Submitted Surnames with "truthful" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword truthful.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Siddiq Arabic, Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, Bengali
Derived from Arabic صَدِيق (ṣiddīq) meaning "truthful, veracious".
Siddiqui Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
From Arabic صَادِق (ṣādiq) meaning "true, truthful, veracious". It was traditionally used as an honorific title or a nickname for a trustworthy person.
Sidiqi Pashto, Persian, Afghan
Means "the veracious" from Arabic صَدَقَ (ṣadaqa) meaning "to be truthful, to be sincere". It is also a variant of Persian Sadeghi.
Sitdikov Bashkir, Tatar
Either derived from Arabic صَدِيق (ṣadīq) meaning "friend" or صَادِق (ṣādiq) meaning "true, truthful, veracious".
Suchwani Sanskrit
Suchwani means "decendent of Suchu", where the given name Suchu means "truthful".