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Type Surname (from location & from nickname)

Meaning & History

English: from Middle English dole ‘portion of land’ (Old English dal ‘share’, ‘portion’). The term could denote land within the common field, a boundary mark, or a unit of area; so the name may be of topographic origin or a status name.

Irish: reduced and altered Anglicized form of McDowell. Compare McDole. French (Dolé): nickname for a troubled or anxious person, from Old French dolé, past participle of doler ‘to regret’ (Latin dolere ‘to hurt’).

Most notable people with this surname would be:
Bob Dole (1927) the former US Senator.
James Dole (1877-1958), the owner of the Dole corporation and planter of pineapples in Hawaii.
Sanford Dole (1844-1926), first governor of Hawaii
Added 6/19/2017 by TanorFaux