BorgSwedish From Swedish borg meaning "fortification, castle".
BurkeEnglish, Irish Derived from Middle English burgh meaning "fortress, fortification, castle". It was brought to Ireland in the 12th century by the Norman invader William de Burgh.
CastleEnglish From Middle English castel meaning "castle", from Late Latin castellum, originally indicating a person who lived near a castle.
CastroSpanish, Portuguese Means "castle" in Spanish and Portuguese, referring to one who lived near a castle. A famous bearer was Fidel Castro (1926-2016), revolutionary and president of Cuba.
LinnaFinnish Means "castle" in Finnish. A famous namesake is Väinö Linna (1920-1992), Finnish author of The Unknown Soldier.
ŌshiroJapanese From Japanese 大 (ō) meaning "big, great" and 城 (shiro) meaning "castle". It is especially common on Okinawa.
YūkiJapanese From Japanese 結 (yū) meaning "tie, bind" and 城 (ki) meaning "castle".