Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
PantazisGreek Derived from the Greek wish: πάντα να ζει! (panta na zei!) or πάντα ζεις! (panta zeis!) meaning "live forever!", from the Greek πάντα (panta) meaning "always" and ζεις (zeis) meaning "live"... [more]
TsunedomiJapanese From 恒 (tsune) meaning "constant, always, regular, bow", combined with 冨 (tomi) meaning "wealth, abundance, riches".
TsunematsuJapanese From the Japanese 恒 (tsune) "constant" or 常 (tsune) "always" and 松 (matsu) "pine tree."
TsunemiJapanese Tsune can mean "constant" or "always" and mi means "see, outlook, viewpoint" .
ÜhtegiEstonian Ühtegi is an Estonian surname derived from "ühtelugu", meaning "steadily" and "always" and "tegi" meaning "worker/producer".
UptainEnglish Derived from Upton, but meaning "always prepared"