Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the person who added the name is DundiculutNicholas.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Zelníček Czech
Czech form of Zelnick.
Zelnick Jewish
Occupational name for a tax collecter, comes from Yiddish tselnik which means haberdashery.
Zelníčková f Czech
Feminine form of Zelníček. This is the maiden name of Donald Trump's first wife, Ivana Zelníčková Trump.
Zgłobieńiak Polish
Habitational name for somebody who comes from the village of Zgłobień in Poland.
Zielinsky Polish, Russian
Russian form and variant of Zieliński.
Zielsdorf German
Habitational name from an unidentified place, perhaps Ziersdorf in Lower Austria.
Zumpano Italian
Comes from the town Zumpano in the province Cosenza in Calabria, Italy. The meaning is unknown but it possibly comes from a Greek-Calabrese surname.
Zygmuntowicz Polish
Patronymic from the personal name Zygmunt.