This is a list of surnames in which the categories include Spanish words.
AguileraSpanish From a place name that was derived from Spanish aguilera meaning "eagle's nest". A famous bearer is American singer Christina Aguilera (1980-).
CasadoSpanish From a nickname meaning "married" in Spanish.
CasasSpanish From Spanish casa meaning "house", of Latin origin.
CastañedaSpanish Habitational name from any of various places called Castañeda, from a Spanish word meaning "chesnut grove", itself derived from castaña meaning "chesnut".
EscobarSpanish Derived from Spanish escoba meaning "broom plant", from Latin scopa. It originally indicated a person who lived near a prominent patch of broom.
EspinaSpanish Means "thorn" in Spanish, a name for someone who lived near a thorn bush.
EspinosaSpanish From Spanish espinoso meaning "thorny", ultimately from Latin spinosus, a derivative of spina meaning "thorn, spine". This was the real surname of the Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), who was of Portuguese Jewish origin.
IzquierdoSpanish Means "left, left-handed" in Spanish, ultimately from Basque ezker.
JuradoSpanish Occupational name for a judge or another official who had to take an oath, derived from Latin iurare "to take an oath".
MercadoSpanish Means "market" in Spanish, originally given to a person who lived near a market or worked in one.
ProfetaItalian From Italian profeta meaning "prophet". It probably came from a nickname indicating a person who wanted to predict the future. It is typical of southern Italy.
RedondoSpanish Means "round" in Spanish, originally a nickname for a plump person, ultimately from Latin rotundus.
VeraSpanish Means "shore, bank" in Spanish. This was a name for a person who lived near such a feature, or who came from any of the various locations in Spain named Vera or La Vera.