Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword care.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aganad Filipino, Ilocano
From Ilocano agannad meaning "to be careful, to take care".
Motome Japanese (Rare)
This surname is used as 求, 元目 or 求馬 with 求 (kyuu, gu, moto.meru) meaning "demand, request, require, want, wish for", 元 (gan, gen, moto) meaning "beginning, former time, origin", 目 (boku, moku, ma, me, -me) meaning "care, class, experience, eye, favour, insight, look" and 馬 (ba, uma, uma-, ma, me) meaning "horse."... [more]
Özen Turkish
This Turkish surname has the meaning of "care"
Providence English
From the name of the capital city of the U.S. state of Rhode Island, derived from Middle English providence meaning "divine guidance, care", ultimately from Latin providentia.
Shen Chinese
From Chinese 慎 (shèn) meaning "cautious, acting sincerely, with care".
Sunga Bemba, Central African
Sunga is a surname of the Bemba tribe, meaning "a person that takes care of others".... [more]
Tribudarak Thai
From Thai ตรี (tri), a transcription of Sanskrit त्रि (trí) meaning "3", บุ (bu) meaning "to line", ดา (da) meaning "to walk together, scattered", and รักษ์ (rak) meaning "to cure, to take care of".
Yontararak Thai (Rare)
From Thai ยนตร (yontra) meaning "mechanical device; motor; engine" and รักษ์ (rak) meaning "to cure, to take care of".