This is a list of submitted surnames in which the person who added the name is VerdeIperbolico.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
AlighieriItalian From the given name Alighiero, Italian form of Aldiger. A famous bearer of this surname is Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), author of the Divine Comedy.
AriostoItalian From the Germanic given name Ariost, meaning "battle-ready". A famous bearer of this surname is Italian poet Ludovico Ariosto (1474-1533).
AshidaJapanese Combination of the kanji 芦 (ashi, "reed") and 田 (ta, "field").
AsōJapanese Combination of the kanji 麻 (asa, "hemp plant") and 生 (fu, "place where vegetation grows"), thus "place where hemp plants grow". A famous bearer of this surname is Japanese Prime Minister Tarō Asō (麻生 太郎; b. 1940).
BarzagliItalian Probably from barezzo, an old word of Germanic origin used to denote people who bred pigs or sold ham.
CannavaroItalian Probably from a nickname used to refer to rope makers or hemp growers. This surname is most famously borne by brothers Fabio (1973–) and Paolo Cannavaro (1981–), former football players.
CapecchiItalian Probably from Old Italian capecchio, either denoting a type of cheap batting and, by extension, upholsterers, who worked with it, or as a nickname for a person with bristly hair or beard.... [more]
CaputoItalian Derived from Latin caput meaning "head", used as a nickname for a big-headed or stubborn person.
CarducciItalian From Riccarduccio, an affectionate form of the given name Riccardo. A famous bearer of this surname is Italian poet Giosuè Carducci (1835-1907), winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1906.
CossigaItalian, Sardinian Sardinian translation of the place name Corsica. A famous bearer of the name is Francesco Cossiga (1928-2010), Italian politician who served as Prime Minister (1979-1980) and as President (1985-1992).
D'annunzioItalian Patronymical form of Annunzio, Italian form of the Latin given name Annuntius. A famous bearer of this surname is Italian poet Gabriele D'Annunzio (1863-1938).
De CurtisItalian Originally denoting someone who was short, or came from a family of short people. A famous bearer of this surname is Italian actor Antonio "Totò" De Curtis (1898–1967).
DeleddaItalian, Sardinian Variant of Ledda. A famous bearer of this surname is Nobel Prize for Literature recipient Grazia Deledda (1871–1936).
FillmoreEnglish Of uncertain origin: it could be derived from the Norman given name Filimor, composed of the Germanic elements filu ("very") and mari or meri ("famous"), or it might be a combination of the Saxon elements fille ("abundance") and mere, a word denoting a lake or otherwise humid land.
GassmannGerman, Jewish From German Gasse or Yiddish גאַס (gas), both from Middle High German gazze, meaning "street", denoting someone who lived in a street of a city, town or village.... [more]
HatoyamaJapanese Combination of the kanji 鳩 (hato, "pigeon, dove") and 山 (yama, "mountain"). This surname was borne by Ichirō Hatoyama (1883–1959) and his grandson Yukio (1947–).
HiranumaJapanese Combination of the kanji 平 (hira, "flat; ordinary; low-ranking person") and 沼 (numa, "swamp, bog"), thus "flat swamp".
InzaghiItalian Probably from the town of Inzago, near Milan. This surname is most famously borne by brothers Filippo (1973–) and Simone Inzaghi (1976–).
KaifuJapanese Combination of the kanji 海 (kai, "sea, ocean") and 部 (bu, "division, section"). A famous bearer of this surname is Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu (海部 俊樹; b. 1931).
KiyouraJapanese Combination of the Kanji 清 (kiyo, "clear, pure, refreshing, clean") and 浦 (ura, "bay, inlet"). A famous bearer of this surname was Japanese Prime Minister Kiyoura Keigo (清浦 奎吾; 1850–1942).
KnopflerEnglish, German Derived from Knopf (German for "button"), this surname was originally given to button makers or button sellers. A famous bearer of this surname is English musician Mark Knopfler (1949-).
KoisoJapanese Combination of the kanji 小 (ko; "small, little, short") and 磯 (iso; "seashore")
KonoeJapanese Means "royal guardian" in Japanese. The kanji that make up this name are 近 (kon, "near, close") and 衛 (e, "protection"). A famous bearer of this surname was Japanese Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe (近衞 文麿; 1891–1945).
LanciaItalian From Latin lancea, meaning "spear", given to those who made, sold or used spears. A famous bearer of this surname is Vincenzo Lancia (1881-1937), who established the Lancia car brand in 1906.
LeddaItalian, Sardinian Probably from the former Medieval town of Lella, in northern Sardinia. The transformation of -ll- into -dd- is common in Sardinian.
LeopardiItalian From the medieval given name Leopardus. A famous bearer of this surname is Giacomo Leopardi (1798-1837), one of the most influential Italian poets.
ManzoniItalian Of uncertain origin: could be derived from a nickname given to those who raised and took care of bullock, or from the medieval terms manso or mansueto, denoting a gentle person.... [more]
MarinettiItalian Variant of Marino. A famous bearer of this surname is Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876-1944), considered to be the founder of Futurism.
ModiglianiItalian Used by Sepharditic Jews, this surname comes from the Italian town of Modigliana, in Romagna. Famous bearers of this surname include painter Amedeo Modigliani (1884–1920) and Nobel Prize in Economics recipient Franco Modigliani (1918–2003).
MonetaItalian Possibly originating from a nickname given to those who lived near a temple dedicated to Juno Moneta. A famous bearer of this surname is Nobel Prize for Peace recipient Ernesto Teodoro Moneta (1833–1918).
MontaleItalian From Latin mons ("mountain"), this surname was originally given as a nickname to people who lived on hills and mountains. A famous bearer of this surname is Italian poet and writer Eugenio Montale (1896-1981), winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1975.
MurayamaJapanese From Japanese 村 (mura) meaning "town, village" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain, hill".
NakasoneJapanese Combination of the kanji 中 (naka, "middle"), 曽 (so, of uncertain meaning) and 根 (ne, "root"). A famous bearer of this surname was Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone (中曽根 康弘; 1918–2019).
NodaJapanese Combination of the kanji 野 (no, "area, field, hidden part of a structure; wild, rustic") and 田 (ta, "rice paddy, field"). A famous bearer of this surname is Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda (野田 佳彦; b. 1957).
ObuchiJapanese Combination of the kanji 小 (o, "small") and 渕 (淵, fuchi, "abyss, edge"). A famous bearer of this surname is Japanese Prime Minister Keizō Obuchi (小渕 恵三; 1937–2000).
ŌkumaJapanese Combination of the kanji 大 (ō, "big, great") or 逢 (ō, "meeting") and 熊 (kuma, "bear") or 隈 (kuma, "recess, corner, shade")
OlivaItalian, Spanish Of uncertain origin: derived either from a nickname to those who picked, worked with or sold olives, or from the given name Oliva.
ScognamiglioItalian Literally "millet thresher", probably from the Neapolitan verb scugnà ("to thresh") and miglio ("millet"), denoting cereal threshers.
ShideharaJapanese From Japanese 幣 (shide) meaning "currency" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, meadow, plain".
SpinelliItalian Variant of Spina, of uncertain etymology: could be related to several place names in Italy, to given names such as Crispino, or to the crown of thorns placed on the head of Jesus.
StellaItalian Italian for "star". Either possibly derived from the given name Stella 1, or from several places in Italy containing the word stella.
TognazziItalian From the given name Antonio. A famous bearer was Italian actor Ugo Tognazzi (1922–1990).
WakatsukiJapanese Combination of the kanji 若 (waka) meaning "young" and 槻 (tsuki) meaning "Zelkova tree". A famous bearer of this surname was Japanese Prime Minister Wakatsuki Reijirō (若槻 禮次郎; 1866–1949).