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Harold 1
Type Surname (from given name)
Other Forms FormsHereweald, Haraldr, Herold, Herault

Meaning & History

English from the Old English personal name Hereweald, its Old Norse equivalent Haraldr, or the Continental form Herold introduced to Britain by the Normans. These all go back to a Germanic personal name composed of the elements heri, hari ‘army’ + wald ‘rule’, which is attested in Europe from an early date; the Roman historian Tacitus records a certain Cariovalda, chief of the Germanic tribe of the Batavi, as early as the 1st century ad.
English occupational name for a herald, Middle English herau(l)d (Old French herau(l)t, from a Germanic compound of the same elements as above, used as a common noun).
Added 3/11/2017 by LMS

Harold 2
Type Surname
Usage Irish

Meaning & History

Of direct Norse origin, but is also occasionally a variant of Harrell and Hurrell.
Added 3/11/2017 by LMS