rudolph ValentinomNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mark ValleymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Achille Van AckermBelgian Prime Ministers
Berry van AerlemNotable Athletes
Dries van AgtmDutch Prime Ministers
Willeke van AmmelrooyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Hendrick van BalenmNotable Artists
Marco van BastenmNotable Athletes
Ludwig van BeethovenmNotable Musicians
Mark van BommelmNotable Athletes
Hans van BreukelenmNotable Athletes
Giovanni van BronckhorstmNotable Athletes
Emily VanCampfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jean-Claude Van DammemNotable Actors and Entertainers
René van de KerkhofmNotable Athletes
Willy van de KerkhofmNotable Athletes
Michel van de KorputmNotable Athletes
Hans van den BroekmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
James Van Der BeekmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Justinus van der BrugghenmDutch Prime Ministers
Andy van der MeijdemNotable Athletes
Edwin van der SarmNotable Athletes
Willy VandersteenmNotable Artists, Notable Writers
Rafael van der VaartmNotable Athletes
Bram van der VlugtmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gregory van der WielmNotable Athletes
Monique van de VenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Wieteke van DortfNotable Actors and Entertainers
André van DuinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dick Van DykemEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Gerald VanenburgmNotable Athletes
Ulrich van GobbelmNotable Athletes
Anky van GrunsvenfNotable Athletes, Olympic Medalists
Eddie Van HalenmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Willem van HanegemmNotable Athletes
Schelto van HeemstramDutch Prime Ministers
Pierre van HooijdonkmNotable Athletes
Carice van HoutenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jeroen van KoningsbruggemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kees van KootenmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Writers
Adrie van KraaijmNotable Athletes
Theo van Lynden van SandenburgmDutch Prime Ministers
Ruud van NistelrooijmNotable Athletes
Robin van PersiemNotable Athletes
Rupert VansittartmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Youp van 't HekmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ed van ThijnmNotable Politicians and Statespeople
Adri van TiggelenmNotable Athletes
John van 't SchipmNotable Athletes
Peter van VossenmNotable Athletes
Jacob van Zuylen van NijeveltmDutch Prime Ministers
Jules van Zuylen van NijeveltmDutch Prime Ministers
Leo VaradkarmIrish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Ralph Vaughan WilliamsmNotable Musicians
Vince VaughnmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Raimonds VējonismLatvian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Ronald VenetiaanmOther Leaders
Jan Vennegoor of HesselinkmNotable Athletes
Milo VentimigliamNotable Actors and Entertainers
Giuseppe VerdimNotable Musicians
Paul VerhoevenmNotable Filmmakers
Kees VerkerkmOlympic Medalists
Vincent of DenmarkmOther Royalty
Eric ViscaalmNotable Athletes
Antonio VivaldimNotable Musicians
VivianfFictional Characters from Song Titles
Ron VlaarmNotable Athletes
Rudi VöllermNotable Athletes
Volusian of ToursmSaints
Adolf von BaeyermNobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Emil von BehringmNobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Jenna von OÿfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Max von SydowmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ferdinand von ZeppelinmNotable Businesspeople, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Jason VoorheesmFictional Characters from Movies
Marianne VosfOlympic Medalists
Martien VreijsenmNotable Athletes
Filip VujanovićmOther Leaders
Lana WachowskifNotable Filmmakers
Lilly WachowskifNotable Filmmakers
Richard WagnermNotable Musicians
Robert WagnermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Mark WahlbergmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lech WałęsamNobel Prize Winners, Polish Presidents and Prime Ministers
Christopher WalkenmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Alice WalkerfNotable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners
Molly WalkerfFictional Characters from Television
Paul WalkermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Lucille WallfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Alfred Russel WallacemNotable Scientists and Inventors
Eli WallachmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kurt WallandermFictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television
M. Emmet WalshmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Barbara WaltersfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Journalists
Christoph WaltzmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Peter WarlockmNotable Musicians
Shane WarnemNotable Athletes
David WarnermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Denzel WashingtonmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Sam WaterstonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Barry WatsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ruby WaxfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Keenen Ivory WayansmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Marlon WayansmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Shawn WayansmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michael WeatherlymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Sigourney WeaverfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Liza WeilfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kevin WeismanmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Chaim WeizmannmIsraeli Presidents and Prime Ministers, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Tom WellingmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ming-Na WenfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Erben WennemarsmOlympic Medalists
Elmar WeppermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Fritz WeppermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Paul WesleymNotable Actors and Entertainers
Adam WestmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Shane WestmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Floyd "Red Crow" WestermanmNotable Activists and Revolutionaries, Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Sander WesterveldmNotable Athletes
Vivienne WestwoodfNotable Artists
William WhartonmNotable Writers
Ben WhishawmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Forest WhitakermNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Betty WhitefEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Jaleel WhitemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Dianne WiestfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Ben WijnstekersmNotable Athletes
Olivia WildefNotable Actors and Entertainers
Gene WildermNotable Actors and Entertainers
Piet WildschutmNotable Athletes
Wilhelm IImOther Royalty
Wilhelmina of the NetherlandsfOther Royalty
Tom WilkinsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Willem I of the NetherlandsmOther Royalty
Willem II of the NetherlandsmOther Royalty
Willem III of the NetherlandsmOther Royalty
Willem-Alexander of the NetherlandsmOther Royalty
Jetro WillemsmNotable Athletes
William, Prince of WalesmOther Royalty
Hank WilliamsmNotable Musicians
Hope Williams BradyfFictional Characters from Television
JoBeth WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
John WilliamsmNotable Musicians
Kelli WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Kimberly Williams-PaisleyfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Maisie WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michelle WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Robin WilliamsmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Treat WilliamsmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Vanessa L. WilliamsfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Bruce WillismEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Kåre WillochmNorwegian Prime Ministers
Sophie WilmèsfBelgian Prime Ministers
Brian WilsonmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Luke WilsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Patrick WilsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Scott WilsonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Adolf WindausmNobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors
William WindommEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Oprah WinfreyfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Businesspeople
Debra WingerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ray WinstonemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Aron WintermNotable Athletes
Ray WisemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Richard WitschgemNotable Athletes
Rob WitschgemNotable Athletes
Sam WitwermNotable Actors and Entertainers
P. G. WodehousemNotable Writers
Scott WolfmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Stevie WondermGrammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
Willy WonkamFictional Characters from Books
Tom WopatmNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians
Henry Clay WorkmNotable Musicians
Sam WorthingtonmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Jan WoutersmNotable Athletes
Teresa WrightfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Conchita WurstmEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Leo WyattmFictional Characters from Television
Noah WylemNotable Actors and Entertainers
Ed WynnmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Talat XhaferimOther Leaders
Celeste YarnallfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Anton YelchinmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Michelle YeohfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
YolafNotable Musicians
Yonten GyatsomOther Religious Leaders
Charlotte YorkfFictional Characters from Television
Alan YoungmEmmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers
Cy YoungmHall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes
Neil YoungmNotable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers
James Young DeermNotable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers
Humza YousafmOther Leaders
Zoran ZaevmOther Leaders
Steve ZahnmNotable Actors and Entertainers
ZarexmCharacters in Greek Mythology
Ernesto ZedillomOther Leaders
Kevin ZegersmNotable Actors and Entertainers
Volodymyr ZelenskyymOther Leaders
Måns ZelmerlöwmEurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians
Miloš ZemanmOther Leaders
Boudewijn ZendenmNotable Athletes
Catherine Zeta-JonesfNotable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners
Zhao WeifNotable Actors and Entertainers
Philip ZimbardomNotable Philosophers and Thinkers
Salome ZourabichvilifGeorgian Presidents and Prime Ministers
Richard Adolf ZsigmondymNobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors
Arianne ZuckerfNotable Actors and Entertainers
Denis ZvizdićmOther Leaders
Joost ZwagermanmNotable Writers