Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword foreign.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Bloch Jewish, German, French
Regional name for someone in Central Europe originating from Italy or France, from Polish "Włoch" meaning "Italian" (originally "stranger / of foreign stock"), ultimately derived – like many names and words in various European languages – from the Germanic Walhaz.
Gallogly Irish, Irish (Anglicized)
shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac An Ghalloglaigh from galloglach "foreign warrior" or "galloglass"... [more]
Gharibi Persian
Derived from Persian غریب (gharib) meaning "strange, rare, foreign".
Mac An Ghalloglaigh Irish
Irish Gaelic form of Gallogly, from galloglach "foreign warrior" or "galloglass"... [more]
Mac Giolla Iasachta Irish
Means "son of the strange youth", from Irish Gaelic iasachta "loan" "foreign", hence denoting to a boy who transferred to another family for fosterage, a common custom in ancient Ireland.
Võrno Estonian
Võrno is an Estonian surname possibly derived from the prefix "võõr-", meaning "foreign".