Swedish Submitted Surnames

Swedish names are used in the country of Sweden in northern Europe. See also about Scandinavian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abelsson Icelandic, Swedish
Means "son of Abel" in Icelandic and Swedish.
Ådahl Swedish, Finland Swedish
Combination of Swedish å meaning "river, stream, creek" (Old Norse á) and dal meaning "dale, valley" (Old Norse dalr).
Adelsköld Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish adel meaning "nobility" (Old Norse aðal) and sköld meaning "shield".
Adlerz Swedish (Rare)
Possibly derived from the German surname Adler.
Adolphsson Swedish
Variant of Adolfsson; means "son of Adolph".
Åhdal Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Ådahl. There are no registered bearers of this name in Sweden, but people sometimes use a different spelling than the one recorded in the population registry.
Ahl Swedish
Derived from Swedish al "alder tree".
Ahlborn Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish al "alder" and -born, a Swedish surname suffix derived from German geboren "born".
Ahlin Swedish
Combination of Swedish al "alder" and the common Swedish surname suffix -in (ultimately derived from Latin -inus, -inius "descendant of").
Ahlqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish al "alder" and quist an old spelling of kvist "twig".
Åhman Swedish
Variant of Åman.
Åker Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
From Swedish and Norwegian åker "plowed field".
Åkerhielm Swedish
Combination of Swedish åker (Old Norse akr) meaning "field" and hjälm (Old Norse hjalmr) meaning "helmet".
Åkerlund Swedish
Ornamental name derived from Swedish åker meaning "field" and lund (Old Norse lundr) meaning "grove".
Åkerström Swedish
Combination of Swedish åker (Old Norse akr) meaning "field" and ström (Old Norse straumr) meaning "stream".
Alfvén Swedish (Rare)
Perhaps derived from Swedish älv "river".
Algotsson Swedish
Means "son of Algot".
Alin Swedish
Variant of Ahlin.
Alm Swedish
Means "elm" in Swedish.
Almblad Swedish
Combination of Swedish alm (Old Norse almr) meaning "elm" and blad meaning "leaf".
Almgren Swedish
Composed of Swedish alm (Old Norse almr) meaning "elm" and gren (Old Norse grein) meaning "branch".
Almlöf Swedish
Combination of Swedish alm (Old Norse almr) meaning "elm" and löv (Old Norse lauf) meaning "leaf".
Almqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish alm (Old Norse almr) meaning "elm" and kvist (Old Norse kvistr) meaning "twig, branch".
Åman Swedish
Combination of Swedish å "creek, river, big stream" and man "man".
Amundson English (American, Anglicized), Swedish (Rare)
Anglicized from or rare Swedish variant of Amundsen.
Andersdotter f Swedish
Strictly feminine patronymic of Anders.
Andreasdotter f Swedish (Rare)
Means "daughter of Andreas", this surname is only used by females.
Andreason English, Swedish (Rare)
Anglicized form of Andreassen and Andreasson as well as a (rare) Swedish variant of Andreasson.
Andrén Swedish
Latinized patronymic from the name Andreas.
Ångström Swedish
Combination of Swedish ånga "steam" and ström "river, current, stream". A notable bearer was Swedish physicist Anders Ångström (1814-1874), one of the founders of the science of spectroscopy... [more]
Appelkvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish apel or äpple both meaning "apple" and kvist "branch, twig".
Arèshjärta Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Means "heart of Ares". From the name Ares, the god of war in Greek mythology, and Swedish hjärta "heart".
Arhusia Swedish (Rare, Archaic)
Feminine form of Arhusius used in the 17th century.
Ärlig Swedish (Rare)
Means "honest" in Swedish.
Arn German (Swiss), English, Swedish
Swedish: from a short form of any of the many Norse names of which arn ‘eagle’ is the first element, for example Arnbjorn, Arnfinn, or Arnsten.... [more]
Arne English, Norwegian, Swedish, German
English (northern) Swedish and German: From the (medieval) personal name Arne a short form of Arnold or in Scandinavia any of the many other Norse names of which arn ‘eagle’ is the first element for example Arnbjörn Arnfinn and Arnsten.... [more]
Arneson English (American), Swedish (Rare)
Anglicized form of the Scandinavian names Arnesen and Arnesson, as well as a (rare) Swedish variant of Arnesson.
Arnesson Swedish
Means "son of Arne 1".
Aronsson Swedish
Means "son of Aron" in Swedish.
Arrhenius Swedish (Rare)
The name of two separate family linages with no relation between each other. One family originates from Linköping, Östergötland and probably got its name from Ancient Greek ᾰ̓́ρρην (árrhēn) "male" (taken from the last syllable of ancestor's last name, Kapfelman)... [more]
Artursson Swedish
Means "Son of Artur".
Ås Swedish, Norwegian
Means "ridge, esker" in Swedish and Norwegian.
Aschan Swedish
Shortened form of Aschanius (now obsolete) taken from the name of a village whose name was derived from Swedish ask "ash tree".
Ask Swedish
From Swedish ask "ash tree".
Åslund Swedish
Combination of Swedish ås "ridge, esker" and lund "grove".
Asp Swedish
Means "aspen tree" in Swedish.
Asplund Swedish, Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of Swedish asp "aspen" and lund "grove".
Assarsson Swedish
Means "son of Assar".
Axell Swedish
Possibly a habitational name with the combination of ax, a Swedish word for the fruiting body of a grain plant, and the common surname suffix -ell.
Axelman Swedish (Rare)
From the Scandinavian given name Axel and man "man".
Axén Swedish
Combination of ax, a Swedish word for the fruiting body of a grain plant, and the common surname suffix -én.
Bäcklund Swedish
Combination of Swedish bäck "brook, stream" and Lund "grove".
Backlund Swedish
Combination of Swedish backe "hill, slope" and Lund "grove".
Bäckman Swedish
Combination of Swedish bäck "small stream" and man "man".
Backman English, Swedish, German
Combination of Old English bakke "spine, back" and man "man". In Swedish, the first element is more likely to be derived from Swedish backe "hill", and in German the first element can be derived from German backen "to bake"... [more]
Bäckstrand Swedish
Combination of Swedish bäck "stream" and strand "shore".
Bäckström Swedish
Combination of Swedish bäck "brook, small stream" and ström "stream".
Backström Swedish
Combination of Swedish backe "slope, hill" and ström "stream".
Bagge Swedish
From Swedish bagge "ram (male sheep)".
Bark Swedish
Perhaps derived from a place name containing either Old Swedish *barke "throat", Old Swedish biork "birch tree" or Swedish bark "bark (covering of the trunk of a tree)"
Beckius Swedish
Combination of Swedish bäck "small stream, brook" and the common surname suffix -ius.
Bellman Swedish, English
Swedish and English form of Bellmann. A notable bearer was Swedish composer, poet and entertainer Carl Michael Bellman (1740-1795).
Bengtson English, Swedish
Variant of the Swedish surname Bengtsson.
Bergdahl Swedish
Combination of Swedish berg "mountain, hill" and dal "valley".
Bergh Swedish, Dutch
Variant of Berg.
Bergholtz Swedish, German (Rare)
Possibly a variant of German Bergholz which is either a derivative of Berchtold or from a topographic name meaning "birch wood"... [more]
Bergin Swedish
Derived from Swedish berg "mountain" and the common surname suffix -in.
Berglin Swedish
Combination of Swedish berg "mountain" and the surname suffix -in.
Berglind Swedish
Combination of Swedish berg "mountain, hill" and lind "linden tree".
Bergling Swedish
Combination of Swedish berg "mountain" and the common surname suffix -ing "belonging to, coming from". It has also been found as a spelling variant of similarly spelled names, such as Berlin... [more]
Bergmark Swedish
Combination of Swedish berg "mountain, hill" and mark "land, ground, field".
Berlin Swedish
Of uncertain origin. The name could be a shortened form of Berglin. It could also be a habitational name from the city in Germany or from a place in Sweden named with ber or berg "mountain"... [more]
Bernadotte French, Swedish
Possibly from the name of a historical province in Southern France named Béarn. This was originally a French non-noble surname. French general Jean Baptise Bernadotte (1763-1844) became the king of Sweden as Charles XIV John (Swedish: Karl XIV Johan) in 1818 and founded the current royal house in Sweden, House of Bernadotte.
Bertholm Swedish (Rare)
Possibly a combination of the name Bert and holm (see Holm).
Bertwig Swedish (Rare)
Derived from the forename elements beraht meaning "bright", and wig, meaning "war, battle".
Berwald German, Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Originally derived from the given name Bernwald, composed of Old High German bern, bero "bear" and wald "ruler"... [more]
Berzelius Swedish
Derived from the name of an estate named Bergsätter located near Motala, Östergötland, Sweden. Bergsätter is composed of Swedish berg "mountain" and säter "outlying meadow"... [more]
Beskow Swedish
Derived from the name of the city Beeskow in Germany. A notable bearer was Swedish author and illustrator Elsa Beskow (1874-1953).
Bildt Swedish (Rare)
Bildt is a Danish-Swedish-Norwegian noble family originating from Jutland in Denmark and now domiciled in Bohus county in southwest Sweden. The Norwegian branch of the family died out in the beginning of the 18th century... [more]
Birch English, German, Danish, Swedish (Rare)
From Middle High German birche, Old English birce, Old Danish birk, all meaning "birch". This was likely a topographic name for someone living by a birch tree or a birch forest... [more]
Birke Low German, Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Birk. Perhaps a shortened form of any of various Danish and Norwegian surnames beginning with Birke-, for example Birkeland and Birkelund ("birch grove").
Björkqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish björk "birch tree" and qvist, an obsolete spelling of kvist, "twig".
Björn Swedish
Means "bear" in Swedish. Either taken directly from the given name (see Björn) or from a nickname for a big, hairy person. It may also be derived from a place named with the element björn.
Björnberg Swedish
Ornamental name derived from Swedish björn meaning "bear" and berg meaning "mountain".
Blixt Swedish
From Swedish blixt "lightning, flash".
Blomkvist Swedish
Variant of Blomqvist. Mikael Blomkvist is a fictional character in Stieg Larsson's Millennium Series.
Blomstrand Swedish
From Swedish blomma (Old Norse blóm) meaning "flower" and strand (Old Norse strǫnd) meaning "beach, sea shore".
Bloom Swedish
Variant of Blom.
Bloomstrand Swedish (Anglicized)
Possibly an anglicized form of Swedish Blomstrand.
Bobeck Swedish, German, Jewish, Slavic
A respelling of the Swedish Bobäck, an ornamental name composed of the elements bo meaning "farm" and bäck meaning "stream".... [more]
Bodén Swedish
Probably a combination of Swedish bod meaning either "small shop, boutique" or "shed, shack", and the common surname suffix -én.
Bodin Swedish
Swedish bo "dwelling, home" or bod "small shop, boutique, shed, shack" combined with the common surname suffix -in.
Boman Swedish
Combination of Swedish bo (noun) "nest, farm, dwelling" and man "man".
Bonde Swedish, Old Swedish, Danish
From Old Norse bóndi "farmer". Used as both a last name and a (rare) given name in Sweden (see Bonde for the given name and Bondesson as an example of a patronymic derived from this name)... [more]
Bondesson Swedish
Means "son of Bonde", or possibly "son of a farmer".
Bonnevier Swedish
Likely brought to Sweden by Walloon immigrants in the 16th century.
Borén Swedish
Combination of an unknown first element and the common surname suffix -én (originally from Latin -enius "descendant of"). Also possible habitational name derived from places named with Bor-, such as Borås, Borensberg, and Borlänge... [more]
Börjesson Swedish
Means "son of Börje".
Borsten Swedish, Danish
Swedish and Danish form of Borstein.
Bosson Swedish
Means "son of Bo 1" in Swedish.
Boström Swedish
Combination of Swedish bo "dwelling, home" and ström "stream, river".
Brahe Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Danish and Swedish noble family with roots in Scania and Halland, southern Sweden (both provinces belonged to Denmark when the family was founded). A notable bearer was Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe (1546-1601).
Brännström Swedish
Combination of Swedish bränna "to burn" and ström "stream".
Branting Swedish
A combination of Swedish brant "steep hill" and the suffix -ing. A famous bearer was Hjalmar Branting (1860–1925), Prime Minister of Sweden in the 1920s.
Brattén Swedish (Rare)
Composed of the personal name Bratt and the common surname suffix -én (ultimately from Latin -enius "descendant of").
Brink Low German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish
Means "village green" or "hill, slope, edge of a field or steep place". As a Swedish name, it’s ornamental.
Brodén Swedish
Likely composed of Swedish bro "bridge" and the common surname suffix -én (ultimately derived from Latin -enius).
Brolin Swedish
Composed of Swedish bro "bridge" and the common surname suffix -in.
Brorsson Swedish
Means "son of Bror".
Bryngelsson Swedish
Means "son of Bryngel".
Bryntesson Swedish
Means "son of Brynte"
Bure Old Swedish, Swedish
This was the name of an influential family in 16th century Sweden. The name originated from the village Bure (now known as Bureå) in Skellefteå parish in Northern Sweden. The village got its name from the nearby Bure River (Swedish: Bure älv, Bureälven) whose name was derived from the Swedish dialectal word burra "buzz, rumble".
Byberg Norwegian, Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish and Norwegian by "village" and berg "mountain".
Bylin Swedish
A combination of Swedish by "village" and the suffix -in, derived from Latin -inus, -inius "descendant of"
Bylund Swedish
Combination of Swedish by "village" and lund "grove".
Bystedt Swedish
A combination of Swedish by "village" and German stedt "home, place".
Callander Scottish, English, Swedish (Rare)
Habitational name from various places so named in Scotland. ... [more]
Calvander Swedish (Rare)
Possibly a combination of a place name and the common surname suffix -ander (from Greek ἀνδρός (andros) "man").
Carlander Swedish
Combination of the given name Karl or Swedish karl "man" and ander, from classical Greek andros, "man".
Carlberg Swedish
Combination of the given name Carl or Swedish karl "man", and berg "mountain".
Carlin Swedish (Rare)
Combination of the given name Karl, which is also a common place name prefix, and the common surname suffix -in (originally from Latin -inus "descendant of").
Carling Swedish
From the personal name Karl, which is also a common place name prefix, and the common surname suffix -ing "belonging to".
Carlström Swedish
Combination of the given name Carl and Swedish ström (Old Norse straumr) meaning "stream".
Cedergren Swedish
Combination of Swedish ceder "cedar" and gren "branch".
Cederqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish ceder "cedar" and kvist "twig, branch".
Celsius Swedish (Archaic), History
Latinized form of Högen "the mound" (Latin: celsus), the name of a vicarage in Ovanåker parish, Sweden. Celsius is a unit of measurement for temperature named for Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701–1744).
Christer Swedish, Danish
From the given name Christer.
Chydenius Finland Swedish
From the name of the Kytyniemi estate in Nykyrko (now Uusikaupunki), Finland.
Collin Swedish
Either a combination of an unknown first name element (possibly derived from a place name) and the common surname suffix -in, or a variant of German Colin.
Cron Scottish, German, Jewish (Ashkenazi), French, Picard, Breton, Swedish (Americanized)
Scottish (Dumfriesshire and Cumberland): variant of Crone.... [more]
Cronholm Swedish
Ornamental name derived from Swedish krona (from Latin corona) meaning "crown" and holme (Old Norse holmr) meaning "small island".
Daae Literature, Norwegian, Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Norwegian surname, originating in Trondheim in the 17th century. Also a variant of Daa, the name of a Danish noble family which originated in Southern Jutland in the 14th century... [more]
Dahlby Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish dal "valley" and by "village".
Dahlén Swedish, Norwegian
Combination of Swedish dal "valley" and the common surname suffix -én.
Dahlgren Swedish
Combination of Swedish dal "valley" and gren "branch".
Dahlin Swedish
Combination of Swedish dal "valley" and the common surname suffix -in.
Dahlqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish dal "valley" and qvist "twig, branch".
Dahlström Swedish
Derived from Swedish dal "valley" and ström "stream".
Dalin Swedish
Variant of Dahlin.
Davidsson Swedish
Means "son of David".
De Geer Dutch, Swedish
Derived from the town of Geer near Liège, Belgium. The town lies along the course of the river Jeker, which is called Geer in French. Alternatively, it could derive from Dutch geer "wedge-shaped piece of land".
Djärv Swedish (Rare)
Means "bold, daring" in Swedish.
Djerf Swedish
Variant of Djärv.
Dufva Swedish
From Swedish duva "dove, pigeon".
Eckland English (Rare), Norwegian (Anglicized, Rare, Expatriate), Swedish (Anglicized, Expatriate)
Possibly a variant of Ecklund. It might also be an anglicization of the rare Swedish surname Ekland or of a Norwegian name derived from several farmsteads named with eik "oak" and land "land".
Ecklund Swedish (Anglicized)
Americanized form of Eklund.
Eckström Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Ekström. Ekström is often anglicized as Eckstrom.
Edén Swedish
Possibly a habitational name from a place named with the element ed "isthmus". In some cases it could also be a shortened form of EDENIUS (a combination of Swedish ed "isthmus" and the Latin suffix -enius "descendant of").
Edin Swedish
Variant of Edén.
Edström Swedish
Combination of Swedish ed "isthmus" and ström "stream".
Edvardsson Swedish
Means "son of Edvard".
Eek Swedish, Norwegian
Variant of Ek.
Ehn Swedish
Derived from Swedish en "juniper".
Eilert Frisian, Norwegian, Swedish
From the given name Eilert.
Ekberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish ek "oak" and berg "mountain".
Ekblad Swedish
Combination of Swedish ek "oak" and blad "leaf".
Ekdahl Swedish
Combination of Swedish ek "oak" and dal "valley".
Ekdal Swedish
Variant of Ekdahl.
Eke Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Ek.
Ekholm Swedish
Composed of the elements ek "oak" and holm "islet"
Ekland Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish ek "oak" and land "land". A famous bearer is Swedish actress Britt Ekland (b. 1942), but in her case, the name is a variant of Eklund.
Eklöf Swedish
Combination of Swedish ek "oak" and löf, an archaic spelling of löv, "leaf".
Ekman Swedish
Combination of Swedish ek "oak" and man "man".
Ekvall Swedish
Composed of Swedish ek "oak" and vall "field, pasture".
Elander Swedish
Combination of an unexplained first element and the common Swedish surname suffix -ander (originally from Greek aner, andros "man").
Elfving Swedish
Possibly a combination of an obsolete spelling of Swedish älv "river" and the suffix -ing (ultimately from Proto-Germanic -ingaz) meaning "coming from, belonging to, descending from"... [more]
Elofsson Swedish
Means "son of Elof".
Emilsson Icelandic, Swedish
Means "son of Emil".
Eneborg Swedish (Rare)
From Swedish en "juniper" and borg "castle".
Eng Swedish, Norwegian
Derived from Old Norse eng "meadow".
Engdahl Swedish
Combination of Swedish äng "meadow" and dal "valley".
Englund Swedish, English
Combination of Swedish äng "meadow" and lund "grove".
Engqvist Swedish
Derived from Swedish äng (Old Norse eng) meaning "meadow" and qvist (Old Norse kvistr) meaning "twig, branch".
Enhörning Swedish (Rare)
Perhaps created in a similar manner as the German surname Einhorn.
Enroth Swedish
Combination of Swedish en "juniper" and rot "root".
Erikson English, Swedish
Means "son of Erik". This was famously used by Icelandic explorer Leif Erikson (Old Norse: Leifr Eiríksson).
Erixon Swedish
Variant spelling of Eriksson.
Erlander Swedish
Derived from the personal name Erland. A famous bearer was Swedish politician Tage Erlander (1901-1985), Prime Minister of Sweden between 1946 and 1969... [more]
Erlandsson Swedish
Means "son of Erland".
Ersson Swedish
Contracted form of Eriksson.
Fager Swedish
From Swedish fager, an archaic word meaning ”pretty, fair”.
Fäldt Swedish
Variant of Feldt.
Falkenberg German, Danish, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Habitational name from any of several places named from Old High German falk "falcon" and berg "mountain, hill".
Fält Swedish
Means "field" in Swedish.
Fältskog Swedish
Combination of Swedish fält "field" and skog "forest". Agnetha Fältskog (b. 1950) is a Swedish singer and former member of ABBA.
Fast German, Swedish
Either a short form of a name starting with the element fast meaning "steadfast, firm", or a nickname for a reliable steadfast person.
Ferm Swedish
Derived from Swedish färm "quick, prompt".
Finne Finnish, Finland Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish (Rare)
Derived from Swedish, Norwegian and Danish finne "Finn", ultimately from Old Norse finnr "Sámi, person from Finland". In Norwegian and Danish sometimes habitational.
Fjellström Swedish
Combination of Swedish fjäll "mountain, fell" and ström "stream, river".
Flink Swedish
From Swedish flink, an adjective for someone who is quick and accurate.
Floberg Swedish, Norwegian (Rare)
Of uncertain origin. Could possibly be combination of flo, an unexplained element (but probably either ornamental or locational), and berg "mountain", or a habitational name from a place so named.
Flodqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish flod "river" and kvist "twig, branch".
Florén Swedish
Combination of Latin flor "flower" and the common surname suffix -én.
Flygare Swedish
Means "someone who flies" in Swedish, ultimately a combination of the verb flyga "to fly" and the suffix -are denoting a person who performs the action of the verb. The surname was first used in the 17th century and is therefore unrelated to the modern occupation pilot (the Swedish word for pilot is also "pilot"), instead, a flygare probably referred to a person who was quick, fast.
Fogelström Swedish
From Swedish fågel "bird" and ström "stream".
Fors Swedish
Means "rapid, small waterfall" in Swedish.
Forslöf Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish fors "rapid" and löv "leaf".
Forsman Swedish
Combination of Swedish fors "rapid" (geology) and man "man".
Forsström Swedish, Finnish
Derived from Swedish fors meaning "waterfall" and ström (Old Norse straumr) meaning "stream".
Franzelius Swedish (Rare), German (Rare)
Likely derived from the given name Franz.
Franzén Swedish
Combination of the given name Franz and the popular surname suffix -én, derived from Latin -enius "descendant of".
Fredman Swedish
Combination of Swedish fred "peace" and man "man".
Fredrickson English, Swedish (Rare)
Means "son of Fredrick", sometimes used as an Americanized spelling of Fredriksson or Fredriksen.
Frimodig Swedish
Taken directly from Swedish frimodig meaning "frank, outspoken, bold, ingenuous".
Fröding Swedish
Meaning uncertain. Possibly from a place name element derived from Swedish frodig meaning "lush, thriving, flourishing" or from the name of the Norse god Frö (see Freyr)... [more]
Fröjd Swedish
Swedish cognate of Freud.
From Swedish
From Swedish from "pious, devout, religious, holy".
Fuglesang Norwegian, Swedish (Rare)
Means "bird song" in Norwegian (compare German Vogelsang).
Glad Swedish
Swedish soldier name meaning "happy". ... [more]
Gran Swedish, Norwegian
Means "spruce" in Swedish and Norwegian.
Granath Swedish
Swedish soldier name meaning "grenade". ... [more]
Granlund Swedish
Combination of Swedish gran "spruce" and lund "grove".
Granqvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish gran "spruce" and kvist "twig, branch".
Gren Swedish
Means "branch" in Swedish.
Grönlund Swedish, Finnish
Combination of Swedish grön "green" and lund "grove".
Grundel German, Swedish
A German/swedish name. Meaning unknown, possibly means "bottom". A person bearing this surname is Heinz Grundel, a former footballer. ... [more]
Grundin Swedish
Combination of Swedish grund "shallow (water)" and the surname suffix -in.
Gummesson Swedish
Means "son of Gumme".
Gustafsdotter f Swedish
Means "daughter of Gustaf".
Gyllenhaal Swedish
The name Gyllenhaal originated from Nils Gunnarsson Gyllenhaal's father Gunne Olofsson Haal, who was from Hahlegården, a crown homestead in South Härene Parish in the county of Västergötland in West Sweden... [more]
Hägg Swedish
From Swedish hägg meaning "prunus padus", but also known as "hackberry, bird cherry". It is a type of small tree native to northern Asia and Europe.
Häggkvist Swedish
Combination of Swedish hägg "bird cherry" (a type of tree native to Sweden) and kvist "twig".
Hägglund Swedish
Combination of Swedish hägg "bird cherry" (a type of tree native to Sweden) and lund "grove".
Häggström Swedish
Combination of Swedish hägg "bird cherry" and ström "stream, small river".
Hagman Swedish
Combination of Swedish hage "enclosure, pasture" and man "man", thus making it a cognate of German Hagemann.
Hagström Swedish
Combination of Swedish hage "enclosure, garden" and ström "stream, small river".
Hållberg Swedish (Rare)
The first element might be taken from place names starting with (or containing) , hål, or håll. The second element is Swedish berg "mountain".
Hallberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish hall "hall, stone, rock" and berg "mountain".
Halldén Swedish
Combination of the dialectal Swedish word hall (Standard Swedish häll, Old Norse hallr), a type of flat rock, and the common surname suffix -én. The first element may be taken from a place named with this element (e.g. Halland, Hallsberg, or Hallstavik).
Hallén Swedish
Combination of Swedish hall "hall" or häll "rock, stone" and the common surname -én.
Hallgren Swedish, English
Combination of the dialectal Swedish word hall (Standard Swedish häll, Old Norse hallr), a type of flat rock, and gren meaning "branch". The first element may be taken from the name of a place named with this element (e.g. Halland, Hallsberg, or Hallstavik)... [more]
Hallquist Swedish
Composed of the elements hall "stone, rock" and quist, an old spelling of kvist "twig".
Hallström Swedish
Combination of Swedish hall "hall, stone, rock" and ström "stream, small river".
Halvarsson Swedish
Means "son of Halvar".
Hammar Swedish
From a common place name element ultimately derived from Old Norse hamarr meaning "hammer, stone, steep cliff".
Hammarberg Swedish
Combination of Swedish hammare "hammer" and berg "mountain".
Hammarlund Swedish
Combination of Swedish hammare "hammer" and lund "grove".
Hammarskjöld Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish hammare "hammer" and sköld "shield". A notable bearer was diplomat and Secretary-General of the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld (1905-1961).
Hansdotter f Swedish
Means "daughter of Hans". This name is only given to females. A notable bearer is Swedish alpine ski racer Frida Hansdotter (b. 1985).
Hård Swedish
Swedish surname meaning "hard".