Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from nickname)
Usage English
Other Forms FormsRowe, Row

Meaning & History

Nickname for a timid person, derived from the Middle English ro meaning "roe"; also a midland and southern form of Ray.
Added 11/2/2013 by S
Edited 7/14/2017 by HL and LMS

Type Surname (from location)
Usage Norwegian

Meaning & History

Habitational surname for any of the several farmsteads named Roe or Røe, derived from the Old Norse ruð meaning "clearing".
Added 7/14/2017 by HL

Roe 3
Type Surname (from given name)
Usage Irish
Pronounced Pron. ROE  [key]

Meaning & History

Derived from/Anglicised form of 'Ruagh', an Irish word meaning redhead, or red haired
Added 11/4/2023 by anonymous