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Gall 1
Type Surname (from nickname)
Usage Spanish

Meaning & History

In fact it is Catalan. See italian Gall

R. 4938 in USA

This surnames comes from different nationalities in USA.
Added 9/6/2004 by Giacomo Ganza

Gall 2
Type Surname (from nickname)

Meaning & History

Nickname, of Celtic origin, meaning "foreigner" or "stranger". In the Scottish Highlands the Gaelic term gall was applied to people from the English-speaking lowlands and to Scandinavians; in Ireland the same term was applied to settlers who arrived from Wales and England in the wake of the Anglo-Norman invasion of the 12th century. The surname is also found at an early date in Lincolnshire, where it apparently has a Breton origin, having been introduced by Breton followers of the Norman Conquerors.
Added 3/19/2016 by anonymous