Submitted Surnames with "sparkle" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword sparkle.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Chiaki Japanese (Rare)
Depending on the kanji used can mean different things. Chi means "thousand" or "wisdom" and aki means "bright", "autumn", "sparkle", "crystal ball" or "shining". This is the last name of Naomi Chiaki, a Japanese singer... [more]
Glandt German
Nickname from Middle High Geman glander meaning "gleam", "sparkle", "shine", for someone with such a temperament.
Helk Estonian
Helk is an Estonian surname meaning "lustre" and "sparkle".
Kilgi Estonian
Kilgi is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "kilgendama", meaning "sparkle" and "shine".
Leeming English
Habitational name from either of two places, in West Yorkshire near Keighley and in North Yorkshire near Northallerton. Both are named with a river name, derived from the Old English word lēoma "gleam, sparkle".