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Type Surname (from location & from nickname)
Pronounced Pron. BEH-LEE-VO(French)  [key]
Other Forms FormsBeliveau, Belliveau, Belivaux, Bélivaux, Bélliveau, Bellivaux, Béllivaux, Belleveau, Bellevaux, De Bellevau, Bliveau, Belivo, Belleveau, Beleveau

Meaning & History

Derived from Old French besliver meaning "to stagger along", originally a nickname referring to a drunkard. It could also denote a person who lived in a beautiful, lovely valley, derived from French beau "beautiful" or Old French beu, bel "fair, lovely", combined with val meaning "valley". This name was borne by the Canadian hockey player Jean Béliveau (1931-2014).
Added 1/28/2023 by General9696
Edited 10/25/2023 by General9696