Surnames Categorized "decathletes"

This is a list of surnames in which the categories include decathletes.
Araujo Spanish
Spanish form of Araújo.
Dvořák m Czech
Occupational name derived from Czech dvůr "manor", indicating a person who worked at such a place. This name was borne by the Czech composer Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904).
Eaton English
From any of the various English towns with this name, derived from Old English ea "river" and tun "enclosure, yard, town".
Hämäläinen Finnish
Derived from the region in southern Finland known as Häme, also called Tavastia.
Nowak Polish
Polish cognate of Novak. This is the most common surname in Poland.
Ryba um Polish, Czech
Means "fish" in Polish and Czech, an occupational name for a fisher.
Samuelsson Swedish
Means "son of Samuel".
Suárez Spanish
Means "son of Suero".
Sýkora m Czech, Slovak
Means "tit (bird)" in Czech and Slovak.
Szabó Hungarian
Means "tailor" in Hungarian.
Ureña Spanish
Probably derived from the name of Urueña, a town in the province of Valladolid, Spain, which is of unknown meaning.
Victor French, English
Derived from the male given name Victor.
Zhuk Belarusian
Means "beetle" in Belarusian.