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Type Surname

Meaning & History

Not available.
Added 1/19/2016 by Sofia

Buljubašić 2
Type Surname
Scripts bölükbaşı
Pronounced Pron. Bool-LEU-bahsh-eech(Croatian)  [key]
Other Forms FormsBuljubasic

Meaning & History

Buljubašić is a Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian surname derived from the Ottoman military rank Boluk-bashi.

This surname originates from the Ottoman Empire. Bulukbasa was a military rank of janissary in the Ottoman Empire, and would correspond in to the rank of captain in the European armies. Turkish compound: bölükbaşı, from the word bölük, meaning 'group', 'company', and başı, meaning 'head', 'leader'.
Added 12/2/2023 by Dragica Buljubašić