These names are a subset of Spanish names used more often in the Spanish Caribbean.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
AlmánzarSpanish (Caribbean) Derived from Arabic المنظر (al manẓar) meaning "the view" or "the lookout". This surname is primarily used in the Dominican Republic.
EtienamNigerian, Ibibio (?), Spanish (Caribbean, ?) This is a name which originates from the Calabar/Akwa Ibom region of southeastern Nigeria. It means "a doer of good, or benevolent". It is also found in Spanish-speaking regions of the Caribbean such as Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Cuba (El Oriente) which have populations of people of Ibibio/Efik decent known as "Carabali".
OcasioSpanish (Caribbean) Meaning uncertain, possibly from Spanish ocasión meaning "occasion" or ocaso meaning "dusk, sunset". This surname is primarily used in Puerto Rico.