Bosnian Submitted Surnames

Bosnian names are used by the Bosniak people. For additional names, see Serbo-Croatian names, Arabic names and Turkish names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Adem Turkish, Bosnian, Albanian, Uyghur
From the given name Adem.
Ademović Bosnian
Means "son of Adem".
Adilović Bosnian
Means "son of Adil".
Aganović Bosnian
means "son of Agan
Ahmedović Bosnian
Means "son of Ahmed" in Bosnian.
Ahmetović Bosnian
Means "son of Ahmet".
Ajdinović Bosnian
Means "son of Ajdin".
Alić Bosnian
Means "son of Ali 1".
Alomerović Bosnian (Modern)
Derived from the Arabic surname Al-Omari.
Alomerovich Аломерович Bosnian (Russified, Modern)
Variant of Bosnian Alomerović.
Arapović Croatian, Bosnian (Rare)
From “Arap” meaning “Arab” in Croatian, derived from Turkish Arap
Arifović Bosnian
Means "son of Arif".
Arslanagić Bosnian
Means "son of Arslan".
Avdić Авдић Bosnian
Means "child of Avdo".
Bajramović Bosnian
Derived from Bosnian bajram meaning "Eid" (a Muslim festival), borrowed from Turkish bayram.
Bajrić Бајрић Bosnian
Begić Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian
Possibly related to Turkish element beg meaning "chieftain, leader".
Bektešević Bosnian
Patronymic, meaning "son of Bektaş".
Berberić Bosnian
Occupational name for a barber, from berber(in) meaning "barber", from Turkish.
Besić Бесић Bosnian
Bjeljac Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
From the Croation Area of Kordun specifically Koranski Lug. Possibly also Bosnia. A large migration of Serbs were enticed by the Austrian government to move from Bosnia to Croatia to act as a buffer militia between the Ottoman Empire of Bosnia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Croatia... [more]
Bosnić Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian
Means ''from Bosnia''.
Brković Брковић Bosnian
Buljubašić Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Slovene
Buljubašić is a Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian surname derived from the Ottoman military rank Boluk-bashi.... [more]
Bumrap Bosnian (Rare)
Of Slavic origin, possibly originating near the city of Tuzla.
Čavka Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian
Means "jackdaw" in various Balkan languages.
Čekić Serbian, Bosnian
Derived from čekić (чекић), meaning "hammer".
Čelebić Челебић Bosnian, Montenegrin
Derived from the Turkish title çelebi meaning "gentleman".
Čeliković Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian
Derived from Serbo-Croatian "čelik", ultimately from Turkish çelik, meaning "steel". The -ović suffix is a patronym.
Ćerimović Bosnian
means "son of Ćerim"
Čolak Bosnian
Bosnian form of Turkish surname Çolak.
Čomor Чомор Bosnian (Rare), Bosnian
Čomor is a rare surname in the world and has (mostly) Herzegovenian origins. You can find most Čomors in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Only 400 people bare the surname. Čomor has two meanings; First meaning is 'buttercup' and the second one is 'a disease that comes from eating fatty (oily) foods, fever with a constant feeling of nausea and disgust'
Davud Persian, Azerbaijani, Bosnian
From the given name Davud.
Demić Serbian, Bosnian
Derived from Turkish demir, meaning "iron".
Dolic Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Turkish
Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian (Delić): patronymic from Bosnian, Serbian, and Croatian delija, an occupational name for a cavalryman of the Ottoman Turkish army and also a nickname for a hero, from Turkish deli ‘mad, brave’.
Dragun Драгун Polish, Croatian, Slovak, Bosnian
Slavic cognate of Dragon.
Dugonja Bosnian
This surname is used at: Sarajevo, Mostar, Dubrovnik, Novi Pazar.
Đženanić Ђенанић Bosnian
That Means "Son Of Jenan" In Bosnian
Eminović Bosnian
Means "son of Emin".
Ferhatović Bosnian
Means "son of Ferhat".
Gadžo Bosnian
It is assumed that Gadžo derives from the old-Indian gārhya ("domestic") and means farmer, villager, head of the house or husband.
Galijašević Bosnian
Means "galley worker" or "man from Gaul".... [more]
Godinjak Годињак Bosnian
From Bosnian godina, meaning "year".
Gračanin Грачанин Bosnian
Građankić Грађанкић Bosnian (Rare)
Derived from "građan" meaning "citizen" in Serbo-Croatian.
Granov Jewish, Bosnian
Habitational name from Granov, Ukraine.... [more]
Guli Uzbek, Kurdish, Persian, Urdu, Pashto, Albanian, Bosnian
Derived from Persian گل (gol) meaning "flower" or "rose". It is sometimes borne by Georgians and Armenians of Persian descent.
Gusinjac Bosnian
From Gusinje, the name of a town in the Plav municipality of Montenegro where Bosniaks form a regional majority
Guta Bosnian
Possibly a mispronunciation of the Bosnian word for the verb "gutati" (to swallow) or "guta" (swallowing).
Habibović Bosnian
Means "son of Habib".
Hadžiabdić Bosnian
Possibly from Bosnian hadž meaning "hajj, pilgrimage" and Arabic-derived عبد (ʿabd) meaning "servant", added with the patronymic element -ić.
Hadžijunuzović Bosnian
Possibly from Bosnian hadž meaning "hajj, pilgrimage", combined with the given name Junus and the patronymic element -ić.
Hadžimuhamedović Bosnian
Possibly from Bosnian hadž meaning "hajj, pilgrimage", combined with the Bosnian given name Muhamed and the patronymic element -ić.
Halilović Bosnian
Means "son of Halil".
Halimović Bosnian
Means "son of Halim".
Hamidović Bosnian
Means "son of Hamid 1".
Hamzagić Bosnian
Means "son of Hamza".
Hamzić Bosnian
Means "son of Hamza".
Harambašić Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian
Derived from harambaša (харамбаша), which was a historic rank for the senior commander of a hajduk band. The hajduks were bandits and freedom fighters in the Balkans who fought the Ottomans.
Hasančić Bosnian
Means "son of Hasan".
Hasandjekić Bosnian
Possibly derived from "son of Hasan".
Hasanović Bosnian
Means "son of Hasan".
Hasečić Хасечић Bosnian
Herco Bosnian
Derived from Herceg.
Husamović Хусамовић Bosnian
Means "son of Husam".
Huseinović Bosnian
Means "son of Husein".
Husejinović Bosnian
Means "son of Husein".
Husejnović Bosnian
Means "son of Husejn".
Ibričić Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Means "son of Ibro" in Serbo-Croatian.... [more]
Imamović Bosnian
Means "son of the imam", from Arabic إِمَام (ʾimām) referring to a Muslim leader.
Iriskić Ирискић Bosnian
Jakupović Bosnian
Means "son of Jakup".
Jelavić Serbian, Bosnian
derived from the place name Jelav, one of the places in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Junuzović Bosnian
Means "son of Yunus
Jusufović Bosnian
Means "son of Jusuf" in Bosnian.
Kajkut Кайкут Bosnian
Kalajdžić Калајџић Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian
Kapetanović Croatian, Bosnian
Occupational surname derived from kapetan meaning "captain".
Kapić Bosnian
Derived from kapa, meaning "hat, cap".
Karadžić Караџић Montenegrin, Serbian, Bosnian (?)
Derived from Turkish karaca, meaning "roe deer".
Koljenović Bosnian
Derived from koljeno, meaning "knee".
Kremic Bosnian (Rare)
Surname Kremić was used in early middle-ages, in Bosnia. It was used by royal and ordinary people. That surname is very rare today and it's almost extinct, but in the past it had very big influence.
Kukić Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Derived from kuka (кука), meaning "hook".
Lević Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Derived from levo, meaning "left".
Lišić Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Possibly derived from Albanian lesh, meaning "fur".
Mahmutović Bosnian
Means "son of Mahmut".
Mehović Bosnian, Montenegrin
Slavic version that might have developed from the Albanian surname Mehaj