Scottish Submitted Surnames

Scottish names are used in the country of Scotland as well as elsewhere in the Western World as a result of the Scottish diaspora. See also about Scottish names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abercrombie Scottish
Derived from a surname. It is the name of a parish in Fife, Scotland, on the northern shore of the Frith of Forth, whence the possessor took his surname; from Aber, marshy ground, a place where two or more streams meet; and cruime or crombie, a bend or crook... [more]
Aberdeen Scottish, English
Habitational name denoting someone from the Scottish city Aberdeen, derived from Scottish Gaelic aber "river mouth" and the name of the river Don.
Abernathy Scottish
A different form of Abernethy, which originally meant "person from Abernethy", Perth and Kinross ("confluence of the (river) Nethy"). This was one of the surnames of the Scots who settled in northern Ireland during the ‘plantation’ in the 17th century, and it was brought to the U.S. as the name of a Southern plantation owner.
Adie English, Scottish
From the personal name Adie, a medieval pet form of Adam.
Affleck Galician, Scottish
Variation of Auchinleck, a town near Dundee, Scotland... Ben & Casey Affleck are famous bearers of the name. Auchinleck appears to have been one of those places where the ancient Celts and Druids held conventions, celebrated their festivals, and performed acts of worship... [more]
Agnew Scottish
Scottish (of Norman origin): habitational name from Agneaux in Manche, France.... [more]
Aikman English, Scottish
Either a modified form of Akerman or Agemund (see Agmundr), or derived from a coven name composed of Old English ac "oak" and man "person, man".
Aim Scottish
Orcadian surname derived from Gaelic aimh "raw".
Aird Scottish Gaelic
Derived from a variation of the place name "Aird". The Gaelic term "Aird" would mean "high ground" or "hill" in English.
Akins Scottish, English, Northern Irish
Variant of Aikens, which is derived from the given name Aiken, a variant of the medieval diminutive Atkin (see Aitken).
Alan Crom Scottish Gaelic
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous village.
Alardyce Scottish
Scottish regional surname meaning "southern cliff". From the Gaelic all 'cliff' and deas 'southern'.
Albany Scottish, English (American)
From the title of the Dukes of Albany (House of Stuart), hence a name borne by their retainers. It is an infrequent surname in England and Scotland. The city of Albany, NY (formerly the Dutch settlement of Beverwijck or Fort Orange) was named for James Stuart, Duke of York and Albany; he was the brother of King Charles II and later king in his own right as James II... [more]
Albee Scottish
Means either "son of the blond one" or "son of Alpin".
Alcorn Scottish
Scottish variation of Allcorn, a name that originally came from Alchorn, a manor in the parish of Rotherfield, Sussex.
Alford English, Scottish
Habitational name from any of several places in England, derived from Old English ford "ford, river crossing" and an uncertain first element, possibly eald "old", or the given name Ealdgyð.
Allane Scottish (Rare)
Variant of Allan
Allister Scottish
The name Allister is derived from the given name Alexander, which in turn was originally derived from the Greek name, which means defender of men. In the late 11th century, Queen Margaret introduced the name, which she had heard in the Hungarian Court where she was raised, into Scotland by naming one of her sons Alexander... [more]
Alpers Scottish
Derived from the given name Albert
Am Magh Fada Scottish Gaelic
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous former burgh.
Anders German, Scottish, Czech
Derived from the given name Anders.
Anderson Scottish, Irish
Anglicized form of the Gaelic Mac Ghille Andrais meaning 'Son of the devotee of St. Andrew'. ... [more]
Annan Scottish
'The earliest reference of Annan used as a surname is found in the 13th century Ragman Rolls during which Scots pledged homage to nobles. It is likely that the inhabitants of Annan, Dumfries and Galloway, Annandale, River Annan, Annanhead Hill, and Annan Castle adopted Annan as their surname.' (wikipedia)
Ànsruthair Scottish Gaelic
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous town.
Applegarth English, Scottish
Topographic name from northern Middle English applegarth meaning "apple orchard" (Old Norse apaldr meaning "apple tree" + gar{dh}r meaning "enclosure"), or a habitational name from a place so named, of which there are examples in Cumbria and North and East Yorkshire, as well as in the county of Dumfries.
Ard Scottish
Habitational name from any of several places called Aird, including one near Hurlford in Ayrshire, another near Stranraer in Galloway, and the Aird, the higher part of the Vale of Beauly, near Inverness... [more]
Ardis Scottish
Reduced form of Allardice.
Argyle Scottish, Scottish Gaelic
From the regional name Argyll, a county of southwestern Scotland, named in Gaelic as Earre Ghàidheal ‘coast of the Gaels’. Argyll was the earliest part of Scotland to be settled by Gaelic speakers from Ireland from the 6th century onwards... [more]
Argyll Scottish, Scottish Gaelic
From the regional name Argyll, a county of southwestern Scotland, named in Gaelic as Earre Ghàidheal ‘coast of the Gaels’. Argyll was the earliest part of Scotland to be settled by Gaelic speakers from Ireland from the 6th century onwards... [more]
Armour Scottish, Northern Irish
From Middle English, Old French armure, blended with the agent noun armer (see Armer), hence an occupational name for a maker of arms and armor. The collective noun armure denoted offensive weapons as well as the more recently specialized sense of protective gear.
Arnott Scottish
Habitational name from a place called Arnot, near Kinross
Atcheson Scots
Scots form of Atkinson
Auchinleck Scottish (Rare)
Scottish Gaelic: Achadh nan Leac... [more]
Ayden English, Scottish
From a Scottish surname which was derived from Gaelic caol meaning "narrows, channel, strait".
Ayer English, Scottish
Means "heir, inheritor", from Anglo-Norman aire.
Baile Phùir Scottish Gaelic
Proper, non-Anglicized form of Balfour.
Bain English, Scottish
Nickname for a hospitable person, derived from northern Middle English bayn meaning "welcoming, friendly" or "straight, direct".
Bain Scottish, Irish
Derived from Scottish Gaelic bàn "white, pale, fair", a nickname for a person with fair hair.
Baldy Scottish, Northern Irish
From the personal name Baldy or Baldie, a diminutive of Archibald.
Balloch Scottish
From the name of a village in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland, derived from Gaelic bealach meaning "a pass, gap, road".
Bankhead Scottish, Northern Irish
Topographic name for someone who lived at the top or end of a bank or hill, derived from Middle English bank meaning "bank" and hed meaning "head". There are several minor places in Scotland so called, but the most likely source of the surname is one on the border between the parishes of Kilmarnock and Dreghorn in Ayrshire, Scotland.
Bannion Scottish
Barbour English, Scottish, Northern Irish
Occupational name for a barber, one who cuts hair for a living.
Barr Scottish, Northern Irish
Habitational name from any of various places in southwestern Scotland, in particular Ayrshire and Renfrewshire, named with Gaelic barr "height, hill" or a British cognate of this.
Barrach Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic spelling of Dunbar.
Bartle Scottish, Cornish
An Anglo-Scottish diminutive of Bart and Barth, derived from biblical 'Bartholomew' which means 'He who makes furrows' or a farmer... [more]
Batchelor English, Scottish
Occupational name for an unmarried man, a young knight or a novice, derived from Middle English and Old French bacheler literally meaning "bachelor", ultimately from medieval Latin baccalarius.
Bateman English, Scottish
Occupational name meaning ‘servant of Bartholomew.’
Bathgate Scottish, English
From the town of Bathgate, west of Edinburgh, Scotland. The town's name derives from Cumbric *beith, meaning 'boar' (Welsh baedd) and *gaith. meaning 'wood' (Welsh coed).
Bay Scottish
Reduced form of MacBeth.
Beall Scottish
Derived from the Gaelic word beal, which means "mouth" or "opening." It could have been a nickname for someone with a large or prominent mouth.
Beaty Scottish, Northern Irish
Variant form of Beattie. A famous bearer of this name was the American basketball player Zelmo Beaty (1939-2013).
Beollan English, Irish, Scottish Gaelic
English: variant of Boland.... [more]
Bernett Scottish, English
Altered spelling of Scottish and English Burnett or French Bernet.
Berwick English, Scottish
Habitational name from Berwick-on-Tweed.
Bethune Scottish
Scottish form of Béthune.
Bettwy Irish, Scottish
From the name Beatrice.
Biggers Scottish, English
Possibly related to the Scottish place name Biggar in South Lanarkshire or the English place name Biggar in Cumbria
Bilsland Scottish
From a place near Kilmaurs in East Ayrshire, Scotland. Allegedly a combination of Bil and land "farm, land, property".
Birnie Scottish
Part of the clan MacInnes from the Scottish highlands. It was originally the name of a church (Burn-nigh) which became Birnie or Birney.
Bisby Medieval Scottish, Medieval English, English (British), Scottish, English (Australian), Anglo-Norman
Either originating from the village Busby in historic county East Renfrewshire in Scotland, or Great Busby in Yorkshire. The place name is likely derived from the Norman buki, "shrub". See also Busby.
Blackerby English, Irish, Scottish
English surname of unexplained origin, probably from the name of a lost or unidentified place.
Blaiklock Scottish (Anglicized, Modern, Rare)
Allegerdly from Blacklock which supposedly described the colour of someone's hair.
Blain Scottish (Anglicized), Scottish Gaelic, English
Anglicized form of the Gaelic name Bláán, a shortened form of MACBLAIN, or a variant of Blin... [more]
Blaine Scottish
Derived from the given name Bláán.
Blaire Scottish, English
Variant spelling of Blair.
Blanton Scottish (Americanized, Modern)
An americanized version of the old Scottish name Ballantine (other forms being Ballantyne, Bannatyne, Ballanden).
Bogle Scottish, Northern Irish
From a medieval Scottish and Northern Irish nickname for someone of scary appearance (from Middle Scots bogill "hobgoblin").
Boise English (American), Scottish
Variant of Boyce. In some cases, it is possibly also a variant of Boyes.
Boldy Scottish
This is a name for someone who lived in Peeblesshire.
Bonar Scottish, Northern Irish
From a medieval nickname for a courteous or good-looking person (from Middle English boner "gentle, courteous, handsome"). A notable bearer of the surname was Canadian-born British Conservative politician Andrew Bonar Law (1858-1923), prime minister 1922-23.
Bonnell Scottish
From Bonhill, a town in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland.
Borthwick English (British), Scottish
Denoted someone who came from the hamlet of Borthwick in Scotland.
Bothwell Scottish
Also N Irish... [more]
Bow English, Scottish
Habitational name from any of various minor places called with Old English boga, meaning "bow, arch, bend".
Bower English, Scottish
Scottish: occupational name for a bow maker, Older Scots bowar, equivalent to English Bowyer. ... [more]
Boydston Scottish
Habitational name from a place called Boydston near Glasgow. This surname is no longer found in the British Isles.
Boyne English, Irish, Scottish
English: variant of Boon.... [more]
Boyter Scottish
Denoting a person from the island of Bute.
Braid Scottish, English
From the Braid Hills.
Brain Scottish Gaelic (Anglicized), Irish
Reduced Anglicized form of Scottish Gaelic Mac an Bhreitheamhan ‘son of the judge’, from breitheamh ‘judge’.
Bratten Scottish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of the Gaelic surname Mac an Bhreatnaich ‘son of the Briton’, originally denoting a Strathclyde Welsh-speaking Briton. It was applied in Ireland also to people from Brittany.
Breath English, Scottish
From the La Bret family in Daveham. The Scottish variant is Braid.
Bremner Scottish
Derived from the Scottish Gaelic name MacGillebhàin which means "son of the fair-haired one." It is associated with the Clan Bremner, which has roots in the northern parts of Scotland.
Bride Irish (Anglicized), Scottish (Anglicized), English
Shortened form of MacBride, ultimately from the given name Brighid. It could also be a habitational name derived from any of several places called St Brides, or from the River Bride in Ireland, both also derived from Brighid.
Brisbane Scottish
Nickname derived from Old French bris(er) meaning "to break" and Old English ban meaning "bone". The sense of this hybrid name is not clear; it may have been used for someone crippled by a broken bone or for a violent man who broke other people’s bones.
Brownlee Scottish, Scottish Gaelic, Northern Irish, English
"Brown field" in Old English.
Brownley English, Scottish
Variant spelling of "Brownlee". Brown field in Old English.
Brush Scottish (Rare)
Quite literally means "brush". Might derive from the Scottish Gaelic word bhrus which means "brush", or the Latin root br which means "explained". Was a nickname for those described to 'look like a brush'(i.e. hair that sticks up, thin with a big head, etc.)
Bulloch Scottish
Variant of Balloch, influenced by the similar-sounding Bullock.
Burnis Scottish
Variant of Burns.
Burr English, Scottish, German
Nickname for a person who is difficult to shake off, derived from Middle English burr meaning "bur" (a seedhead that sticks to clothing). It could also be a derivation from Old English bur meaning "small dwelling, building", or a German topographic name derived from burre meaning "mound, hill"... [more]
Bushman Scottish
longer than Bush.
Byer Scottish
The history of the Byer family begins in the Boernician tribes of ancient Scotland. The Byer family lived in or near the place named Byers in Scotland. The place-name, Byers, derives from the Old English word byre, which means cattle shed... [more]
Byers Scottish, English
Scottish and northern English topographic name for someone who lived by a cattleshed, Middle English byre, or a habitational name with the same meaning, from any of several places named with Old English b¯re, for example Byers Green in County Durham or Byres near Edinburgh.
Byres Scottish
Byres was first used as a surname by the descendants of the ancient Boernician clans of Scotland. The first Byres family lived in or near the place named Byers in Scotland. The place-name, Byers, derives from the Old English word byre, which means cattle shed... [more]
Caan Scottish, German, Jewish
Altered spelling of Jewish Cohen, or probably denoted a person from the city of Aberdeen in Scotland. Famous bearers of this surname include American actor James Caan (1940-2022), as well as his son Scott Caan (1976-), also a noted actor.
Caird Scottish
Derived from Scottish Gaelic ceard meaning "craftsman, artist mechanic, travelling tinker".
Cairns Scottish
From Gaelic carn "cairn", a topographic name for someone who lived by a cairn, i.e. a pile of stones raised as a boundary marker or a memorial.
Caithness Scottish
Anglicized form of Scottish-Gaelic Gallaibh, which means "among the strangers" (referring to the Norse). The name of the Catti survives in the Gaelic name for eastern Sutherland, Cataibh, and in the old Gaelic name for Shetland, Innse Chat... [more]
Calder Scottish
Habitational name from any of the places called Calder in Midlothian and Caithness, or Cawdor in Nairnshire.
Callander Scottish, English, Swedish (Rare)
Habitational name from various places so named in Scotland. ... [more]
Callender Scottish
Variant of Scottish Callander or German Kalander.
Callum Scottish
From the given name Callum.
Cammon Scottish, Irish
Reduced form of Mccammon.
Canning English, Irish (Anglicized), Scottish
Habitational name from a place so named in England. From the Old English byname Cana and -ingas meaning "people of".... [more]
Cargill Scottish, English
Habitational name from a place so named in Scotland.
Carlin Irish (Anglicized), Scottish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Cairealláin (sometimes also anglicized as Carlton), meaning "descendant of Caireallán"... [more]
Carmical Scottish, English
Variant spelling of Carmichael.
Carmichael Scottish, English
From the name of a village in Scotland meaning "fort of Michael", from Welsh caer meaning "fortress" and the given name Michael.
Carnegie Scottish
Habitational name from a place called Carnegie, near Carmyllie in Angus, from Gaelic cathair an eige "fort at the gap".
Carrick Scottish
The possible roots of the Carrick family name may be from the ancient Strathclyde people of the the Scottish/English Borderlands. Carrick may also be of local origin, referring to those who lived in or near the place called Carrick in Ayrshire... [more]
Carrie Scottish
Scottish form of Carry.
Carrington English, Scottish
English: habitational name from a place in Greater Manchester (formerly in Cheshire) called Carrington, probably named with an unattested Old English personal name Cara + -ing- denoting association + tun ‘settlement’.... [more]
Carrothers Scottish
Variant spelling of Carruthers.
Carruthers Scottish
This old Scottish surname was first used by Strathclyde-Briton people. The Carruthers family in the land of Carruthers in the parish of Middlebie, Dumfriesshire. In that are it is pronounced 'Cridders'.... [more]
Caruthers Scottish
Means "Rhydderch's fort" in Cumbric. This might refer to the king of Alt Clut, Rhydderch Hael.
Cassey Scottish, Irish
This surname originated around ancient Scotland and Ireland. In its Gaelic form it is called, 'O Cathasaigh', which means 'the watchful one'.... [more]
Cathcart Scottish
Habitational name from Cathcart near Glasgow.
Chalmers Scottish
Variant of Chambers. The -l- was originally an orthographic device to indicate the length of the vowel after assimilation of -mb- to -m(m)-.
Charteris Scottish
The family is said to have originated in the French town of Chartres.
Cheyne English, Scottish
Habitational name ultimately derived from Old French chesne "oak (tree)".
Chisholm Scottish
The name of a location in Roxburghshire, Scotland, which itself comes from cisil "gravel" and holm "islet".
Christie Scottish
Means "son of Christian" or "son of Christopher".
Cinnamond Scottish, Irish, English
Possibly originates from Scottish place name Kininmonth. Probably introduced to Northern Ireland by Scottish settlers where it remains in Ulster. Another origin is the French place name Saint Amand originated from French Huguenots settling in Ireland.
Claine Scottish, Irish
Anglicized form of the Gaelic Mac Gille Eathain, a patronymic name meaning "son of the servant of Saint John."
Cleese Scottish, Irish, English
Variant spelling of McCleese. A famous bearer is English actor and comedian John Cleese (1939-).
Cleland Belgian, Scottish, Irish
Scottish and Irish reduced form of McClelland. ... [more]
Clelland Scots, Irish
Scottish and Irish topographical name meaning "clay land".
Clerihew Scottish
A Scottish surname of unknown origin and meaning. A clerihew is a humorous or satirical verse consisting of two rhyming couplets in lines of irregular metre about someone who is named in the poem. It was invented by the British author Edmund Clerihew Bentley (1875-1956; Clerihew was his mother's maiden name)... [more]
Closson Scottish
this name is of the noble family in Orkney islands known as the closson whom came to Orkney with the viking raiders in the early 900's and they founded the noble house of closson there of
Clowney Scottish
Probably a variant of Cluny or Clunie.
Clunie Scottish
Scottish form of Irish Cloney.
Cluny Scottish
Possibly derives from Clunie or a place with the same name in Perthshire.
Clyde Scottish
A river in the south-west of Scotland, running through Inverclyde, Ayrshire, Dunbartonshire, Lanarkshire, and the city of Glasgow. The second longest in Scotland; and the eighth longest in the United Kingdom... [more]
Clydesdale English, Scottish
From the name of a location in Lanarkshire, Scotland, meaning "Clyde’s valley", derived from the name of the river Clyde.
Cobain Scottish
This unusual surname is of Old Norse origin and is found particularly in Scotland. It derives from an Old Norse personal name Kobbi, itself from an element meaning large, and the Gaelic bain, denoting a fair person, with the diminutive ('little' or 'son of') form Cobbie.
Coineagan Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic form of Cunningham 1.
Colden English, Scottish
English: habitational name from a place in West Yorkshire named Colden, from Old English cald ‘cold’ col ‘charcoal’ + denu ‘valley’.... [more]
Coles English, Scottish, Irish, German (Anglicized), English (American)
English: from a Middle English pet form of Nicholas.... [more]
Colville Scottish, English
Derived from the place Colleville in Normandy, France. With the Scandinavian name Koli and French ville "town, village".
Conyngham Scottish
alternate spelling or descendant from surname Cunningham. source: Baron or Marquess Conyngham family line.
Coon Scottish, Irish
Variant of Cunningham 1, Coonaghan and other names from the same family
Copeland English, Scottish
Habitational name from Copeland or Coupland, both derived from Old Norse kaupland "bought land".
Corbett English, Scottish, Welsh
Nickname from Norman French corbet meaning 'little crow, raven'. This surname is thought to have originated in Shropshire. The surname was taken by bearers to Scotland in the 12th Century, and to Northern Ireland in the 17th Century.... [more]
Cormican Scottish
From a pet form of the Gaelic personal name Cormac (see McCormick).
Cornwallis Scottish
Example: Lord Charles Cornwallis.
Corrie Scottish
Scottish spelling of Mccorry.
Corrin Manx, Scottish
First documented in 1290, sources suggest prototypes to be of Norse and/or Irish origins or a Manx contraction of Mac Oran from Mac Odhrain.
Corrin Manx, Scottish
Manx and Irish contracted form of MacTorin, McCorryn, Mac Odhráin, and Mac Corraidhin
Costain English, Scottish, Manx
When originating in Scotland Northern Ireland, and the Isle of Man the surname is an Anglicisation of the Gaelic Mac Austain, meaning "son of Austin"... [more]
Coullson Scottish Gaelic (Anglicized, Rare), English
All origins of the name are patronymic. Meanings include an Anglicized version of the Gaelic Mac Cumhaill, meaning "son of Cumhall", which means "champion" and "stranger" and an Anglicized patronymic of the Gaelic MacDhubhghaill, meaning "son of Dubhgall." The personal name comes from the Gaelic words dubh, meaning "black" and gall, meaning "stranger."... [more]
Cousland Scottish
Of local origin from Cousland in the parish of Cranston, Midlothian.
Cowan Scottish (Anglicized), Northern Irish (Anglicized), English (Canadian), English (New Zealand)
This surname, widespread in Scotland and Ulster, is an Anglicized form of the old Gaelic Mac Eoghain or MacEoin... [more]
Cowans Scottish, English (British)
Variant of Cowan with post-medieval excrescent -s.
Cowen Scottish, English (British)
Scottish and northern English: variant spelling of Cowan.
Cowie Scottish
habitational name from any of several places, especially one near Stirling, named Cowie, probably from Gaelic colldha, an adjective from coll ‘hazel’
Crabb English, Scottish
From Old English crabba "crab (crustacean)", a nickname for someone with a peculiar gait. Could also be from the sense of "crabapple (tree)", from Middle English crabbe "crabapple, wild apple", hence a topographic name for someone who lived by a crabapple tree, or a nickname for a cantankerous person, with reference to the sourness of the fruit.
Cragg Scottish, Irish, English
Variant of Craig, from Middle English Crag.
Craigen Scottish, English
Variant of Craigie derived from an older form of the toponym, Cragyn.
Craighead Scottish
Habitational name for someone who lived in places of this name in Scotland.
Craigie Scottish
Habitational name from any of several places in Scotland called Craigie, or simply a topographic name derived from Scottish Gaelic creag.
Craigmile Scottish
Derived from Craigmyle, a place in the village of Kincardine O'Neil, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. It could also be an occupational name for a baker who made cracknel biscuits.
Crandall Scottish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Raonuill "son of RAONULL".
Cranston Scottish
Combination of the Old English byname Cran "crane" and Old English tun "settlement".
Craw English, Scottish, Northern Irish
One who had characteristics of a crow; sometimes used as an element of a place name e.g. Crawford, and Crawfordjohn in Lanarkshire, Crawshawbooth in Lancashire, and Crawley in Sussex
Creel Scottish Gaelic (Anglicized, Modern)
Fish Basket. The word Creel relates to Crille in Gaelic meaning weave.
Creig Scottish, English
Derived from Scottish Gaelic crioch "border".
Crichton English, Scottish
Variant of Creighton. It could also in some cases be an anglicized form of Dutch Kruchten.
Crockett English, Scottish
Nickname for someone who affected a particular hairstyle, from Middle English croket ''large curl'' (Old Norman French croquet, a diminutive of croque "curl", "hook").
Crockett Scottish
Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Riocaird "son of Richard".
Cron Scottish, German, Jewish (Ashkenazi), French, Picard, Breton, Swedish (Americanized)
Scottish (Dumfriesshire and Cumberland): variant of Crone.... [more]
Crook Scottish, English
Possible origin a medieval topographical surname, denoting residence from the Middle English word "crok" from the Old NOrse "Krokr". Possibly a maker or seller of hooks. Another possibility is meaning crooked or bent originally used of someone with a hunch back.
Crossin Irish, Scottish
Shortened and altered form of Mccrossen.
Croy Scottish
Means "person from Croy", the name of various places in Scotland.
Cruikshank Scottish
From a medieval Scottish nickname for someone with a crooked leg (from Scots cruik "bent" + shank "leg"). This was the surname of British caricaturist George Cruikshank (1792-1872) and British actor Andrew Cruikshank (1907-1988).
Culbert English, Scottish, Irish
Meaning and origin are uncertain. Possibly derived from an unattested given name composed of beorht "bright" and an uncertain first element, or an altered form of Cuthbert... [more]
Culbertson English, Scottish, Northern Irish
Patronymic from Culbert.
Cumming Irish, Scottish, English
Perhaps from a Celtic given name derived from the element cam "bent", "crooked"
Cunnison Scottish
Means “son of Conan”, Gaelic spelling is Mac Conaidh
Cure Scottish, Irish, English
Shortened form of Mccure.
Currie Scottish, Irish, English
Irish: Habitational name from Currie in Midlothian, first recorded in this form in 1230. It is derived from Gaelic curraigh, dative case of currach ‘wet plain’, ‘marsh’. It is also a habitational name from Corrie in Dumfriesshire (see Corrie).... [more]
Curry Scottish, English
Scottish and northern English: variant of Currie.
Cuthbertson English, Scottish
Patronymic surname from the personal name Cuthbert.
Dalais Scottish Gaelic
This indicates familial origin within the eponymous village.
Dalgleish Scottish
Means "person from Dalgleish", near Selkirk ("green field").
Dalgliesh Scottish
Scottish habitational name from a place near Selkirk, first recorded in 1383 in the form Dalglas, from Celtic dol- ‘field’ + glas ‘green.’
Dalglish Scottish
Derived from Gaelic dail meaning "field" and glaise meaning "brook".
Dalhousie Scottish
Meant "person from Dalhousie", near Edinburgh (perhaps "field of slander").
Dalrymple Scottish
Habitational name from Dalrymple, a village and civil parish in East Ayrshire, Scotland, said to be named from Gaelic dail chruim puill meaning "field of the crooked stream" or "dale of the crooked pool".
Dalziel Scottish
Means "person from Dalyell", in the Clyde valley (probably "white field"). The name is standardly pronounced "dee-el". A fictional bearer is Detective Superintendent Andrew Dalziel, one half of the detective team of 'Dalziel and Pascoe' in the novels (1970-2009) of Reginald Hill.
Damon English, Scottish
From the personal name Damon, from a classical Greek name, a derivative of damān "to kill". Compare Damian.
Daw English, Scottish
English and Scottish from a pet form of David. ... [more]
Daye Irish, Scottish
Comes from Irish Ó Déa (m) or Ní Dhéa (f) ... [more]
Deas Scottish
From Old French dez meaning “dice.”... [more]
Dee English, Scottish
From the name of any of various rivers in England and Scotland named Dee, itself derived from Celtic dewos meaning "god, deity".
Deldojar Scottish (Anglicized, Rare)
Deldojar is a nickname for Bangladeshi traders who settled on the coastal port of Perth and Kinross, Scotland. This name is taken from the name of the merchant's hometown, Deldur upazila, a district of Tangail in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Dempster Manx, English, Scottish
The name for a judge or arbiter of minor disputes, from Old English dem(e)stre, a derivative of the verb demian ‘to judge or pronounce judgement’. Although this was originally a feminine form of the masculine demere, by the Middle English period the suffix -stre had lost its feminine force, and the term was used of both sexes... [more]
Denholm English, Scottish
habitational name from Denholm in southern Scotland near Hawick (Roxburghshire) formerly Denham from the elements denu "valley" and ham "homestead" or holmr "island"... [more]
Dial Scottish
Variant of Dalziel, representing the usual pronunciation of this name in Scotland. Perhaps also an altered form of Irish Dyal.
Dinwiddie Scottish
Habitational name from Dinwoodie near Dumfries. The place name is first recorded in 1296 in the form Dinwithie/Dunwythye and is probably named with British words that are ancestors of Welsh din meaning “forest” + gwydd meaning “shrubs, bushes.”
Dixion Scottish
Son of Dick 1, a diminutive of Richard
Doak Scots
A Scots Gaelic name said to be either an Anglicized version of Dabhóc that is a pet form of the given name David or a pet form of the given name Caradoc.
Dobie Scottish
Variant of Doby.
Docherty Scottish
Scottish spelling of the Irish surname Doherty.
Dock English, Scottish
Possibly a variant of Duke or Duck. Alternatively, could be derived from a place name such as Doxey.
Dodie Scottish (Modern)
Dodie is a Scottish shortening of the name "Dorothy" it is quite rare and one of the only famous people with this name is the singer/songwrite Dodie Clark.
Dollar Scottish, English (American)
Scottish: habitational name from Dollar in Clackmannanshire.... [more]
Dominie Scottish
Occupational name for a church schoolmaster, from Latin domine, a vocative form of dominus, "lord" "master".
Don Scottish
Don derives from the Old Gaelic "donn", brown, or the Old English pre 7th Century "dunn", brown, or the Old English pre 7th Century "dunn", dull brown or dark, and was originally given as a distinguishing nickname to someone with dark hair or a swarthy complexion.
Donham Scottish
A surname meaning "House on the Hill" .
Donn Scottish, Irish
Variant of Donne.
Dossat English, Scottish
Possibly from French origins (used predominantly in Louisiana in the United States).
Dow Scottish, Irish
Variant of Duff.
Dowell English, Scottish, Irish
Derived from the Gaelic name Dubhgall, composed of the elements dubh meaning "black" and gall, "stranger". This was used as a byname for Scandinavians, in particular to distinguish the dark-haired Danes from fair-haired Norwegians.
Drennan Irish (Anglicized), Scottish
From Gaelic Ó Draighneáin meaning "descendant of Draighneán", a byname meaning "blackthorn".
Druimeanach Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic form of Drummond.