Submitted Surnames with "rowan" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword rowan.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Pihlakas Estonian
Pihlakas is an Estonian surname meaning "rowan" or "mountain ash".
Pihlapuu Estonian
Pihlapuu is an Estonian surname meaning "rowan/mountain ash tree".
Pihlasalu Estonian
Pihlasalu is an Estonian surname meaning "rowan/mountain ash grove".
Rönn Swedish
Means "rowan" in Swedish.
Rönnlund Swedish
Combination of Swedish rönn "rowan" and lund "grove".
Rundgren Swedish
Swedish surname with somewhat unclear etymology. The first element is possibly taken from a place named with either of the elements rund and/or run. Rund coincides with the Swedish word for "round", but it is not clear if the element used in this name is derived from that word... [more]
Tregurtha Cornish
A rare Cornish surname that derives its name from either the manor of Tregurtha in the parish of St. Hilary (located in west Cornwall) or from the hamlet of Tregurtha Barton in the parish of St. Wenn (located in central Cornwall)... [more]