Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
BoomhouwerDutch Occupational name meaning "woodcutter", from boom "tree" and houwen "to hew, chop". Compare German Baumhauer.
FleischhackerGerman, Jewish Occupational name for a butcher from German fleisch "flesh meat", and an agent derivative of hacken "to chop or cut".
HauschildGerman Possibly from German haus "house" or hauen "to chop, to hack" combined with schild "shield".
HexspoorDutch Derived from Middle Dutch hicken "to pick, to chop" and spoor "spur", a nickname for a rider who often spurred on their horse.
HowdyshellAmerican, German Americanized (i.e., Anglicized) form of the Swiss German Haudenschild, which originated as a nickname for a ferocious soldier, literally meaning "hack the shield" from Middle High German houwen "to chop or hack" (imperative houw) combined with den (accusative form of the definite article) and schilt "shield".
KotliEstonian Kotli is an Estonian surname possibly derived from "kotlet" meaning "cutlet" or "chop"
SchopenhauerGerman Derived from German schöpfen meaning "to scoop, ladle" and hauen meaning "to chop", referring to a maker of wooden and metal scoops and buckets. This name was borne by the German pessimist philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), the author of the 1818 book The World as Will and Representation among other works.