Judeo-French Submitted Surnames

Judeo-French names were used by Zarphatic-speaking Jews of northern France.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Benveniste Judeo-French, Judeo-Catalan, Catalan (Rare), French (Rare)
Likely derived from Spanish bien viniste, meaning "your arrival was good", also serving as a cognate of Bienvenido and Benvenuto.
Caslari Jewish (Archaic), Judeo-Provençal, Judeo-Catalan, Judeo-French
Abraham ben David Caslari was a Catalan-Jewish physician. Abraham Caslari (presumably a different man) is also listed in the index of known Jews in France in the late middle ages in the book Judaia Gallica by Heinrich Gross.