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Type Surname (from given name)
Pronounced Pron. Day  [key]
Other Forms FormsDay, O'Day, Ó Déa, Ní Dhéa

Meaning & History

Comes from Irish Ó Déa (m) or Ní Dhéa (f)
When England invaded Ireland tthey discovered the name. Like many Irish words and names it was changed (or Englified) into Daye (e.g. smidiríní-s)mithereens. Also during the Great Potato Famine of Ireland, Irish people travelled to America but could not get employed because they were Irish so took the Ó or Ní or Mac off their surnames.
Ó Déa became Déa and over time became Daye or Day. Ní Flionn became Flionn and over time became Flynn. Alhough "Mac" became shortened o "Mc" By the Americans and names like MacDomhnall became McDonald and MacCumhaill became McCool.
Added 12/29/2011 by anonymous
Edited 3/4/2020 by Mike C