Submitted Surnames of Length 1

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the length is 1.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
E Chinese
Meaning is "abbr. of Iraq/Iran"
Ī Japanese
Combination of Kanji Characters "伊" and "井" meaning "Well".
O Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 奥 (see Ō).
Ō Japanese (Rare)
Variant reading of Japanese Kanji 奥 (see Oku.
R Obscure
Meaning unknown.
Sử Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Shi, from Sino-Vietnamese 史 (sử).
Từ Vietnamese
Vietnamese form of Xu 1, from Sino-Vietnamese 徐 (từ).