Submitted Surnames with "pond" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword pond.
See Also
pond meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Akaike Japanese (Rare)
丹 (Aka) means "red" and 池 (ike) means "pool, pond".
Amachi Japanese
This surname is used as 天知, 天地, 天池, 天内, 雨知 or 雨地 with 天 (ten, ama-, amatsu, ame) meaning "heavens, imperial, sky", 雨 (u, ama-, ame, -same) meaning "rain", 知 (chi, shi.raseru, meaning "know, wisdom", 地 (ji, chi) meaning "earth, ground", 池 (chi, ike) meaning "cistern, pond, pool, reservoir" and 内 (dai, nai, uchi, chi) meaning "among, between, home, house, inside, within."... [more]
Aoike Japanese
青 (Ao) means "blue, green" and 池 (ike) means "pond, pool".
Bauerdick German
A surname originating from the Rhineland region of Germany. It is derived from German Bauer (Bur in the locals dialects) "farmer" and Deich (Diek and Dick in the local dialects) "levee" or Teich "pond"... [more]
Chisaki Japanese
Chi can mean "thousand" or "pond", and saki means "cape, promontory, peninsula".
Damgaard Danish
Danish name element gård "farmstead, yard" combined with prefix dam meaning "pond".
Ike Japanese
池 (Ike) means "pond, pool".
Ikegami Japanese
From Japanese 池 (ike) meaning "pool, pond" and 上 (kami) meaning "above, top, upper".
Ikegaya Japanese
From Japanese 池 (ike) meaning "pool, pond", a place name possessive marker ヶ (ga), and 谷 (ya) meaning "valley".
Ikehara Japanese
From Japanese 池 (ike) meaning "pool, pond" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Ikei Japanese
Ike means "pool, pond" and i means "well, mineshaft, pit".
Ikemoto Japanese
From Japanese 池 (ike) meaning "pool, pond" and 本 or 元 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Ikenaga Japanese
Ike means "pond, pool" and naga means "long, chief".
Ikeno Japanese
Ike means "pool, pond" and no means "field, plain, wilderness".
Ikesono Japanese
Ike means "pond, pool" and sono means "garden".
Ikesugi Japanese
池 (Ike) means "pond, pool" and 杉 (sugi) means "cedar".
Ikeuchi Japanese
From Japanese 池 (ike) meaning "pool, pond" and 内 (uchi) meaning "inside".
Ikeura Japanese
From 池 (ike) meaning "pond, cistern, pool, reservoir" and 浦 (ho, ura) meaning "inlet, seacoast, seashore."
Kamachi Japanese
From 蒲 (kama) meaning "reed, bulrush" and 池 (chi) meaning "lake, pond, moat".
Kikuchi Japanese
From Japanese 菊 (kiku) meaning "chrysanthemum" and 池 (chi) meaning "pool, pond" or 地 (chi) meaning "earth, land, ground".
Koike Japanese
From Japanese 小 (ko) meaning "little, small" and 池 (ike) meaning "pond."
Kolk Dutch
Means "whirlpool, vortex, maelstrom" or "bog pond, watering hole".
Laguna Spanish
Habitational name for someone from any of the various locations in Spain named Laguna meaning "lake, pond" in Spanish.
Lampela Finnish
From Finnish word lampi which means "pond" or "pool". There is almost 2000 Finns and 127 people from other countries with this name.
Llaquet Spanish, Catalan
Topographic name from the Catalan word llac "pond, lake", indicating a person who lives near a lake.
Lomp Estonian
Lomp is an Estonian surname meaning "pond" or "puddle".
Plas Dutch
Means "pool, pond, puddle" in Dutch.
Sonoike Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 園 (sono) meaning "orchard; plantation" and 池 (ike) meaning "pond".... [more]
Steinhilber German
Habitational name for someone from Steinhilben, from Old High German stein "stone" and hülwe or hülbe "hollow, depression; pond, puddle".
Tiigi Estonian
Tiigi is an Estonian surname meaning "pond".
Tiigimaa Estonian
Tiigimaa is an Estonian surname meaning "pond land".
Tiigirand Estonian
Tiigirand is an Estonian surname meaning "pond shore".
Tiik Estonian
Tiik is an Estonian surname meaning "pond".
Tiikjärv Estonian
Tiikjärv is an Estonian surname meaning "pond lake".
Ujula Estonian
Ujula is an Estonian surname meaning "pool" and "pond".
Van der Plas Dutch
Means "from the pool" in Dutch, derived from plas "pool, puddle, pond; body of stagnant water".