Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
EichelbergGerman Habitational name from any of various places, notably one southeast of Heidelberg, named from Middle High German eichel meaning "acorn" + berc meaning "mountain", "hill", or topographic name for someone who lived on an oak-covered hill.
MastGerman, Dutch Derived from Middle High German and Middle Dutch mast "mast (fodder made of acorns and beechnuts); the process of fattening livestock", an occupational name for a pig farmer or a swineherd. In some cases, however, the German name may also have been derived from Middle High German mast, mastic "fat, stout".
TõruEstonian Tõru is an Estonian surname meaning "acorn".
ZsirosHungarian Hungarian surname derived from the Serbo-croation word žȋr meaning "acorn".