This list is comprised of some of the most recognizable names from the
literary world. Included are novelists, poets, playwrights and essayists. However, those who are primarily considered to be philosophers or academic writers can be found on the
lists of thinkers.
Name | Lifespan | Other Names | |
Jamiluddin Aali | 1925-2015 | (Khan) |  |
Sait Faik Abasıyanık | 1906-1954 | |  |
Chinua Achebe | 1930-2013 | |  |
Douglas Adams | 1952-2001 | |  |
Richard Adams | 1920-2016 | |  |
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | 1977- | |  |
Endre Ady | 1877-1919 | |  |
Aeschylus | 525-456 BC | |  |
Aesop | c. 620-c. 564 BC | |  |
James Agee | 1909-1955 | |  |
Shmuel Yosef Agnon | 1888-1970 | |  |
Ahmad ibn Fadlan | ?-9xx | |  |
Conrad Aiken | 1889-1973 | |  |
Chinghiz Aitmatov | 1928-2008 | |  |
Anna Akhmatova | 1889-1966 | |  |
Gülten Akın | 1933-2015 | |  |
Zoe Akins | 1886-1958 | |  |
Boris Akunin | 1956- | (Chkhartishvili) |  |
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa | 1892-1927 | |  |
Alcaeus of Mytilene | c. 625-c. 580 BC | |  |
Louisa May Alcott | 1832-1888 | |  |
Claribel Alegría | 1924-2018 | (Vides) |  |
Sholem Aleichem | 1859-1916 | |  |
Vicente Aleixandre | 1898-1984 | |  |
Sherman Alexie | 1966- | |  |
Svetlana Alexievich | 1948- | |  |
Abu Nuwas al-Hasan al-Hakami | c. 756-c. 814 | |  |
Mansur al-Hallaj | c. 858-922 | (Hallaj) |  |
Monica Ali | 1967- | |  |
Sabahattin Ali | 1907-1948 | |  |
Dante Alighieri | c. 1265-1321 | |  |
Isabel Allende | 1942- | |  |
Margery Allingham | 1904-1966 | |  |
Muhsin al-Ramli | 1967- | |  |
Nasir al-Din al-Tusi | 1201-1274 | |  |
Nicasio Álvarez de Cienfuegos | 1764-1809 | |  |
Jorge Amado | 1912-2001 | |  |
Chabua Amirejibi | 1921-2013 | |  |
Kingsley Amis | 1922-1995 | |  |
Martin Amis | 1949-2023 | |  |
Anacreon | c. 575-c. 495 BC | |  |
Hans Christian Andersen | 1805-1875 | |  |
Sherwood Anderson | 1876-1941 | |  |
Lou Andreas-Salomé | 1861-1937 | |  |
Hans Andreus | 1926-1977 | (van der Zant) |  |
V. C. Andrews | 1923-1986 | |  |
Ivo Andrić | 1892-1975 | |  |
Maya Angelou | 1928-2014 | |  |
Reyer Anslo | 1622-1669 | |  |
Guillaume Apollinaire | 1880-1918 | |  |
Apollonius of Rhodes | ?-2xx BC | |  |
Aharon Appelfeld | 1932-2018 | |  |
Katherine Applegate | 1956- | |  |
Apuleius | c. 125-180 | (Madaurensis) |  |
Louis Aragon | 1897-1982 | |  |
Ivan Aralica | 1930- | |  |
Archilochus | c. 680-c. 645 BC | |  |
Lavrenti Ardaziani | 1815-1870 | |  |
John Arden | 1930-2012 | |  |
Ludovico Ariosto | 1474-1533 | |  |
Aristophanes | c. 446-c. 386 BC | |  |
Simon Armitage | 1963- | |  |
François-Marie Arouet "Voltaire" | 1694-1778 | (Voltaire) |  |
Guillermo Arriaga | 1958- | (Jordán) |  |
Antonin Artaud | 1896-1948 | |  |
Lado Asatiani | 1917-1943 | |  |
Jay Asher | 1975- | |  |
Isaac Asimov | 1920-1992 | |  |
Miguel Ángel Asturias | 1899-1974 | |  |
Margaret Atwood | 1939- | |  |
Jane Austen | 1775-1817 | |  |
Paul Auster | 1947- | |  |
Trezza Azzopardi | 1961- | |  |
Richard Bach | 1936- | |  |
Ingeborg Bachmann | 1926-1973 | |  |
David Baddiel | 1964- | |  |
Enid Bagnold | 1889-1981 | |  |
Beryl Bainbridge | 1932-2010 | |  |
James Baldwin | 1924-1987 | (Jones) |  |
Mate Balota | 1898-1963 | (Mirković) |  |
Honoré de Balzac | 1799-1850 | |  |
Russell Banks | 1940-2023 | |  |
John Banville | 1945- | |  |
Leigh Bardugo | 1975- | |  |
A. L. Barker | 1918-2002 | |  |
Pat Barker | 1943- | |  |
Djuna Barnes | 1892-1982 | |  |
Julian Barnes | 1946- | |  |
Elizabeth Barrett Browning | 1806-1861 | |  |
J. M. Barrie | 1860-1937 | |  |
Sebastian Barry | 1955- | |  |
Donald Barthelme | 1931-1989 | |  |
Georges Bataille | 1897-1962 | |  |
Enis Batur | 1952- | |  |
Charles Baudelaire | 1821-1867 | |  |
L. Frank Baum | 1856-1919 | |  |
Nina Bawden | 1925-2012 | |  |
Pierre Beaumarchais | 1732-1799 | |  |
Samuel Beckett | 1906-1989 | |  |
Thea Beckman | 1923-2004 | (Beckmann, Petie) |  |
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer | 1836-1870 | |  |
Sybille Bedford | 1911-2006 | (von Schoenebeck) |  |
Saul Bellow | 1915-2005 | |  |
Jacinto Benavente | 1866-1954 | |  |
Peter Benchley | 1940-2006 | |  |
Gwendolyn B. Bennett | 1902-1981 | |  |
Raymond Benson | 1955- | |  |
John Berger | 1926-2017 | |  |
Thomas Berger | 1924-2014 | |  |
Thomas Bernhard | 1931-1989 | |  |
J. Bernlef | 1937-2012 | (Marsman) |  |
Eddy C. Bertin | 1944-2018 | |  |
Paul Biegel | 1925-2006 | |  |
Ambrose Bierce | 1842-c. 1914 | |  |
Şakir Bilgin | 1951- | |  |
Rachel Billington | 1942- | |  |
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson | 1832-1910 | |  |
Algernon Blackwood | 1869-1951 | |  |
William Blake | 1757-1827 | |  |
William Peter Blatty | 1928-2017 | |  |
Karen Blixen | 1885-1962 | (Dinesen) |  |
Aleksandr Blok | 1880-1921 | |  |
Judy Blume | 1938- | (Sussman) |  |
Enid Blyton | 1897-1968 | |  |
Giovanni Boccaccio | 1313-1375 | |  |
Marica Bodrožić | 1973- | |  |
Louise Bogan | 1897-1970 | |  |
Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux | 1636-1711 | |  |
Heinrich Böll | 1917-1985 | |  |
Godfried Bomans | 1913-1971 | |  |
Marita Bonner | 1899-1971 | (Occomy) |  |
Arna Bontemps | 1902-1973 | |  |
F. Bordewijk | 1884-1965 | |  |
Jorge Luis Borges | 1899-1986 | |  |
Anthony Bourdain | 1956-2018 | |  |
Elizabeth Bowen | 1899-1973 | |  |
William Boyd | 1952- | |  |
Joseph Boyden | 1966- | |  |
Malcolm Bradbury | 1932-2000 | |  |
Ray Bradbury | 1920-2012 | |  |
Mary Elizabeth Braddon | 1835-1915 | |  |
William Stanley Braithwaite | 1878-1962 | |  |
Adolf Brand | 1874-1945 | |  |
Bertolt Brecht | 1898-1956 | |  |
Gerbrand Adriaenszoon Bredero | 1585-1618 | |  |
Rutger Bregman | 1988- | |  |
Ivo Brešan | 1936-2017 | |  |
André Breton | 1896-1966 | |  |
Breyten Breytenbach | 1939- | |  |
Otokar Březina | 1868-1929 | (Jebavý) |  |
André Brink | 1935-2015 | |  |
Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić | 1874-1938 | |  |
Max Brod | 1884-1968 | |  |
Joseph Brodsky | 1940-1996 | |  |
Louis Bromfield | 1896-1956 | |  |
Anne Brontë | 1820-1849 | |  |
Charlotte Brontë | 1816-1855 | |  |
Emily Brontë | 1818-1848 | |  |
Rupert Brooke | 1887-1915 | |  |
Anita Brookner | 1928-2016 | |  |
Geraldine Brooks | 1955- | |  |
Gwendolyn Brooks | 1917-2000 | |  |
Dan Brown | 1964- | |  |
Dixie Browning | 1930- | |  |
Robert Browning | 1812-1889 | |  |
Dick Bruna | 1927-2017 | |  |
Pearl S. Buck | 1892-1973 | |  |
C. Buddingh' | 1918-1985 | |  |
Charles Bukowski | 1920-1994 | |  |
Mikhail Bulgakov | 1891-1940 | |  |
Ivan Bunin | 1870-1953 | |  |
Anthony Burgess | 1917-1993 | |  |
Frances Hodgson Burnett | 1849-1924 | |  |
Frances Burney | 1752-1840 | |  |
Robert Burns | 1759-1796 | |  |
Edgar Rice Burroughs | 1875-1950 | |  |
William S. Burroughs | 1914-1997 | |  |
Candace Bushnell | 1958- | |  |
Octavia E. Butler | 1947-2006 | |  |
A. S. Byatt | 1936- | (Duffy) |  |
Lord Byron | 1788-1824 | |  |
Martin Caidin | 1927-1997 | |  |
Pedro Calderón de la Barca | 1600-1681 | |  |
Callimachus | c. 310-c. 240 BC | |  |
Italo Calvino | 1923-1985 | |  |
W. Bruce Cameron | 1960- | |  |
Remco Campert | 1929-2022 | |  |
Albert Camus | 1913-1960 | |  |
Matilde Camus | 1919-2012 | |  |
Elias Canetti | 1905-1994 | |  |
Cao Xueqin | 1710-1765 | |  |
Karel Čapek | 1890-1938 | |  |
Truman Capote | 1924-1984 | |  |
Viktor Car Emin | 1870-1963 | |  |
Giosuè Carducci | 1835-1907 | |  |
Peter Carey | 1943- | |  |
Simon Carmiggelt | 1913-1987 | |  |
Dale Carnegie | 1888-1955 | (Carnagey) |  |
Edward Carpenter | 1844-1929 | |  |
Leonora Carrington | 1917-2011 | |  |
Lewis Carroll | 1832-1898 | |  |
Angela Carter | 1940-1992 | |  |
Barbara Cartland | 1901-2000 | |  |
Justin Cartwright | 1945-2018 | |  |
Raymond Carver | 1938-1988 | |  |
Giacomo Casanova | 1725-1798 | |  |
P. C. Cast | 1960- | |  |
Carlos Castaneda | 1925-1998 | |  |
Willa Cather | 1873-1947 | |  |
Cato the Elder | 234-149 BC | |  |
Jacob Cats | 1577-1660 | |  |
Catullus | 84-54 BC | (Valerius) |  |
Camilo José Cela | 1916-2002 | |  |
Paul Celan | 1920-1970 | (Antschel) |  |
Louis-Ferdinand Céline | 1894-1961 | (Destouches) |  |
Miguel de Cervantes | 1547-1616 | |  |
Michael Chabon | 1963- | |  |
Soman Chainani | 1979- | |  |
Raymond Chandler | 1888-1959 | |  |
Henri Charrière | 1906-1973 | |  |
Ruth Chatterton | 1892-1961 | |  |
Geoffrey Chaucer | 1343-1400 | |  |
John Cheever | 1912-1982 | |  |
Anton Chekhov | 1860-1904 | |  |
C. J. Cherryh | 1942- | (Cherry) |  |
G. K. Chesterton | 1874-1936 | |  |
Goderdzi Chokheli | 1954-2007 | |  |
Agatha Christie | 1890-1976 | |  |
Lydia Chukovskaya | 1907-1996 | |  |
Korney Chukovsky | 1882-1969 | |  |
Emil Cioran | 1911-1995 | |  |
Tom Clancy | 1947-2013 | |  |
Cassandra Clare | 1973- | |  |
Arthur C. Clarke | 1917-2008 | |  |
Hugo Claus | 1929-2008 | |  |
Beverly Cleary | 1916-2021 | (Bunn) |  |
Lucille Clifton | 1936-2010 | (Sayles) |  |
Jean Cocteau | 1889-1963 | |  |
Liza Cody | 1944- | |  |
Paulo Coelho | 1947- | |  |
J. M. Coetzee | 1940- | |  |
Samuel Taylor Coleridge | 1772-1834 | |  |
Colette | 1873-1954 | |  |
Jackie Collins | 1937-2015 | |  |
Suzanne Collins | 1962- | |  |
Carlo Collodi | 1826-1890 | |  |
Vittoria Colonna | 1490-1547 | |  |
Joseph Conrad | 1857-1924 | |  |
Catherine Cookson | 1906-1998 | (McMullen) |  |
James Fenimore Cooper | 1789-1851 | |  |
Jilly Cooper | 1937- | (Sallitt) |  |
Susan Cooper | 1935- | |  |
Pierre Corneille | 1606-1684 | |  |
Patricia Cornwell | 1956- | |  |
Julio Cortázar | 1914-1984 | |  |
Louis Couperus | 1863-1923 | |  |
Harold Courlander | 1908-1996 | |  |
Noël Coward | 1899-1973 | |  |
Elise Cowen | 1933-1962 | |  |
Malcolm Cowley | 1898-1989 | |  |
Michael Crichton | 1942-2008 | |  |
Countee Cullen | 1903-1946 | (Porter) |  |
Michael Cunningham | 1952- | |  |
Clive Cussler | 1931-2020 | |  |
Roald Dahl | 1916-1990 | |  |
Tor Edvin Dahl | 1943- | |  |
Achmat Dangor | 1948-2020 | |  |
Gabriele D'Annunzio | 1863-1938 | |  |
Rubén Darío | 1867-1916 | (García, Sarmiento) |  |
Alphonse Daudet | 1840-1897 | |  |
Robertson Davies | 1913-1995 | |  |
Vahagn Davtyan | 1922-1996 | |  |
Osamu Dazai | 1909-1948 | (Tsushima) |  |
Edmondo De Amicis | 1846-1908 | |  |
Seamus Deane | 1940-2021 | |  |
Jeffery Deaver | 1950- | |  |
Simone de Beauvoir | 1908-1986 | |  |
Luís de Camões | c. 1524-1580 | (Vaz, de Camoens) |  |
Isabelle de Charrière | 1740-1805 | (van Zuylen) |  |
François-René de Chateaubriand | 1768-1848 | |  |
Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac | 1619-1655 | |  |
Arsen Dedić | 1938-2015 | |  |
Jules Deelder | 1944-2019 | |  |
Daniel Defoe | c. 1660-1731 | |  |
A. de Herz | 1887-1936 | |  |
Juana Inés de la Cruz | 1648-1695 | |  |
Madame de La Fayette | 1634-1693 | (de La Vergne) |  |
Jean de La Fontaine | 1621-1695 | |  |
Alphonse de Lamartine | 1790-1869 | |  |
François de La Rochefoucauld | 1613-1680 | |  |
Grazia Deledda | 1871-1936 | |  |
Don DeLillo | 1936- | |  |
Cremilda de Lima | 1940- | (Martins, Fernandes, Alves) |  |
Tessa de Loo | 1946- | (Duyvené de Wit) |  |
Vine Deloria Jr. | 1933-2005 | |  |
Guillaume de Machaut | c. 1300-1377 | |  |
Guy de Maupassant | 1850-1893 | |  |
Marente de Moor | 1972- | |  |
Alfred de Musset | 1810-1857 | |  |
Michel de Nostredame | 1503-1566 | |  |
Christine de Pizan | 1364-c. 1430 | |  |
Francisco de Quevedo | 1580-1645 | |  |
Marie de Rabutin-Chantal | 1626-1696 | |  |
Anita Desai | 1937- | (Mazumdar) |  |
Kiran Desai | 1971- | |  |
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry | 1900-1944 | |  |
Germaine de Staël | 1766-1817 | |  |
Chrétien de Troyes | c. 1135-c. 1183 | |  |
Lope de Vega | 1562-1635 | |  |
Jude Deveraux | 1947- | (Gilliam) |  |
Leon de Winter | 1954- | |  |
Colin Dexter | 1930-2017 | |  |
Junot Díaz | 1968- | |  |
Natalie Diaz | 1978- | |  |
Philip K. Dick | 1928-1982 | |  |
Charles Dickens | 1812-1870 | |  |
Emily Dickinson | 1830-1886 | |  |
Denis Diderot | 1713-1784 | |  |
Joan Didion | 1934-2021 | |  |
Ivica Đikić | 1977- | |  |
Blaga Dimitrova | 1922-2003 | |  |
Diogenes Laertius | ?-2xx | |  |
E. L. Doctorow | 1931-2015 | |  |
H. D. | 1886-1961 | (Doolittle) |  |
Renate Dorrestein | 1954-2018 | |  |
Michael Dorris | 1945-1997 | (North) |  |
Fyodor Dostoyevsky | 1821-1881 | (Dostoevsky) |  |
Georgia Douglas Johnson | 1880-1966 | (Camp) |  |
Lloyd C. Douglas | 1877-1951 | |  |
Sara Douglass | 1957-2011 | (Warneke) |  |
Eduard Douwes Dekker "Multatuli" | 1820-1887 | (Multatuli) |  |
Arthur Conan Doyle | 1859-1930 | |  |
Roddy Doyle | 1958- | |  |
Tonke Dragt | 1930-2024 | |  |
Slavenka Drakulić | 1949- | |  |
Burkhard Driest | 1939-2020 | |  |
Daša Drndić | 1946-2018 | |  |
Imme Dros | 1936- | |  |
Du Fu | 712-770 | (Tu) |  |
Diane Duane | 1952- | |  |
Isidore Lucien Ducasse "Comte de Lautréamont" | 1846-1870 | |  |
Alexandre Dumas | 1802-1870 | |  |
Alexandre Dumas fils | 1824-1895 | |  |
Daphne du Maurier | 1907-1989 | |  |
Alice Dunbar Nelson | 1875-1935 | (Moore) |  |
Paul Laurence Dunbar | 1872-1906 | |  |
Marguerite Duras | 1914-1996 | (Donnadieu) |  |
Jessica Durlacher | 1961- | |  |
Lawrence Durrell | 1912-1990 | |  |
Friedrich Dürrenmatt | 1921-1990 | |  |
Charles Eastman | 1858-1939 | |  |
Vinette Ebrahim | 1957- | |  |
José Echegaray | 1832-1916 | |  |
Umberto Eco | 1932-2016 | |  |
Halide Edip Adıvar | 1884-1964 | |  |
Jennifer Egan | 1962- | |  |
Ilya Ehrenburg | 1891-1967 | |  |
George Eliot | 1819-1880 | (Evans) |  |
T. S. Eliot | 1888-1965 | |  |
Ralph Ellison | 1913-1994 | |  |
Willem Elsschot | 1882-1960 | (De Ridder) |  |
Paul Éluard | 1895-1952 | |  |
Odysseas Elytis | 1911-1996 | |  |
Ralph Waldo Emerson | 1803-1882 | |  |
Mihai Eminescu | 1850-1889 | |  |
Michael Ende | 1929-1995 | |  |
Enheduanna | ?-22xx BC | |  |
Garth Ennis | 1970- | |  |
Ennius | c. 239-c. 169 BC | |  |
D. J. Enright | 1920-2002 | |  |
Louise Erdrich | 1954- | |  |
Annie Ernaux | 1940- | |  |
Jeffrey Eugenides | 1960- | |  |
Euripides | c. 480-406 BC | |  |
Janet Evanovich | 1943- | (Schneider) |  |
Bernardine Evaristo | 1959- | |  |
J. G. Farrell | 1935-1979 | |  |
Rainer Werner Fassbinder | 1945-1982 | |  |
William Faulkner | 1897-1962 | |  |
Sebastian Faulks | 1953- | |  |
Jessie Redmon Fauset | 1882-1961 | |  |
Rhijnvis Feith | 1753-1824 | |  |
Edna Ferber | 1885-1968 | |  |
Ferdowsi | 940-1020 | |  |
Zoran Ferić | 1961- | |  |
Elena Ferrante | 19xx- | |  |
Tevfik Fikret | 1867-1915 | |  |
Tibor Fischer | 1959- | |  |
Rudolph Fisher | 1897-1934 | |  |
F. Scott Fitzgerald | 1896-1940 | |  |
Penelope Fitzgerald | 1916-2000 | |  |
Camille Flammarion | 1842-1925 | |  |
Gustave Flaubert | 1821-1880 | |  |
Ian Fleming | 1908-1964 | |  |
Lucille Fletcher | 1912-2000 | |  |
Pierrette Fleutiaux | 1941-2019 | |  |
Kjartan Fløgstad | 1944- | |  |
Gillian Flynn | 1971- | |  |
Dario Fo | 1926-2016 | |  |
Jonathan Safran Foer | 1977- | |  |
Ken Follett | 1949- | |  |
Moderata Fonte | 1555-1592 | (di Pozzo di Forzi) |  |
Richard Ford | 1944- | |  |
E. M. Forster | 1879-1970 | |  |
Frederick Forsyth | 1938- | |  |
Jon Fosse | 1959- | |  |
Anatole France | 1844-1924 | |  |
Anne Frank | 1929-1945 | |  |
Waldo Frank | 1889-1967 | |  |
Ivan Franko | 1856-1916 | |  |
Jonathan Franzen | 1959- | |  |
C. S. Friedman | 1957- | |  |
Jeaniene Frost | 1974- | |  |
Robert Frost | 1874-1963 | |  |
Carlos Fuentes | 1928-2012 | |  |
Buckminster Fuller | 1895-1983 | |  |
Jostein Gaarder | 1952- | |  |
Neil Gaiman | 1960- | |  |
Damon Galgut | 1963- | |  |
John Galsworthy | 1867-1933 | |  |
Konstantine Gamsakhurdia | 1893-1975 | |  |
Nizami Ganjavi | c. 1141-1209 | |  |
Gao Xingjian | 1940- | |  |
Federico García Lorca | 1898-1936 | |  |
Gabriel García Márquez | 1927-2014 | |  |
Jane Gardam | 1928- | |  |
Romain Gary | 1914-1980 | (Kacew) |  |
Elizabeth Gaskell | 1810-1865 | (Stevenson) |  |
Théophile Gautier | 1811-1872 | |  |
Miro Gavran | 1961- | |  |
Michael V. Gazzo | 1923-1995 | |  |
Yehonatan Geffen | 1947-2023 | |  |
Theodor Geisel "Dr. Seuss" | 1904-1991 | (Seuss) |  |
Jean Genet | 1910-1986 | |  |
Geoffrey of Monmouth | c. 1100-c. 1155 | |  |
Chief Dan George | 1899-1981 | (Slaholt, Slahoot) |  |
Elizabeth George | 1949- | |  |
Tess Gerritsen | 1953- | (Tom) |  |
Khalil Gibran | 1883-1931 | |  |
William Gibson | 1948- | |  |
André Gide | 1869-1951 | |  |
Elizabeth Gilbert | 1969- | |  |
Allen Ginsberg | 1926-1997 | |  |
Natalia Ginzburg | 1916-1991 | |  |
Nikki Giovanni | 1943- | |  |
Ronald Giphart | 1965- | |  |
Karl Adolph Gjellerup | 1857-1919 | |  |
Malcolm Gladwell | 1963- | |  |
Ellen Glasgow | 1873-1945 | |  |
Susan Glaspell | 1876-1948 | |  |
Louise Glück | 1943- | |  |
Rumer Godden | 1907-1998 | |  |
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | 1749-1832 | |  |
Nikolai Gogol | 1809-1852 | (Hohol) |  |
Abraham Goldfaden | 1840-1908 | (Goldnfoden) |  |
William Golding | 1911-1993 | |  |
Carlo Goldoni | 1707-1793 | |  |
Oliver Goldsmith | 1728-1774 | |  |
Olivia Goldsmith | 1949-2004 | (Goldfield, Rendal) |  |
Anne Golon | 1921-2017 | |  |
Nadine Gordimer | 1923-2014 | |  |
Maxim Gorky | 1868-1936 | (Peshkov) |  |
René Goscinny | 1926-1977 | |  |
Sue Grafton | 1940-2017 | |  |
Caroline Graham | 1931- | |  |
Winston Graham | 1908-2003 | (Grime) |  |
Kenneth Grahame | 1859-1932 | |  |
Almudena Grandes | 1960-2021 | (Hernández) |  |
Günter Grass | 1927-2015 | |  |
Spalding Gray | 1941-2004 | |  |
Adolph Green | 1914-2002 | |  |
John Green | 1977- | |  |
Graham Greene | 1904-1991 | |  |
Germaine Greer | 1939- | |  |
Kate Grenville | 1950- | |  |
Zane Grey | 1872-1939 | |  |
Jacob Grimm | 1785-1863 | |  |
Wilhelm Grimm | 1786-1859 | |  |
John Grisham | 1955- | |  |
Arnon Grunberg | 1971- | |  |
Ivan Gundulić | 1589-1638 | |  |
Romesh Gunesekera | 1954- | |  |
Paula Gunn Allen | 1939-2008 | (Francis) |  |
Reşat Nuri Güntekin | 1889-1956 | |  |
Danai Gurira | 1978- | |  |
Abdulrazak Gurnah | 1948- | |  |
Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpınar | 1864-1944 | |  |
Nedim Gürsel | 1951- | |  |
Ha Jin | 1956- | |  |
Hella Haasse | 1918-2011 | |  |
Üzeyir Hacıbəyov | 1885-1948 | (Hajibeyov) |  |
Hafez | c. 1325-1390 | |  |
H. Rider Haggard | 1856-1925 | |  |
Vítězslav Hálek | 1835-1874 | |  |
Ludovic Halévy | 1834-1908 | |  |
Alex Haley | 1921-1992 | |  |
Sarah Hall | 1974- | |  |
Dashiell Hammett | 1894-1961 | |  |
Knut Hamsun | 1859-1952 | |  |
Peter Handke | 1942- | |  |
Daniel Handler | 1970- | (Snicket) |  |
Lorraine Hansberry | 1930-1965 | |  |
Thomas Hardy | 1840-1928 | |  |
Joy Harjo | 1951- | (Foster) |  |
Charlaine Harris | 1951- | (Schulz) |  |
Josephine Hart | 1942-2011 | |  |
Iulia Hasdeu | 1869-1888 | |  |
Jaroslav Hašek | 1883-1923 | |  |
Beatrice Hastings | 1879-1943 | (Haigh) |  |
Gerhart Hauptmann | 1862-1946 | |  |
Václav Havel | 1936-2011 | |  |
Nathaniel Hawthorne | 1804-1864 | |  |
Robert Hayden | 1913-1980 | (Sheffey) |  |
Shirley Hazzard | 1931-2016 | |  |
Seamus Heaney | 1939-2013 | |  |
Verner von Heidenstam | 1859-1940 | |  |
Heinrich Heine | 1797-1856 | |  |
Robert A. Heinlein | 1907-1988 | |  |
Joseph Heller | 1923-1999 | |  |
Zoë Heller | 1965- | |  |
Gaius Helvius Cinna | ?-44 BC | |  |
Ernest Hemingway | 1899-1961 | |  |
Kevin Henkes | 1960- | |  |
O. Henry | 1862-1910 | (Porter) |  |
Frank Herbert | 1920-1986 | |  |
Willem Frederik Hermans | 1921-1995 | |  |
John Hersey | 1914-1993 | |  |
Hesiod | ?-c. 700 BC | |  |
Hermann Hesse | 1877-1962 | |  |
Adolf Heyduk | 1835-1923 | |  |
Paul Heyse | 1830-1914 | |  |
Jack Higgins | 1929-2022 | (Patterson) |  |
Mary Higgins Clark | 1927-2020 | |  |
Patricia Highsmith | 1921-1995 | (Plangman) |  |
Tomson Highway | 1951- | |  |
Oscar Hijuelos | 1951-2013 | |  |
Reginald Hill | 1936-2012 | |  |
Susan Hill | 1942- | |  |
James Hilton | 1900-1954 | |  |
Perez Hilton | 1978- | |  |
S. E. Hinton | 1948- | |  |
Peretz Hirschbein | 1880-1948 | |  |
Hrvoje Hitrec | 1943- | |  |
Tami Hoag | 1959- | (Mikkelson) |  |
Eleanor H. Porter | 1868-1920 | (Hodgman) |  |
E. T. A. Hoffmann | 1776-1822 | |  |
Adolf Hoffmeister | 1902-1973 | |  |
Linda Hogan | 1947- | |  |
Friedrich Hölderlin | 1770-1843 | |  |
Alan Hollinghurst | 1954- | |  |
Rupert Holmes | 1947- | (Goldstein) |  |
Homer | ?-c. 700 BC | |  |
Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft | 1581-1647 | |  |
Richard Hooker | 1924-1997 | (Hornberger) |  |
Christopher Hope | 1944- | |  |
Horace | 65-8 BC | (Horatius, Flaccus) |  |
Anthony Horowitz | 1955- | |  |
Khaled Hosseini | 1965- | |  |
Michel Houellebecq | 1956- | |  |
Bohumil Hrabal | 1914-1997 | |  |
L. Ron Hubbard | 1911-1986 | |  |
Langston Hughes | 1901-1967 | |  |
Rupert Hughes | 1872-1956 | |  |
Victor Hugo | 1802-1885 | |  |
Keri Hulme | 1947-2021 | |  |
Emyr Humphreys | 1919-2020 | |  |
Derek Humphry | 1930- | |  |
Zora Neale Hurston | 1891-1960 | |  |
Aldous Huxley | 1894-1963 | |  |
Constantijn Huygens | 1596-1687 | |  |
Joris-Karl Huysmans | 1848-1907 | |  |
M. J. Hyland | 1968- | |  |
Paolo Iashvili | 1894-1937 | |  |
Henrik Ibsen | 1828-1906 | |  |
Michael Ignatieff | 1947- | |  |
Witi Ihimaera | 1944- | (Smiler) |  |
Laura Ingalls Wilder | 1867-1957 | |  |
Eugène Ionesco | 1909-1994 | |  |
Muhammad Iqbal | 1877-1938 | |  |
John Irving | 1942- | |  |
Washington Irving | 1783-1859 | |  |
Kazuo Ishiguro | 1954- | |  |
Željko Ivanković | 1954- | |  |
Mick Jackson | 1960- | |  |
Shirley Jackson | 1916-1965 | |  |
John Jakes | 1932-2023 | (Scotland) |  |
E. L. James | 1963- | (Mitchell) |  |
Henry James | 1843-1916 | |  |
Marlon James | 1970- | |  |
M. R. James | 1862-1936 | |  |
P. D. James | 1920-2014 | |  |
Jami | 1414-1492 | |  |
Tove Jansson | 1914-2001 | |  |
Elfriede Jelinek | 1946- | |  |
Maureen Jennings | 1939- | |  |
Johannes V. Jensen | 1873-1950 | |  |
Selwyn Jepson | 1899-1989 | |  |
Miljenko Jergović | 1966- | |  |
Juan Ramón Jiménez | 1881-1958 | |  |
Jin Yong | 1924-2018 | (Cha) |  |
Denis Johnson | 1949-2017 | |  |
E. Pauline Johnson | 1861-1913 | |  |
Eyvind Johnson | 1900-1976 | |  |
Helene Johnson | 1906-1995 | |  |
James Weldon Johnson | 1871-1938 | |  |
Samuel Johnson | 1709-1784 | |  |
Jennifer Johnston | 1930- | |  |
Diana Wynne Jones | 1934-2011 | |  |
Stephen Graham Jones | 1972- | |  |
Ingrid Jonker | 1933-1965 | |  |
Ben Jonson | 1572-1637 | |  |
Robert Jordan | 1948-2007 | (Rigney) |  |
James Joyce | 1882-1941 | |  |
Ernst Jünger | 1895-1998 | |  |
Marija Jurić Zagorka | 1873-1957 | |  |
Pia Juul | 1962-2020 | |  |
Juvenal | ?-1xx | (Iunius, Iuvenalis) |  |
Ain Kaalep | 1926-2020 | |  |
Ismail Kadare | 1936- | |  |
Franz Kafka | 1883-1924 | |  |
Vjekoslav Kaleb | 1905-1996 | |  |
Kalidasa | ?-4xx | |  |
Bob Kane | 1915-1998 | |  |
Erik Axel Karlfeldt | 1864-1931 | |  |
Konstantinos Petrou Kavafis | 1863-1933 | (Cavafy) |  |
Kawabata Yasunari | 1899-1972 | |  |
Nikos Kazantzakis | 1883-1957 | |  |
Molly Keane | 1904-1996 | (Skrine) |  |
John Keats | 1795-1821 | |  |
James Kelman | 1946- | |  |
Yaşar Kemal | 1923-2015 | (Gökçeli) |  |
Thomas Keneally | 1935- | |  |
A. L. Kennedy | 1965- | |  |
Sherrilyn Kenyon | 1965- | |  |
Etgar Keret | 1967- | |  |
Frank Kermode | 1919-2010 | |  |
Jack Kerouac | 1922-1969 | |  |
Katharine Kerr | 1944- | |  |
Philip Kerr | 1956-2018 | |  |
Imre Kertész | 1929-2016 | |  |
Jack Ketchum | 1946-2018 | (Mayr) |  |
Omar Khayyám | 1048-1131 | |  |
Babilina Khositashvili | 1884-1973 | |  |
Amir Khusrau | 1253-1325 | |  |
Mykola Khvylovy | 1893-1933 | (Fitiliov, Karol, Khvylyovyy, Umanets) |  |
Alona Kimhi | 1966- | |  |
Stephen King | 1947- | |  |
Barbara Kingsolver | 1955- | |  |
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings | 1896-1953 | |  |
Sophie Kinsella | 1969- | (Townley, Wickham) |  |
Thomas Kinsella | 1928-2021 | |  |
W. P. Kinsella | 1935-2016 | |  |
Rudyard Kipling | 1865-1936 | |  |
Naomi Klein | 1970- | |  |
Eric Knight | 1897-1943 | |  |
Etheridge Knight | 1931-1991 | |  |
Gerrit Komrij | 1944-2012 | |  |
Anton Koolhaas | 1912-1992 | |  |
Dean Koontz | 1945- | |  |
Janusz Korczak | 1878-1942 | (Goldszmit) |  |
Mirko Kovač | 1938-2013 | |  |
Ante Kovačić | 1854-1889 | |  |
Juš Kozak | 1892-1964 | |  |
Josip Kozarac | 1858-1906 | |  |
Jon Krakauer | 1954- | |  |
Judith Krantz | 1928-2019 | (Tarcher) |  |
Zygmunt Krasiński | 1812-1859 | |  |
Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius | 1882-1954 | |  |
Ágota Kristóf | 1935-2011 | |  |
Miroslav Krleža | 1893-1981 | |  |
Vesna Krmpotić | 1932-2018 | |  |
Ursula K. Le Guin | 1929-2018 | (Kroeber) |  |
Vincas Kudirka | 1858-1899 | |  |
Guus Kuijer | 1942- | |  |
Eugen Kumičić | 1850-1904 | |  |
Milan Kundera | 1929-2023 | |  |
Yanka Kupala | 1882-1942 | (Lutsevich) |  |
Ivan Kušan | 1933-2012 | |  |
Camilla Läckberg | 1974- | |  |
Mercedes Lackey | 1950- | (Ritchie) |  |
Tomislav Ladan | 1932-2008 | |  |
Winona LaDuke | 1959- | |  |
Pär Lagerkvist | 1891-1974 | |  |
Selma Lagerlöf | 1858-1940 | |  |
Jhumpa Lahiri | 1967- | |  |
Ring Lardner | 1885-1933 | |  |
Leonida Lari | 1949-2011 | |  |
Nella Larsen | 1891-1964 | (Walker) |  |
Stieg Larsson | 1954-2004 | |  |
D. H. Lawrence | 1885-1930 | |  |
Halldór Laxness | 1902-1998 | |  |
Edward Lear | 1812-1888 | |  |
Maurice Leblanc | 1864-1941 | |  |
John le Carré | 1931-2020 | (Cornwell) |  |
J. M. G. Le Clézio | 1940- | |  |
Harper Lee | 1926-2016 | |  |
Stan Lee | 1922-2018 | (Lieber) |  |
Stanisław Lem | 1921-2006 | |  |
Madeleine L'Engle | 1918-2007 | (Camp) |  |
Siegfried Lenz | 1926-2014 | |  |
Donna Leon | 1942- | |  |
Giacomo Leopardi | 1798-1837 | |  |
Mikhail Lermontov | 1814-1841 | |  |
Etienne Leroux | 1922-1989 | |  |
Gaston Leroux | 1868-1927 | |  |
Janko Leskovar | 1861-1949 | |  |
Doris Lessing | 1919-2013 | (Tayler) |  |
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing | 1729-1781 | |  |
Primo Levi | 1919-1987 | |  |
Hanoch Levin | 1943-1999 | |  |
C. S. Lewis | 1898-1963 | |  |
Sinclair Lewis | 1885-1951 | |  |
Li Bai | 701-762 | |  |
Thomas Ligotti | 1953- | |  |
Astrid Lindgren | 1907-2002 | |  |
Vachel Lindsay | 1879-1931 | |  |
Rosina Lippi | 1956- | (Green) |  |
Laura Lippman | 1959- | |  |
Cvetka Lipuš | 1966- | |  |
Florjan Lipuš | 1937- | |  |
Penelope Lively | 1933- | (Low) |  |
Lucius Livius Andronicus | c. 284-c. 204 BC | |  |
Alain Locke | 1885-1954 | |  |
Jack London | 1876-1916 | (Chaney) |  |
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | 1807-1882 | |  |
Audre Lorde | 1934-1992 | |  |
Boy Lornsen | 1922-1995 | |  |
H. P. Lovecraft | 1890-1937 | |  |
Mato Lovrak | 1899-1974 | |  |
Amy Lowell | 1874-1925 | |  |
Lois Lowry | 1937- | |  |
Mina Loy | 1882-1966 | (Löwy) |  |
Lu Xun | 1881-1936 | (Zhou) |  |
Lucan | 39-65 | (Annaeus, Lucanus) |  |
Lucebert | 1924-1994 | (Swaanswijk) |  |
Lucian of Samosata | c. 125-c. 180 | |  |
Robert Ludlum | 1927-2001 | |  |
Kristina Lugn | 1948-2020 | |  |
Alison Lurie | 1926-2020 | |  |
George MacDonald | 1824-1905 | |  |
Bernard MacLaverty | 1942- | |  |
Maurice Maeterlinck | 1862-1949 | |  |
Naguib Mahfouz | 1911-2006 | |  |
Norman Mailer | 1923-2007 | |  |
Mahmut Makal | 1930-2018 | |  |
Bernard Malamud | 1914-1986 | |  |
Josh Malerman | 19xx- | |  |
Stéphane Mallarmé | 1842-1898 | |  |
Hector Malot | 1830-1907 | |  |
David Malouf | 1934- | |  |
André Malraux | 1901-1976 | |  |
Henning Mankell | 1948-2015 | |  |
Thomas Mann | 1875-1955 | |  |
Katherine Mansfield | 1888-1923 | (Beauchamp, Murry) |  |
Hilary Mantel | 1952-2022 | |  |
Lee Maracle | 1950-2021 | |  |
Sándor Márai | 1900-1989 | |  |
Marie de France | 11xx-c. 1215 | |  |
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti | 1876-1944 | |  |
Ranko Marinković | 1913-2001 | |  |
Peretz Markish | 1895-1952 | |  |
Christopher Marlowe | 1564-1593 | |  |
Leslie Marmon Silko | 1948- | |  |
Ngaio Marsh | 1895-1982 | |  |
Yann Martel | 1963- | |  |
Martial | 40-102 | (Valerius, Martialis) |  |
George R. R. Martin | 1948- | |  |
Harry Martinson | 1904-1978 | |  |
Julijana Matanović | 1959- | |  |
Hisham Matar | 1970- | |  |
Matsuo Bashō | 1644-1694 | |  |
W. Somerset Maugham | 1874-1965 | |  |
François Mauriac | 1885-1970 | |  |
André Maurois | 1885-1967 | |  |
Karl May | 1842-1912 | |  |
Vladimir Mayakovsky | 1893-1930 | |  |
Patrick McCabe | 1955- | |  |
Anne McCaffrey | 1926-2011 | |  |
Cormac McCarthy | 1933-2023 | |  |
Frank McCourt | 1930-2009 | |  |
Colleen McCullough | 1937-2015 | |  |
Ian McEwan | 1948- | |  |
John McGahern | 1934-2006 | |  |
Claude McKay | 1890-1948 | |  |
Larry McMurtry | 1936-2021 | |  |
Herman Melville | 1819-1891 | |  |
Menander | 342-291 BC | |  |
Prosper Mérimée | 1803-1870 | |  |
Melinda Metz | 1962- | |  |
Stephenie Meyer | 1973- | |  |
James A. Michener | 1907-1997 | |  |
Adam Mickiewicz | 1798-1855 | |  |
Stanley Middleton | 1919-2009 | |  |
Edna St. Vincent Millay | 1892-1950 | (Boyd) |  |
Arthur Miller | 1915-2005 | |  |
Henry Miller | 1891-1980 | |  |
Jason Miller | 1939-2001 | |  |
May Miller | 1899-1995 | |  |
Magnus Mills | 1954- | |  |
A. A. Milne | 1882-1956 | |  |
Czesław Miłosz | 1911-2004 | |  |
John Milton | 1608-1674 | |  |
Marga Minco | 1920-2023 | (Menco) |  |
Mirabai | 1498-1547 | |  |
Lin-Manuel Miranda | 1980- | |  |
Octave Mirbeau | 1848-1917 | |  |
Yukio Mishima | 1925-1970 | (Hiraoka) |  |
Frédéric Mistral | 1830-1914 | |  |
Gabriela Mistral | 1889-1957 | |  |
Rohinton Mistry | 1952- | |  |
David Mitchell | 1969- | |  |
Margaret Mitchell | 1900-1949 | |  |
Timothy Mo | 1950- | |  |
Mo Yan | 1955- | (Guan) |  |
Patrick Modiano | 1945- | |  |
Albert Mol | 1917-2004 | |  |
N. Scott Momaday | 1934- | |  |
Theodor Mommsen | 1817-1903 | |  |
Michel de Montaigne | 1533-1592 | (Eyquem) |  |
Eugenio Montale | 1896-1981 | |  |
Lucy Maud Montgomery | 1874-1942 | |  |
Michael Moorcock | 1939- | |  |
Alan Moore | 1953- | |  |
C. L. Moore | 1911-1987 | |  |
Marianne Moore | 1887-1972 | |  |
Elsa Morante | 1912-1985 | |  |
Alberto Moravia | 1907-1990 | (Pincherle) |  |
Toni Morrison | 1931-2019 | (Wofford) |  |
Farley Mowat | 1921-2014 | |  |
Muhammad "Fuzuli" bin Suleyman | 1483-1556 | |  |
Harry Mulisch | 1927-2010 | |  |
Herta Müller | 1953- | |  |
Marcia Muller | 1944- | |  |
Alice Munro | 1931- | (Laidlaw) |  |
Robert Munsch | 1945- | |  |
Haruki Murakami | 1949- | |  |
Murasaki Shikibu | c. 973-c. 1014 | |  |
Iris Murdoch | 1919-1999 | |  |
Jill Murphy | 1949-2021 | |  |
Robert Musil | 1880-1942 | |  |
Vladimir Nabokov | 1899-1977 | |  |
Kolau Nadiradze | 1895-1990 | |  |
Sarojini Naidu | 1879-1949 | |  |
Mikha'il Na'ima | 1889-1988 | |  |
V. S. Naipaul | 1932-2018 | |  |
Ogden Nash | 1902-1971 | |  |
Ali-Shir Nava'i | 1441-1501 | |  |
Nazım Hikmet | 1902-1963 | (Ran) |  |
Vladimir Nazor | 1876-1949 | |  |
Božena Němcová | 1820-1862 | |  |
Irène Némirovsky | 1903-1942 | |  |
Cornelius Nepos | c. 110-c. 25 BC | |  |
Pablo Neruda | 1904-1973 | |  |
E. Nesbit | 1858-1924 | (Bland) |  |
Jo Nesbø | 1960- | |  |
P. H. Newby | 1918-1997 | |  |
Jappe Nilssen | 1870-1931 | |  |
Anaïs Nin | 1903-1977 | (Culmell) |  |
Fan Noli | 1882-1965 | |  |
Andre Norton | 1912-2005 | |  |
Amélie Nothomb | 1966- | |  |
Slobodan Novak | 1924-2016 | |  |
Vjenceslav Novak | 1859-1905 | |  |
Richard Bruce Nugent | 1906-1987 | |  |
Halide Nusret Zorlutuna | 1901-1984 | |  |
Jef Nys | 1927-2009 | |  |
Joyce Carol Oates | 1938- | |  |
Máirtín Ó Cadhain | 1906-1970 | |  |
Pádraic Ó Conaire | 1882-1928 | |  |
Máirtín Ó Direáin | 1910-1988 | |  |
Ōe Kenzaburō | 1935-2023 | |  |
Seán Ó Faoláin | 1900-1991 | (Whelan) |  |
Ben Okri | 1959- | |  |
Mirjam Oldenhave | 1960- | |  |
Mary Oliver | 1935-2019 | |  |
Michael Ondaatje | 1943- | |  |
Eugene O'Neill | 1888-1953 | |  |
Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani | 1658-1725 | |  |
Baroness Orczy | 1865-1947 | (Orczy de Orci) |  |
George Orwell | 1903-1950 | (Blair) |  |
Leonie Ossowski | 1925-2019 | (Tiedemann, von Brandenstein) |  |
Ovid | 43 BC-17 | (Ovidius, Naso) |  |
Amos Oz | 1939-2018 | |  |
Chuck Palahniuk | 1962- | |  |
Grace Paley | 1922-2007 | |  |
Connie Palmen | 1955- | |  |
Orhan Pamuk | 1952- | |  |
Christopher Paolini | 1983- | |  |
Sara Paretsky | 1947- | |  |
Vesna Parun | 1922-2010 | |  |
Francine Pascal | 1938- | (Rubin) |  |
Boris Pasternak | 1890-1960 | |  |
Katherine Paterson | 1932- | |  |
Jill Paton Walsh | 1937-2020 | (Bliss) |  |
James Patterson | 1947- | |  |
Adolf Paul | 1863-1943 | (Wiedersheim) |  |
Jurica Pavičić | 1965- | |  |
Pavao Pavličić | 1946- | |  |
Octavio Paz | 1914-1998 | |  |
Samuel Pepys | 1633-1703 | |  |
Benito Pérez Galdós | 1843-1920 | |  |
Ela Peroci | 1922-2001 | |  |
Charles Perrault | 1628-1703 | |  |
Tyler Perry | 1969- | |  |
Saint-John Perse | 1887-1975 | |  |
Fernando Pessoa | 1888-1935 | |  |
Jordan Peterson | 1962- | |  |
Petrarch | 1304-1374 | (Petrarca) |  |
Petronius | c. 27-66 | (Arbiter) |  |
Caryl Phillips | 1958- | |  |
John Phillips Marquand | 1893-1960 | |  |
Sergiusz Piasecki | 1901-1964 | |  |
Jodi Picoult | 1966- | |  |
DBC Pierre | 1961- | (Finlay) |  |
Rosamunde Pilcher | 1924-2019 | |  |
Pindar | c. 522-443 BC | |  |
Nélida Piñon | 1937-2022 | |  |
Harold Pinter | 1930-2008 | |  |
Luigi Pirandello | 1867-1936 | |  |
Robert M. Pirsig | 1928-2017 | |  |
Sylvia Plath | 1932-1963 | |  |
Plautus | 254-184 BC | (Maccius) |  |
George Plimpton | 1927-2003 | |  |
Pliny the Younger | 61-c. 113 | (Plinius, Caecilius, Secundus) |  |
Edgar Allan Poe | 1809-1849 | |  |
Janko Polić Kamov | 1886-1910 | |  |
Henrik Pontoppidan | 1857-1943 | |  |
Alexander Pope | 1688-1744 | |  |
Jean Baptiste Poquelin "Molière" | 1622-1673 | (Molière) |  |
Katherine Anne Porter | 1890-1980 | |  |
Beatrix Potter | 1866-1943 | |  |
Ezra Pound | 1885-1972 | |  |
Richard Powers | 1957- | |  |
Adélia Prado | 1935- | (de Freitas) |  |
Terry Pratchett | 1948-2015 | |  |
Ruth Prawer Jhabvala | 1927-2013 | |  |
Jacques Prévert | 1900-1977 | |  |
Zakhar Prilepin | 1975- | |  |
Sextus Propertius | c. 50-c. 15 BC | |  |
E. Annie Proulx | 1935- | |  |
Marcel Proust | 1871-1922 | |  |
Sully Prudhomme | 1839-1907 | |  |
Luigi Pulci | 1432-1484 | |  |
Philip Pullman | 1946- | |  |
Aleksandr Pushkin | 1799-1837 | |  |
Mario Puzo | 1920-1999 | |  |
Barbara Pym | 1913-1980 | |  |
Thomas Pynchon | 1937- | |  |
Aleksandre Qazbegi | 1848-1893 | (Kazbegi) |  |
Qu Yuan | c. 340-278 BC | |  |
Salvatore Quasimodo | 1901-1968 | |  |
Julia Quinn | 1970- | (Cotler, Pottinger) |  |
Quintilian | 35-100 | (Fabius, Quintilianus) |  |
François Rabelais | c. 1494-1553 | |  |
Jean Racine | 1639-1699 | |  |
Ann Radcliffe | 1764-1823 | |  |
Ayn Rand | 1905-1982 | |  |
Dudley Randall | 1914-2000 | |  |
Ian Rankin | 1960- | |  |
Melanie Rawn | 1954- | |  |
Andy Razaf | 1895-1973 | (Razafinkarefo) |  |
Ishmael Reed | 1938- | |  |
John Reed | 1887-1920 | |  |
Philip Reeve | 1966- | |  |
Kathy Reichs | 1948- | |  |
Erich Maria Remarque | 1898-1970 | |  |
Mary Renault | 1905-1983 | (Challans) |  |
Ruth Rendell | 1930-2015 | |  |
Gerard Reve | 1923-2006 | (van het Reve) |  |
Kenneth Rexroth | 1905-1982 | |  |
Władysław Reymont | 1867-1925 | |  |
Jean Rhys | 1890-1979 | (Rees, Williams) |  |
Anne Rice | 1941-2021 | (O'Brien) |  |
Mordecai Richler | 1931-2001 | |  |
John Rollin Ridge | 1827-1867 | |  |
Lola Ridge | 1873-1941 | |  |
Lucinda Riley | 1965-2021 | (Edmonds) |  |
Rainer Maria Rilke | 1875-1926 | |  |
Arthur Rimbaud | 1854-1891 | |  |
Rick Riordan | 1964- | |  |
Francine Rivers | 1947- | |  |
Rebecca Roanhorse | 1971- | |  |
Harold Robbins | 1916-1997 | |  |
Mary Roberts Rinehart | 1876-1958 | |  |
Michèle Roberts | 1949- | |  |
Nora Roberts | 1950- | (Hardesty, March, Robertson) |  |
Jancis Robinson | 1950- | |  |
Marilynne Robinson | 1943- | (Summers) |  |
Theodore Roethke | 1908-1963 | |  |
Roger Martin du Gard | 1881-1958 | |  |
Michael Scott Rohan | 1951-2018 | |  |
Romain Rolland | 1866-1944 | |  |
Wendy Rose | 1948- | (Edwards, Khanshendel) |  |
Dante Gabriel Rossetti | 1828-1882 | |  |
Joseph Roth | 1894-1939 | |  |
Philip Roth | 1933-2018 | |  |
Veronica Roth | 1988- | |  |
Patrick Rothfuss | 1973- | |  |
J. K. Rowling | 1965- | |  |
Arundhati Roy | 1961- | |  |