Submitted Surnames with "grand" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword grand.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Büyük Turkish
Means "big, large, grand" in Turkish.
Furuyashiki Japanese
Meaning "Old Grand House", with the Kanji Characters 古屋敷.
Isageum Korean
From Old Korean - Shillan 泥師今/니ᄉᆞ금 (nisokum) "ruler" or "emperor" and derived from Old Korean 니 "first, principal, main, teeth" + ㅅ "genitive particle" and Old Korean 금 "grand, great, big"... [more]
Saxby English (British)
Saxby is the surname of the character Stella Saxby from the book Awful Auntie, by David Walliams. Saxby means "Grand" .
Simbolon Batak
Derived from Batak bolon meaning "big, grand, great".
Simbolon Batak
From the Batak prefix si for place names and bolon meaning "big, large, grand".
Suur Estonian
Suur is an Estonian surname meaning "big" and "grand".