Submitted Surnames with "vast" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword vast.
See Also
vast meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Hiromi Japanese (Rare)
From the stem of adjective 広い/廣い (hiroi), meaning "spacious, vast, wide," combined with either 海 (mi), shortened from umi meaning "sea, ocean," or 見 (mi) meaning "looking, viewing."... [more]
Hong Chinese, Korean
From Chinese 洪 (hóng) meaning "flood" or "vast, wide".
Imbert French
From the medieval French personal name Imbert, of Germanic origin and meaning literally "vast-bright".
Lai Estonian
Lai is an Estonian surname meaning "wide", "vast" and "spacious".
Tokuhiro Japanese
From 徳 (toku) "virtue, ethics" and 弘 (hiro.i, gu, kou) meaning "broad, vast, wide".