Submitted Surnames with "wetland" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword wetland.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aosawa Japanese
Ao means "blue, green" and sawa means "swamp, wetland, marsh".
Fukasawa Japanese
Fuka means "deep" and sawa means "wetland, swamp, marsh".
Horisawa Japanese
Hori means "canal, moat" and sawa means "swamp, marsh, wetland".
Jimuta Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 爾 (ji), a phonetic character, and 牟田 (muta) meaning "wetland; bog".
Misawa Japanese
Mi could mean "three" or "beautiful", and sawa means "swamp, marsh, wetland".
Myrsten Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish myr "bog, moor, wetland" and sten "stone, rock".
Myrvall Swedish (Rare)
From Swedish myr "bog, moor, wetland" and vall "pasture, field of grass".
Van Breukelen Dutch
Means "from Breukelen", a town in the province of Utrecht in the Netherlands, itself derived from Old Dutch bruoc meaning "marsh, marshland, wetland" and lētha meaning "excavated, canalised watercourse"... [more]
Yonesawa Japanese
Yone means "rice, America" and sawa means "swamp, wetland, marsh".