Greek Submitted Surnames

Greek names are used in the country of Greece and other Greek-speaking communities throughout the world. See also about Greek names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Achilleos Αχιλλέως Greek (Cypriot)
Means "son of Achilleas".
Achladiotis Αχλαδιώτης Greek
From Greek αχλάδι (achladi) meaning "pear". Possibly from a village in the island of Syros, Greece.
Adamantidis Greek
Descentant, son of Adamantios.
Adamis Αδάμης Greek
Means "son of Adam".
Adamopilus Αδαμοπιλυσ Greek
Adamos Αδαμος Greek
Means "son of Adam".
Adamou Αδάμου Greek
Means "son of Adam".
Aetós αετός Greek
"Eagle" - in Greek, spelled αετός.
Agar Greek, Italian, French
From the personal name Agar
Agathangelou Αγαθάγγελου Greek (Cypriot)
Patronymic from the genitive form of Agathangelos. Genitive patronymics are particularly associated with Cyprus.
Agelastos Greek
Means in Greek, 'The one that never laughs.'
Ahladiotis Αχλαδιώτης Greek
Alternate transcription of Achladiotis.
Akratopoulos Ακρατόπουλος Greek
Akropolitis Greek
Someone from Akropolis, not referring to the Acropolis of Athens specifically, but in general, any fortified area of ancient and medieval Greek cities.
Alekou Αλέκου Greek (Cypriot)
Means "son of Alekos".
Aleksinas Greek (?)
A famous bearer is the American former professional basketball player Chuck Aleksinas (1959-).
Alexandropoulos Αλεξανδρόπουλος Greek
Means "son of Alexandros."
Alexandrou Αλεξάνδρου Greek
Means "son of Alexandros".
Alexis Αλέξης German, French, English, Greek
From the given name Alexis.
Alexopoulos Αλεξόπουλος Greek
From the personal name Alexios + the patronymic ending -poulos.
Alifieris Greek
From Italian alfiere "standard-bearer, ensign" cognate to the Italian surname Alfieri.
Alikakos Αλικάκος Greek
From Greek αλικός (alikos) meaning "red" with the diminutive suffix -akos.
Amarantos Αμάραντος Greek
From the given name Amarantos
Anastasiadis Αναστασιάδης Greek
Means "son of Anastasios".
Anastassakis Αναστασάκης Greek
Crete born John Anthony Aniston, (birth name Yiannis Anitios Anastassakis) is an American actor and the father of actress Jennifer Aniston.
Anastassiou Αναστασίου Greek (Cypriot)
Alternate transcription of Greek Αναστασίου (see Anastasiou) chiefly used in Cyprus.
Andino Greek
This surname was originally derived from the Greek Andreas, a name meaning manly. It was the name of the first of Jesus Christ's disciples, which is known in various local forms throughout Christendom... [more]
Andreadis Ανδρεάδης Greek
Means "son of Andreas".
Andreou Ανδρέου Greek
Means "son of Andreas".
Andriakopoulos Ανδριακόπουλος Greek
Andrianakis Greek
Patronym from the given name Andreas, with the Cretan suffix -akis. Common in Australian Greek communities.
Andrias Greek
a version of the name Andreas
Angelakis Αγγελάκης Greek
Patronymic meaning "son of Angelos".
Angelis Greek
Variant of Angelos.
Angelopoulos Αγγελόπουλος Greek
From the personal name Angelos or a shortened form of the personal name Evangelos + the patronymic ending -poulos.
Angelos Greek
Reduced form of any of various Greek surnames derived from the forename Angelos (from #angelos ‘messenger’, ‘angel’), as for example Angelopoulos.
Angelou Άγγελου Greek (Cypriot)
Means "son of Angelos" or "son of the angel" in Greek. A famous bearer is the American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist Maya Angelou (1928-2014)
Anninos Αννινος Greek
Antelothanasis Αντελοθανάσης Greek
Antoniades Αντωνιάδης Greek
Variant of Antoniadis.
Antoniadis Αντωνιάδης Greek
Means "son of Antonios".
Antonides Αντωνίδης Greek
Means "son of Antonios".
Antonios Αντώνιος Greek, Arabic
From the given name Antonios.
Antury Greek, Hebrew
Haifa, Israel.... [more]
Apostolides Αποστολίδης Greek
Variant of Apostolidis.
Apostolidis Αποστολίδης Greek
Means "son of Apostolos".
Apostolopoulos Αποστολόπουλος Greek
Means "apostle."
Apostolos Απόστολος Greek
Means "messenger, apostle" in Greek.
Apostolou Αποστόλου Greek (Cypriot)
Means "son of Apostolos".
Arcadiou Αρκαδίου Greek (Cypriot)
Alternate transcription of Greek Αρκαδίου (see Arkadiou).
Archaki Greek (Rare)
Possibly means "lord" or "ruler" from Greek derivative archos.
Argentis Greek
Means "silver" in Italian, originally used as an occupational name for a silversmith or a nickname for a person with gray hair. Greek version of the Italian surname Argenti.
Argyropoulos Greek
Descendant, son of the 'silver one'.
Argyros Αργυρος Greek
Means "silver" in Greek.
Aristidou Αριστείδου Greek (Cypriot)
Means "son of Aristidis".
Aristodemou Αριστοδήμου Greek (Cypriot)
Alternate transcription of Greek Αριστοδήμου (see Aristodimou).
Aristodimou Αριστοδήμου Greek
Means "son of Aristodimos".
Ariti Greek
Friendly, Approachable, Generous
Arkadiou Αρκαδίου Greek
Means "son of Arkadios".
Armenopoulos Greek
Descendant, son of the Armenian.
Aronis Greek
The surname is derived from the name Aaron, already attested in the Byzantine period, carried by a Byzantine-Bulgarian family.
Artino Greek
Habitational name for someone from the city of Arta in Epirus.
Arvanitis Greek
Signifying ethnic origin, an Arvanit.
Aslamas Greek
This surname is usually found among Pontic Greeks. The surname comes from the Georgian first name Aslamaz which is likely related to the Georgian adjective ლამაზი (lamazi) meaning "beautiful, handsome".
Aslanis Greek
From the Turkish name/word for lion, Aslan.
Aslanoglou Ασλάνογλου Greek
From Greek Ασλάνογλου (aslanoglou) meaning "son of Aslan"
Aspiotis Ασπιώτης Greek
Asteriou Αστερίου Greek
Means "son of Asterios".
Athanasopoulos Αθανασόπουλος Greek
Means "son of Athanasios".
Athenogenis Greek
Means of Athenian origin. 'Αθήνα' (Athens) and 'γένος'(origin, birth, clan)
Athinganos Αθίγγανος Greek
Means "gypsy" in Greek.
Avgoustidis Αυγουστίδης Greek
Means "son of Avgoustos".
Avramidis Αβραμίδης Greek
Means "son of Avram".
Avramopoulos Αβραμόπουλος Greek
Means "son of Avram".
Axiotis Greek
Axiotis refers to a family that originated in Naxos Greece. The feminine form is Axioti.
Bakasetas Μπακασέτας Greek
Bakirtzis Greek
Greek from Turkish meaning 'coppersmith'
Bakoyannis Μπακογιάννης Greek
Balaska Μπαλασκα Greek, Jewish, Polish
Feminine form of Balaskas (Greek) or Balaski (Jewish), it is used by Greeks and Slavic Jews.
Balaskas Μπαλάσκας Greek
Masculine form of Balaska.
Baltatzis Greek
Perhaps from the Italian surname Baldacci.
Bantis Μπάντης Greek
Belokas Μπελόκας Greek
Billinis Μπιλλίνης Greek
Of Italian origin, probably a Hellenized version of Bellini.
Bogdanos Greek
From the Romanian/Slavic name Bogdan
Botzis Greek
Greek version of the Italian surname Bocci.
Boukouras Greek
Name of Dacian/Illyrian or Thracian origin. It means "happy". Also, see the Romanian surname Bukur
Bouras Μπούρας Greek
Derived from Albanian burrë meaning "man, husband".
Bregiannis Μπρέγιαννης Greek
Calimeris Greek
It can be Kalimeris as well and it means good morning.
Catarino Spanish, Portuguese, Greek
Meaning "pure".
Chakiris Χακίρης Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Τσακίρης (see Tsakiris). The American actor and dancer George Chakiris (1932-), who is best known for portraying the character Bernardo Vasquez in the movie West Side Story (1961), is a famous bearer of this name.
Chalkokondylis Χαλκοκονδύλης Greek
Chalkokondylis (or Chalkokondyles) was a Greek noble family of Athens which was elected during the Florentine possession of the city. The family can be traced back to the 11th century.
Charalambous Χαραλάμπους Greek (Cypriot)
From the given name Charalampos.
Charalampopoulos Greek
Descentand or son of Charalampos
Chatzigeorgiou Χατζηγεωργίου Greek
Means "son of Georgios the pilgrim" from Greek χατζη (chatzi) meaning "pilgrim", ultimately from Arabic حاجي (haji), combined with the given name Georgios.
Chazapis Χαζάπης Greek
Cheilas Χειλάς Greek
From Greek meaning "lips". Possibly a nickname for someone with big lips.
Chionas Χιονάς Greek
Likely derived from modern Greek χιόνι (chioni) meaning "snow".
Chionidis Greek
From the Greek word for snow, 'χιόνι'. Descendant, son of the 'snowy one.'
Chloros Χλορως Greek
Meaning "green" in Greek
Cholevas Greek
Feminine form is Choleva
Chorafas Χωραφάς Greek
Christodoulides Χριστοδουλίδης Greek
From the given name Christodoulos combined with the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).
Christodoulopoulos Χριστοδουλόπουλος Greek
Means "descendant of Christ's servant" in Greek.
Christofi Χριστοφή Greek (Cypriot)
From the given name Christofis, a short form of Christophoros.
Christofias Χριστόφιας Greek
Christoforou Χριστοφόρου Greek (Cypriot)
Means "son of Christophoros".
Christophilou Χριστοφίλου Greek
Christopoulos Χριστόπουλος Greek
Means "son of Christos 1".
Christou Χρίστου Greek
Means "son of Christos 1".
Christoyannopoulos Χριστογιαννόπουλος Greek
Means "descendant of John and Christ" in Greek. A notable bearer of this surname is Alexandre Christoyannopoulos.
Chronis Χρόνης Greek
From a short form of Greek Polychronis. The word χρόνος (chrónos) itself means "time" in Greek.
Chrysafis Χρυσάφης Greek
Chrysafos Χρύσαφος Greek
Chrysanthou Χρυσάνθου Greek (Cypriot)
Means "son of Chrysanthos".
Chrysikakis Χρυσικάκης Greek
The surname comes from the Greek word for gold "χρυσός".
Chrysostomou Χρυσοστόμου Greek (Cypriot)
Means "son of Chrysostomos".
Chrysovergis Greek
The one of the "golden rod".From the Greek words for gold: chrysos (χρυσός), and rod: verga (βέργα).
Chryssomallis Χρυσομάλλης Greek
Means "golden hair" in Greek.
Cleanthous Κλεάνθους Greek (Cypriot)
From the given name Kleanthes.
Clerides Κληρίδης Greek
Constantinides Κωνσταντινίδης Greek (Cypriot)
Alternate transcription of Konstantinidis chiefly used in Cyprus.
Constantinou Κωνσταντίνου Greek (Cypriot)
Alternate transcription of Konstantinou chiefly used in Cyprus.
Dabizas Νταμπίζας Greek
Damantiou Δαμαντιου Greek
Means "son of Adamantios, inspired by the name Adam and prefix -antiou.
Damaskinos Δαμασκηνός Greek
Greek surname and first name that means “from Damascus”.
Damaskos Δαμασκός Greek
Greek term for دمشق‎ (Dimašq) known in English as Damascus, the capital of Syria and one of the oldest capitals in the world.
Damianakos Greek
Son of, or little Damianos.
Damianos Δαμιανός m Greek
From the given name Damianos.
Damianou Δαμιανού f Greek
Feminine form of Damianos.
Danielides Δανιηλίδης Greek
Non-modern variant transcription of Daniilidis.
Danielopoulos Greek
Means "son of Daniel".
Danielos Δανιελος, Δανιηλος Greek (Rare)
Means "Son of Daniel or Daniil".
Daniil Δανιηλ Greek
From a given name Daniil.
Daniilidis Δανιηλιδης Greek
Means "Son of Daniil".
Daskalakis ΔΑΣΚΑΛΑΚΗΣ - Δασκαλάκης Greek
Comes from the Greek root word of "Daskalalos" (Δάσκαλος) that means "teacher", with the adittion of the ending "akis" (ακης) that usually shows a connection with the island of Crete
Deligiannis Greek
Greek nickname derived from the Turkish element deli meaning "mad, brave" combined with the Greek given name Giannis.
Demetriades Δημητριάδης Greek (Cypriot)
Variant of Dimitriadis.
Demosthenous Δημοσθένους Greek (Cypriot)
Means "son of Demosthenes" in Greek.
Dermatis Greek
The surname is derived from the Greek word for skin: derma (δέρμα).
Diakos Διάκος Greek
Meaning Deacon. Notable bearer of this name is Athanasios Diakos (1786–1821), a Greek military commander during the Greek War of Independence and a national hero.
Diamandis Διαμαντής Greek
"Diamonds" in Greek. One notable bearer of the surname is Marina Lambrini Diamandis, A Welsh/Greek Songwriter and Singer who preforms under the stage name of "Marina and the Diamonds"
Diamantis Διαμαντής Greek
Derived from the Byzantine Greek word διαμάντιν (diamántin), itself from the Italian diamante (Late Latin diamas), ultimately from the Ancient Greek word ἀδάμας (adámas) meaning "diamond".
Diamantopoulos Διαμαντόπουλος Greek
Means "son of Diamanto".
Diamantopoulou Διαμαντοπούλου Greek
Feminine form of Diamantopoulos.
Dimakis ΔΗ-ΜΑ-ΚΗΣ Greek
Dimas Δήμας Spanish, Portuguese, Greek
Derived from the given name Dimas.
Dimitriadis Δημητριάδης Greek
Means "son of Dimitris".
Dimitropoulos Δημητρόπουλος Greek
Means "son of Dimitrios".
Dimopoulos Δημόπουλος Greek
Dimou Δήμου Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Means "son of Dimos".
Dionysiou Διονυσίου Greek
Means "son of Dionysios".
Dontis Δόντις Greek
Dorakis Δοράκης Greek
Dougenis δουγενης Greek
Possibly from the elements doulos (δουλος)- "slave, servant" and genes (γενης)- "born".
Doukakis Δουκάκης Greek
Means "son of the duke", from Greek Δούκας (doúkas) combined with the patronymic suffix ακης (akis).
Doukas Greek
From medieval Greek doukas "duke", "lord", from Latin dux. This was the name of a family of imperial rank in medieval Byzantium.
Dragases Greek, History, Serbian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Serbian surname Dragaš. This was the surname of the last Byzantine emperor, Constantine XI Palaiologos, who took her mother's surname, Helena Dragaš, as his second last name
Drakopoulos Greek
Descendant or son of the dragon.
Drakos δράκος Greek
From the Greek name Δρακων (Drakon) which means "dragon, serpent"
Drepanis Greek
From the Greek word for scythe: drepani (δρεπάνι).
Drivas Δρίβας Greek
Drosos Δροσος Greek
Dukakis Greek
Dukakis means "son of the duke or little duke".
Dukakis Δουκάκης Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Δουκάκης (see Doukakis). This name is borne by the American lawyer and politician Michael Dukakis (1933-), who served as Governor of Massachusetts twice... [more]
Economides Οικονομίδης Greek
Patronymic form of Economos.
Economos Οικονόμος Greek (Anglicized, Expatriate, ?)
Alternate transcription of Greek Οικονόμος (see Oikonomos), which was an occupational surname meaning "one who manages a household, steward of an estate, housekeeper" from the ancient Greek word οἰκόνομος (oikonomos), itself derived from οἶκος (oikos) "house, household" and νόμος (nomos) "law, custom".
Economy Οικονομία Greek (Americanized), English
Americanized form of Greek Οικονόμος (see Economos) meaning "steward", or of the patronymic Οικονόμου (see Economou).
Efstathiou Ευσταθίου Greek
Means "son of Efstathios".
Efstratiou Ευστρατίου Greek
Means "son of Efstratios".
Eftaxias Greek
Derives from the name Eutaxia, means well ordered.
Efthimiou Ευθυμίου Greek
Means "son of Efthymios".
Ekonomou Οικονόμου Greek (Cypriot)
Variant of Economou.
Eleftheriades Ελευθεριάδης Greek (Cypriot)
Alternate transcription of Greek Ελευθεριάδης (see Eleftheriadis) chiefly used in Cyprus.
Eleftheriadis Ελευθεριάδης Greek
Means "son of Eleftherios".
Eleftheriou Ελευθερίου Greek
Means "son of Eleftherios".
Elia Ηλία Italian, Assyrian, Greek (Cypriot)
From the given name Elia.
Elias Greek, Catalan, Portuguese, English, Welsh, German, Dutch, Jewish
Derived from the medieval given name Elias. Compare Ellis.
Ethe Greek
Plural form of ethos. Ethos forms the root of ethikos (ἠθικός), meaning "moral, showing moral character". Used as a noun in the neuter plural form ta ethika (τὰ ἠθικά), used for the study of morals, it is the origin of the modern English word ethics.
Eugenikos Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Evgenikos. Mark of Ephesus, born Manuel Eugenikos, was a Hesychast theologian of the late Palaiologan period of the Byzantine Empire.
Evangelou Ευαγγέλου Greek (Cypriot)
Means "son of Evangelos".
Evgenikos Εφέσιος Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Means "polite" in Greek, denoting a kind person.
Fetsios Φέτσιος Greek
Fetsis Φέτσης Greek
Filimon Φιλήμων Romanian, Russian, Greek
From the given name Filimon.
Filios Φίλιος Greek
From the given name Filios.
Filippou Φιλίππου Greek
Means "son of Filippos".
Filo Slovak, Greek
Filo is a Slovak pet form of the personal name Filip.... [more]
Floros Greek
From the Latin word for flower, 'florus', also could be associated with the name Florus
Fortounis Φορτούνης Greek
Ultimately derived from the Late Roman name Fortunatus.
Fotiadis Φωτιάδης Greek
Means "son of Fotis".
Fotiou Φωτίου Greek
Means "son of Fotios".
Fotopoulos Φωτόπουλος Greek
Means "son of Fotis".
Fountas Greek
Someone with a lot of hair from the Latin word funda.
Frangopoulos Φραγκόπουλος Greek
Means "descendant of a Frank" in Greek.
Frangoudis Φραγκούδης Greek
Frantzis Φραντζής Greek
Gabras Greek
A corruption of the name Gabriel is also the name of a Byzantine family. Branches of the family live in Greece using the name Gabras, in Turkey as Kavraz and in Russia as Khovrin.
Gabrieloglou Γαβριήλογλου Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Γαβριήλογλου (see Gavriiloglou).
Gaitanos Γαϊτάνος Greek
Derived from the Ancient Greek Καίετανος (Kaietanos) meaning "who come from the cave/port" or "who come from Gaeta", an ancient Greek port that is located in the Italian modern province of Lazio.
Galifianakis Γαλιφιανάκης Greek
Patronymic derived from Galifa, a small village near the former municipality of Episkopi in the regional unit of Heraklion, in Crete, Greece. The place name itself is possibly derived from Greek γαλίφης (galífis) meaning "flatterer", a cognate of Italian gaglioffo... [more]
Ganas Greek
Occupational name for a coppersmith, from gana "coating", "verdigris". Possibly also a variant of Ganis.
Gataki γατάκι Greek (?)
Meaning "kitten" in Greek.
Gavras Γαβράς Greek
Gavriel Γαβριήλ Greek
Variant transcription of Gavriil.
Gavriil Γαβριηλ Greek
From the given name Gavriil.
Gavriiloglou Γαβριήλογλου Greek
Patronymic meaning "son of Gavriil", from the given name Gavriil combined with the Turkish suffix -oğlu meaning "son of".
Gemistos Γεμιστὸς Greek, Late Greek
Means "full, laden" in Greek, supposedly referring to a head full of knowledge. One of the earliest recorded bearers was Georgios Gemistos Plethon, a Greek scholar of the late Byzantine era. He chose the pseudonym Plethon (from πλῆθος (plethos) "multitude, great number", from πλήθω (pletho) "to fill") partly in reference to the meaning of his surname.
Gennimatas Γεννηματάς Greek
Possibly from the Greek verb γεννιέμαι (genniemai) meaning "to be born".
Georgakopoulos Γεωργακόπουλος Greek
Means "son of Georgakis".
Georgantas Γεωργαντάς Greek
Georgelos Greek
"Son of George."
Georgiades Γεωργιάδης Greek (Cypriot)
Alternate transcription of Georgiadis chiefly used in Cyprus.
Georgopoulos Greek
Patronymic form of Georgios.
Geragotelis γεραγωτελλης Greek
German English, Norman, German, Jewish, Greek
From Old French germain meaning "German". This sometimes denoted an actual immigrant from Germany, but was also used to refer to a person who had trade or other connections with German-speaking lands... [more]
Germanos Γερμανός Greek
From Greek Γερμανία (Germania) meaning Germany.
Gerodimos Γεροδήμος Greek
Gerogiannis Greek
Α composite surname from the words γέρος (geros), meaning old and the name Giannis.
Giakoumakis Γιακουμάκης Greek
Giannakas Γιαννάκας Greek
Gilvertos Greek
From the given name Gilvertos.
Giokas Greek
Arvanitic for Glaukias.