Submitted Surnames with "present" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword present.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Armağan Turkish
Means "gift, present" in Turkish.
Bahşış Crimean Tatar
Derived from Persian بخشش (baxšeš) meaning "forgiveness, amnesty" or بخشیش‎ (bakhšīš) meaning "present, gratuity, reward".
Catanghal Tagalog
From Tagalog katanghal meaning "someone to present with".
Imaeda Japanese
From the Japanese 今 (ima) meaning "present, now" and 枝 (eda) meaning "bough, twig, branch."
Imagawa Japanese
From Japanese 今 (ima) meaning "present" and 川 (gawa) meaning "river".
Imahori Japanese
Ima means "now, present" and hori means "ditch, canal, moat".
Imaishi Japanese
今 (Ima) means "Now, Present" and 石 (Ishi) means "Stone". This was within the 1009's of most used Japanese surnames in 2012.
Imaizumi Japanese
From Japanese 今 (ima) meaning "now, present" and 泉 (izumi) meaning "spring, fountain".
Imakawa Japanese
Ima means "now, present" and kawa means "river, stream".
Imaki Japanese
This could be spelled with ima meaning "now, present" and ki meaning "tree, wood".
Imakiire Japanese
Variant of Kiire but written 給黎 and added Japanese 今 (ima) meaning "now; present".
Imamichi Japanese
Ima means "now, present" and michi means "path, road".
Imamura Japanese
From Japanese 今 (ima) meaning "now, present" and 村 (mura) meaning "town, village".
Imanara Japanese
Ima means "now, present" and nara beans "oak".... [more]
Imanishi Japanese
From Japanese 今 (ima) meaning "now, present" and 西 (nishi) meaning "west".
Imano Japanese
Ima means "now, present" and no means "field, wilderness, plain".
Imaoka Japanese
From Japanese 今 (ima) meaning "now, present" and 岡 (oka) meaning "hill, ridge".
Imaseki Japanese
Ima means "present, now" and seki means "frontier pass".
Imashiro Japanese
From 今 (ima) meaning "now, present" and 城 (shiro) meaning "castle".
Kamoto Japanese
This surname is used as 加本, 嘉本, 家本, 賀本, 下元, 嘉元 or 賀元 with 加 (ka, kuwa.eru, kuwa.waru) meaning "add(ition), Canada, include, increase, join," 嘉 (ka, yoi, yomi.suru) meaning "applaud, esteem, praise," 家 (ka, ke, ie, uchi, ya) meaning "expert, family, home, house, performer, professional," 賀 (ga, ka) meaning "congratulations, joy," 下 (ka, ge, o.riru, kuda.saru, kuda.ri,, sa.garu, sa.geru, shita, shimo, moto) meaning "below, descend, down, give, inferior, low," 本 (hon, moto) meaning "book, main, origin, present, real, true" and 元 (gan, gen, moto) meaning "beginning, former time, origin."
Nakaima Japanese
Naka means "middle" and ima means "now, present".
Nüüd Estonian
Nüüd is an Estonian surname meaning "now" or "at present".