Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword more.
See Also
more meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Arora Indian, Hindi, Punjabi
From the name of the ancient city of Aror in what is now the Sindh province, Pakistan. The city's name may have been derived from Hindi और (aur) meaning "more, also".
Ayotle Nahuatl
Possibly from Nahuatl ayoctle "nothing, no more", or from ayotli "squash, pumpkin".
Hocog Chamorro (Modern)
Chamorro for "No more, empty, completed".
Kawamata Japanese
From Japanese 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream" and 又 (mata) meaning "again, once more".
Mcnicholas Irish
The McNicholas family stretches back through time to the Viking settlers who populated the rugged shores of Scotland in the Medieval era. The name McNicholas was derived from from the personal name, Nicholas... [more]
Naramor English, Welsh
Naramor, also Narramore or Naramore, is a corruption of Northmore, and has Welsh/English background. "More North"
Scafata Italian
Possibly denoting someone from the Italian town Scafati, from Latin scapha "skiff, light boat". Alternately, may be from Italian scafare "to husk peas", either literally referring to someone's occupation, or from the figurative meaning of "to make more confident; alert, shrewd".