Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword hawthorn.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Arencibia Spanish
Castilianized combination of the basque words of aranz meaning "thorn"; "hawthorn" + ibi meaning "ford" + a (basque article suffix); meaning someone living by a thorny ford. A "ford" is a body of water shallow enough to walk through; In this context topographically referring to a some places in Spain
Espiñeira Galician
Habitational from any of numerous places called Espiñeira in Galicia, Spain, from Galician espiño meaning "hawthorn".
Hagedorn German
German cognate of Hawthorne. Topographic name from Middle High German hagedorn "hawthorn" from hac "hedge" and dorn "thorn".
Haythornthwaite English (British)
Derived from the Old English word haguthorn, which means "hawthorn". Originated in the township of Hawthorn, parish of Easington, County Durham circa 1155.
Viirpuu Estonian
Viirpuu is an Estonian surname meaning "hawthorn" (Crataegus).