Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from given name, from occupation & from nickname)
Usage English, Irish
Other Forms FormsJuge, Jude, Mac an Bhreitheamhain (Irish Gaelic), Mac an Bhreithimh (Irish Gaelic)

Meaning & History

occupational name for an officer of justice or a nickname for a solemn and authoritative person thought to behave like a judge from Middle English Old French juge "judge" (from Latin iudex from ius "law" and dicere "to say") which replaced the Old English term dema. part translation of Gaelic Mac an Bhreitheamhain, later Mac an Bhreithimh "son of the judge (breitheamhnach)".
Added 5/11/2024 by Paradiso36