Browse Surnames

This is a list of surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword down.
See Also
down meaning
Bengoetxea Basque
Means "the house furthest down" from Basque bengo "furthest down" and etxe "house".
Doležal m Czech
Nickname for a lazy person, derived from the past participle of the Czech verb doležat "to lie down".
Matsushita Japanese
From Japanese (matsu) meaning "pine tree, fir tree" and (shita) meaning "under, below".
Miyashita Japanese
From Japanese (miya) meaning "temple, shrine, palace" and (shita) meaning "under, below".
Morishita Japanese
From Japanese (mori) meaning "forest" and (shita) meaning "under, below".
Yamashita Japanese
From Japanese (yama) meaning "mountain" and (shita) meaning "under, below".