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Type Surname (from occupation & from given name)
Other Forms FormsPachard, Baghard, Packert, Päckert, Packer

Meaning & History

English from Middle English pa(c)k ‘pack’, ‘bundle’ + the Anglo-Norman French pejorative suffix -ard, hence a derogatory occupational name for a peddler.
English pejorative derivative of the Middle English personal name Pack.
English from a Norman personal name, Pachard, Baghard, composed of the Germanic elements pac, bag ‘fight’ + hard ‘hardy’, ‘brave’, ‘strong’.
Probably an Americanized spelling of German Packert, Päckert, from Germanic personal names formed with a word meaning ‘battle’ or ‘to fight’; or a variant of Packer (with excrescent -t).
Added 10/9/2016 by LMS