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Pink 1
Type Surname (from nickname)

Meaning & History

Nickname, possibly for a small person, from Middle English pink penkg ‘minnow’ (Old English pinc).English (southeastern): variant of Pinch .Variant spelling of German Pinck, an indirect occupational name for a blacksmith, an onomatopoeic word imitating the sound of hammering which was perceived as pink(e)pank. German (of Slavic origin): from a diminutive of Sorbian pien ‘log’, ‘tree stump’, hence probably a nickname for a solid or stubby person.
Added 1/19/2016 by cutenose

Pink 2
Type Surname (ornamental)
Usage Estonian

Meaning & History

Pink is an Estonian surname meaning "bench" and "garden seat".
Added 8/11/2018 by Krampjains