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Laurie 1
Type Surname (from given name)
Pronounced Pron. LAWR-ee  [key]
Other Forms FormsLawrence, Laurence, Lawson, Lowry, Lawrie, Lawry, Lowrie, Laury, Lowrey, Lowery, Lory, Lowary, Laurenson, Lawrenson

Meaning & History

From a diminutive of the given name Laurence 1.
Added 9/12/2021 by General9696
Edited 2/18/2022 by General9696

Laurie 2
Type Surname (from location)
Usage French

Meaning & History

Habitational name from a place in Cantal derived from Latin laurus "laurel" with the suffix -ea.
Added 1/26/2023 by Paradiso36