Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword glass.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Chaikaeo Thai
From Thai ชัย or ไชย (chai) meaning "victory" and แก้ว (kaeo) meaning "crystal, glass, precious, excellent".
Godet French
From Old French godet, meaning "glass, tumbler", used as a nickname for a maker or seller.
Kaeomani Thai
From Thai แก้ว (kaeo) meaning "crystal, glass" and มณี (mani) meaning "precious stone, gem, jewel".
Kelch German
nickname from Middle High German kelch "double chin", "goiter". from another meaning of Middle High German kelch "glass", "chalice", hence a metonymic occupational name for a chalice maker or a habitational name for someone living at a house distinguished by the sign of a chalice.
Keomany Lao
From Lao ແກ້ວ (keo) meaning "gem, jewel, glass" and ມະນີ (mani) meaning "gem, jewel, precious stone".
Khamkaeo Thai
From Thai คำ (kham) meaning "gold" or "word, speech" and แก้ว (kaeo) meaning "crystal, glass, diamond".
Klaas Estonian
Klaas is an Estonian surname meaning "glass".
Klaassepp Estonian
Klaassepp is an Estonian surname meaning "glass smith".
Saengkaeo Thai
From Thai แสง (saeng) meaning "light, ray, beam" and แก้ว (kaeo) meaning "crystal, glass, diamond".
Schmelzer German
occupational name for a smelter from an agent derivative of Middle High German smelzen German schmelzen "to smelt metal" or "make glass".
Sklenár Slovak
The Slovak version of the Czech Sklenář. From the Slovak "sklo" meaning "glass".
Verret French
From the French word verre, meaning "glass." Possibly denoting someone who worked with glass.
Wongkaeo Thai
From Thai วงศ์ or วงษ์ (wong) meaning "lineage, family, dynasty" and แก้ว (kaeo) meaning "crystal, glass, diamond".