Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which an editor of the name is ShioTanbo1.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Iwaoka Japanese
From Japanese 岩 (iwa) meaning "cliff, rocks" and 岡 (oka) meaning "hill, ridge".
Iwasa Japanese
From Japanese 岩 (iwa) meaning "cliff, rocks" and 佐 (sa) meaning "help, aid".
Iwasawa Japanese
From Japanese 岩 (iwa) meaning "cliff, rocks" and 沢 or 澤 (sawa) meaning "marsh".
Iwase Japanese
From Japanese 岩 (iwa) meaning "boulder, cliff, rocks" and 瀬 (se) meaning "rapids, ripple, current".
Iwashimizu Japanese
From 岩 (iwa) meaning "rock, cliff", 清 (shi) meaning "pure, purify, exorcise, clean", and 水 (mizu) meaning "water".
Iwashita Japanese
From Japanese 岩 (iwa) meaning "boulder, cliff, rocks" and 下 (shita) meaning "under, below".
Iwawaki Japanese
Iwa means "stone" and waki means "side".
Iwazaki Japanese
Variant of Iwasaki, meaning "stone slope, hill."
Iyama Japanese
I means "well, pit, minehaft" and yama means "mountain, hill".
Iyobe Japanese
From 伊 (i) meaning "that one, Italy" combined with 豫 (yo) meaning "in advance, beforehand", or 五 (i) meaning "five" combined with 百 (yo) meaning "hundred, many, hundred", that is then combined with 部 (be) meaning "section, part".
Izawa Japanese
Variant of Isawa.
Izumikawa Japanese
Izumi means "fountain" and means "river".
Jefson English
"Son of Jef".
Jessie English
Possibly a variant of Jessey, an occupational name for someone making jesses (a short strap fastened around the leg of a bird used in falconry).
Jimbō Japanese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Japanese Kanji 神宝 (see Jimbō).
Jinbo Japanese
From 神 (jin, kami) meaning "god, deity, divine" combined with 保 (ho, tamotsu) meaning "protect".
Jingu Japanese
Formed with 神 (shin, jin, kami, kan, kou) meaning "god" and 宮 (kyuu, guu, kuu, miya) meaning "palace, shrine".
Josephsen English
Variant of Josephson meaning "Son of Joseph."
Kaba Turkish
Means "rough, rude, coarse" in Turkish.
Kaba Japanese
From Japanese 樺 (kaba) meaning "birch tree".
Kabashima Japanese
From Japanese 樺 (kaba) meaning "birch tree" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Kabe Japanese (Rare)
Ka ("Increase,Step Up"), ... [more]
Kaburagi Japanese
A notable bearer is Saiko Kaburagi, an artist.
Kadohata Japanese
Kado means "gate" and hata means "field".
Kadohira Japanese
Kado means "gate" and hira means "peace, level, even".
Kadokawa Japanese
From 門 (kado) meaning "gate" and 川 (kawa) meaning "stream, river".
Kadokura Japanese
From 門 (kado) meaning "gate" and 倉 (kura) meaning "storehouse".
Kadomatsu Japanese (Rare)
Kado ("Gate") + Matsu ("Pine Tree").
Kadoshima Japanese (Rare)
I don't want to assume it's rare but it's definitely uncommon. Kado means "Gate" and Shima means "Island".
Kadota Japanese (Rare)
Kado means "gate" and ta means "rice paddy, field".
Kadowaki Japanese
From Japanese 門 (kado) meaning "gate, entrance" and 脇 (waki) meaning "side".
Kadoya Japanese
From Japanese 門 (kado) meaning "gate, entrance" and 屋 (ya) meaning "house, dwelling" or 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow".
Kagami Japanese
From 加 (ka) "increase, add, addition, Canada include, join" combined with 賀 (ga) meaning "joy, congratulate, greet, celebrate", 立 (takao, tatsu, ritsu) meaning "stand up, rise, erect, set, establish" combined with 基 (ki) meaning "underlying, base, basis, radicals" or 各 (kaku) meaning "each" combined with 務 (mu) meaning "duties, task, affairs" (各務 as a word means "duties")... [more]
Kagawa Japanese
From Japanese 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance" or 賀 (ka) meaning "congratulate, greet, celebrate" and 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream".
Kahale Hawaiian
"The house".
Kaiba Japanese
From Japanese 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean" and 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf".
Kaito Japanese
From 海 (kai, umi) meaning "sea, ocean" and 藤 (to, fuji) meaning "wisteria".
Kajihara Japanese
Kaji means "wind" and hara means "plain, field".
Kajiura Japanese (Rare)
Kaji means "wind" and Ura means "seacoast, bay".... [more]
Kakashi Japanese
This might come from the given name.
Kakii Japanese
Kaki means "pomegranate" means "well, pit, mineshaft".
Kakimura Japanese
Kaki means "persimmon" and mura means "village, hamlet".
Kakinoki Japanese
From 柿 (kaki) meaning "persimmon", ノ (no) an invisible possessive particle, and 木 (ki) meaning "wood, tree".
Kakinuma Japanese
Kaki means "Persimmon" and Numa means "Swamp".
Kakisaki Japanese
Kaki means "persimmon" and saki means "cape, peninsula, promontory".
Kako Japanese
From 加 (ka) meaning "increase, add, Canada" and 古 (ko) meaning "old".
Kaku Japanese
From Japanese 角 (kaku) meaning "corner".
Kakuta Japanese
From 角 (kaku) meaning "corner" and 田 (da) meaning "rice paddy, field".
Kamachi Japanese
From 蒲 (kama) meaning "reed, bulrush" and 池 (chi) meaning "lake, pond, moat".
Kamada Japanese
From Japanese 鎌 (kama) meaning "sickle, scythe" and 田 (Ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kamai Japanese
Kama means "honeysuckle" and i means "well, pit, mineshaft".
Kamakura Japanese
Kama means "honeysuckle" and kura means "storehouse."
Kamegai Japanese
"Turtle valley".
Kamegaya Japanese
"Turtle valley".
Kametani Japanese
"Turtle valley."
Kameya Japanese
"Turtle valley".
Kamezaki Japanese
From 亀 (kame) meaning "tortoise, turtle" and 崎 (saki) meaning "cape, peninsula, promontory".
Kamimura Japanese
Kami means "god" or "top, upper" and mura means "village, hamlet "
Kamio Japanese
From 神 (kami) meaning "god, deity" and 尾 (o) meaning "tail, end, foot of a mountain".
Kamisaka Japanese
Kami can mean "god" or "above, upper, top" and saka means "hill, slope."
Kamiyama Japanese
From Japanese 神 (kami) meaning "god" or 上 (kami) meaning "above, upper" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
Kamori Japanese
Ka means "increase, step up" or "congratulation" and mori means "forest".
Kamosawa Japanese
Kamo means "duck" and sawa means "swamp, marsh".
Kaname Japanese
Kana means "gold, metal, money" and ne means "root, origin".
Kanamoto Japanese
Kana means "gold, metal, money" and moto means "origin, root, source".
Kanaoka Japanese
Kana means "metal, money, gold" and oka means "hill, mound",
Kanasawa Japanese
Kana means "gold, metal, money" and sawa means "marsh, swamp".
Kanaya Japanese
From Japanese 金 (kana) meaning "metal, money" and 谷 (ya) meaning "valley".
Kanayama Japanese
From Japanese 金 (kana) meaning "metal, money" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
Kanba Japanese
From 樺 (kanba) meaning "birch".
Kanbe Japanese
It's written as kan meaning "god, deity" and be meaning "door".
Kaneki Japanese
This surname is used as 金城, 金木, 金気, 金喜, 兼城, 兼木 or 鹿子木 with 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "gold," 兼 (ken, ka.neru, -ka.neru) meaning "and, concurrently," 城 (jou, shiro, ki) meaning "castle," 木 (boku, moku, ki, ko-) meaning "tree, wood," 気 (ki, ke, iki) meaning "air, atmosphere, mood, mind, spirit," 喜 (ki, yoroko.basu, yoroko.bu) meaning "rejoice, take pleasure in," 鹿 (roku, ka, shika) meaning "deer" and 子 (shi, su, tsu, ko, -ko, -ne) meaning "child, sign of the rat (1st sign of the Chinese zodiac)."
Kanemitsu Japanese
Kane means "gold, metal" and mitsu means "light".
Kanemoto Japanese
From Japanese 金 (kane) meaning "gold, metal, money" and 本 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Kaneniwa Japanese
"Golden garden."
Kano Japanese
From Japanese 狩 (ka) meaning "hunt, gather" and 野 (no) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kanō Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "add, increase" and 納 (nō) meaning "settlement, obtain, reap".
Karakawa Japanese
Kara means "larch" and kawa means "river, stream".
Karamatsu Japanese
Kara means "Larch" (green needles poking from a tree) and Matsu means "Pine/Fur Tree".
Kaseda Japanese
If kase is spelled like 加 (ka) meaning "add, increase, join, include, Canada" and 世 (se, yo) meaning "generation, world, society, public", then it can also be read as kayo... [more]
Kasey English
Variant of Casey.
Kashihara Japanese
Kashi means "candy" and hara means "plain, field".
Kashii Japanese
Kashi can mean "candy" or "oak" and i means "well, mineshaft, pit"
Kashima Japanese
From Japanese 鹿 (ka) meaning "deer" and 島 (shima) meaning "island".
Kashiwada Japanese (Rare)
Kashiwa means "oak" and da comes from ta meaning "field, rice paddy". ... [more]
Kashiwade Japanese (Rare)
This name is made of two symbols literally meaning "Chef".
Kashiwado Japanese (Rare)
Kashiwa means "oak" and do means "door". ... [more]
Kashiwaeda Japanese
柏 (Kashiwa) means "Japanese emperor oak" and 枝 (eda) means "bough, twig, branch".
Kashiwahara Japanese
Kashiwa means "oak" and hara means "field, plain".
Kashiwako Japanese
Kashiwa means "oak" and ko means "child, sign of the rat".
Katai Japanese
From Japanese 片 (kata) meaning "partial, one-sided" and 井 (i) meaning "well".
Katamba Bemba
A surname of the Bemba tribe meaning "small wave". To the Lozi tribe, it means "fishing net".
Katanabe Japanese
Kata could mean "single" or "shape" and nabe could mean "pot, pan".
Katano Japanese
From Japanese 片 (kata) meaning "one-sided, part" and 野 (no) meaning "field, wilderness".
Katase Japanese
From 片 (kata) meaning "one side, single" and 瀬 (se) meaning "current, ripple".
Katoh Japanese
Variant transcription of Kato.
Katsu Japanese
Matsu means "victory".
Katsumaru Japanese
From 勝 (shou, ka.tsu, katsu, -ga.chi, sugu.reru, meaning "excel, prevail, victory, win" and combined with 丸 (maru) "round, circle".
Katsumata Japanese
Katsu means "victory, win, prevail" and mata means "again, furthermore".
Katsumoto Japanese
Katsu means "victory" and moto means "source, origin, root".
Katsuta Japanese
From Japanese 勝 (katsu) meaning "victory" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Katsuyama Japanese
Katsu means "victory" and yama means "mountain, hill".
Kawachi Japanese
From 川 or 河 (kawa) meaning "river, stream" combined with 内 (dai, nai, uchi, chi) meaning "among, between, home, house, inside, within."
Kawada Japanese
From Japanese 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream" and 田 (ta) meaning "field, rice paddy".
Kawaei Japanese
From 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream" and 栄 (ei) meaning "glory, honour, flourish, prosper".... [more]
Kawahara Japanese
From Japanese 川 or 河 (kawa) meaning "river" and 原 (hara) meaning "field, plain".
Kawahata Japanese
Kawa means "river, stream" and hata means "field".
Kawai Japanese
From Japanese 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream" and 井 (i) meaning "well, mine shaft, pit".
Kawajiri Japanese
Kawa means "river, stream" and jiri comes from shiri meaning "rear, behind".
Kawakame Japanese (Rare)
Kawa means "river" and kame means "turtoise, turtle".
Kawakatsu Japanese
Kawa means "river, stream" and katsu means "victory".
Kawakita Japanese
川 (Kawa) means "River" and 北 (Kita) means "North".
Kawamoto Japanese
From Japanese 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream" and 本 (moto) meaning "base, root, origin".
Kawanaka Japanese
From Japanese 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream" and 中 (naka) meaning "middle".
Kawanichi Japanese
Kawa means "river, stream" and nichi means "sun, day".
Kawanishi Japanese
From Japanese 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream" and 西 (nishi) meaning "west".
Kawano Japanese
From the Japanese 川 or 河 (kawa or gawa) meaning "river, stream" and 野 (no) meaning "field, plain, wilderness."
Kawase Japanese
From Japanese 川 (kawa) or 河 (kawa) both meaning "river, stream" and 瀬 (se) meaning "ripple, rapids, current".
Kawashita Japanese
Kawa means "river, stream" and shita means "under, below".
Kawasugi Japanese
Kawa means "river, stream" and sugi means "cedar".
Kawatani Japanese
Kawa means "river, stream" and tani means "valley".
Kawato Japanese
From 川 (kawa) meaning "river, stream" and 戸 (do) meaning "door".
Kawauchi Japanese
From Japanese 河 (kawa) or 川 (kawa) meaning "river" combined with 内 (uchi) meaning "inside".
Kaya Japanese
From 賀 (ka) meaning "congratulate", combined with 屋 (ya) meaning "house, shop".
Kayama Japanese
From Japanese 加 (ka) meaning "increase, add" and 山 (yama) meaning "mountain".
Kayano Japanese (Rare), Brazilian
Kaya means "yew tree",and No means "field,meadow,wilderness".People with this last name are Kayano Gonbei (a samurai),Ai Kayano(a voice actress of MANY characters /more than 30),and Shigeru Kayano(an Ainu politician who lived well up to 2006)... [more]
Kaze Japanese
Kaze means "wind".