DalíSpanish From a given name, itself a diminutive of names beginning with the Old German element adal meaning "noble". This was the surname of the Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dalí (1904-1989).
FrostEnglish, German From Old English and Old High German meaning "frost", a nickname for a person who had a cold personality or a white beard.
RyeEnglish Topographic name. It could be a misdivision of the Middle English phrases atter ye meaning "at the island" or atter eye meaning "at the river". In some cases it merely indicated a person who lived where rye was grown or worked with rye (from Old English ryge).
StewartScottish Occupational name for an administrative official of an estate or steward, from Old English stig "house" and weard "guard". The Stewart family (sometimes spelled Stuart) held the Scottish crown for several centuries. One of the most famous members of the Stewart family was Mary, Queen of Scots.
WalkerEnglish Occupational name for a person who walked on damp raw cloth in order to thicken it. It is derived from Middle English walkere, Old English wealcan meaning "to move".
WhitneyEnglish Originally from the name of an English town, meaning "white island" in Old English.
YoungEnglish Derived from Old English geong meaning "young". This was a descriptive name to distinguish father from son.