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Type Surname (from given name & from location)
Other Forms FormsHalder, Holder, Hilder, Elder

Meaning & History

1. Dutch and German: from a Germanic personal name Halidher, composed of the elements haliò “hero” + hari, heri “army”, or from another personal name, Hildher, composed of the elements hild “strife”, “battle” + the same second element.

2. Dutch and North German: topographic name for someone living on a slope, from Middle Dutch helldinge “slanting surface”. Compare Halder.

3. English: from an agent derivative of Old English healdan “to hold”, hence a name denoting an occupier or tenant. Compare Holder.

4. English: variant of Hilder.

5. English: possibly a variant of Elder, with the addition of an inorganic initial H.

Given names: Dutch 6%. Reinard, Ceciel, Dirk, Jaap.
Added 4/17/2023 by Triepsyn