Submitted Surnames with "lift" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword lift.
See Also
lift meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Dźwigał Polish
Derived from Polish dźwigać "to lift; to lug".
Heber German
Occupational name for a carrier (someone who loaded or transported goods), from an agent derivative of Middle High German heben "to lift".
Küüts Estonian
Küüts is an Estonian surname meaning "lift".
Magbuhat Tagalog
Means "to carry, to lift" in Tagalog.
Recknagel German
from Middle High German recken "to raise or lift" (here in the imperative) and nagel "nail" hence a metonymic occupational name for a blacksmith or perhaps an obscene nickname (with a transferred sense for nagel i.e. ‘penis’).
Todde Italian
From a modification of Latin tollere "to lift, to raise; to destroy". Alternately, may derive from the medieval Sardinian name Totolle.